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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I vaguely remember having used ePSXe and it was the one that would freeze with FF8... can anyone confirm that this is not true?
  2. Good stuff, fantastic solo, I thought the arrangement was a bit straight-forward.
  3. Yes, they are obnoxiously huge... :-D I was going to change it back but moving to the new computer, I have my old sig txt file on a backup drive somewhere. ^_^ HAH!

  4. You guys were right, I installed Orange Box from disc but now it's downloading updates for every game, TF2 is now at 57% o.O
  5. Hi I own a legal PlayStation 1 (yes, it still works perfectly) and I have FF8 and FF9 discs as well as many others... I want to legally emulate these games that I own on a PSX emulator, which is also legal to use, because I have a PSX. Can someone help me out? I think I tried to emulate FF8 a couple years ago during the slow parts of class but it froze at the second Laguna segment and I could never continue. Why am I emulating? Because I don't like the bad quality of the PSX when you hook it to an HDTV, I'd rather play it on the computer and have it show in widescreen without any video defects. Thanks I almost considered buying a PS3 just to get these 3 games on there.. ff7, ff8, and ff9 which is coming out June 15th (my cat's birthday)
  6. Oh dang it Dj Mokram, I was totally gonna surprise you with a song but I lost track of what day it was. Now I've got a new computer and no programs installed and the amp is still upstairs. x_x It might take a few moar days.
  7. There's a buttload of 3/4 songs by Nobuo Uematsu on FF8... one of my favorite FF OSTs
  8. Hi. I am installing Steam and such.. hopefully I can install tf2 from disc, instead of downloading it. o_o Anyway, not sure if I'm doing this right, but here's my Steam for the adding: http://steamcommunity.com/id/brandons Looking forward to TF2ing with ya'll if my computer runs it.
  9. Sonic Adventure for the win. I beat it and don't remember it at all. It'll be great to beat it again!
  10. Notice the handle, it can be held on to. I can just see it now, a whole bunch of OCRtists running around with their 25-key MIDI keyboard, making sweet beats and technos in FL Studio. It'd be useful for smaller studios, or use with a laptop or netbook on the go. I wonder if it actually requires MIDI cables though, which probably next to nobody actually uses. Link or it didn't happen: http://kotaku.com/5560679/rock-band-3-playing-the-new-keyboard-102-button-guitar-controller
  11. I didn't call anybody anything. Though I can see where that over-the-top response kinda makes it look like I did. The response with no care for my Christianity in taking God's name in vain, heh. But who am I to argue which offense takes priority. They should all be the same.
  12. ...Actually I don't think that needs to be taken out of context.
  13. Well fer one thing Dragon breath, you wouldn't spell it! You'd shout it with a heavy metal fervor. Also for the record, it's pronounced the same way as Gutterworm. Hey, we could call the band Gvttyrwyrm and the first CD could be called Damaged Emblem. I did write lyrics for Always Wrong, but I got too drunk and recorded the vocals out of time and with completely slurred words. It was hilarious. I'm hooking up a new 64-bit computer so it'll take a couple days, but I'll be back in recording mode after setting it up!
  14. [NO RACIAL SLURS] - DarkeSword wrong :z It wasn't directed at anyone, it was a movie poster from a less complicated time. I am sorry if anyone saw it and was offended by it.
  15. So when we are done, we email the mp3s to the requestee?
  16. I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to do 1400 bro.. ! You think you could do it with Stevo? That'd be a huuge favor
  17. Holy crap, how did you get 34,470 posts? I haven't seen you all over every thread constantly. O_O

    And... what I came here to say.. I'm gonna try recording that new Hurry now, hope I have time. o_o

  18. ProjectSpam gots to hire three females, aged 18 to 25 to perform vocals. The London Philharmonic must also be brought in for a few orchestral snippets here and there. The ghost of Isaac Hayes will record a single dialogue line, namely "I wish I hadn't got on the tredmill that day." Two acoustic guitars, one fully made of wood, the other electric/acoustic. A bass guitar made from the remains of a cereal box. All of these elements combined will make a horrible song, but I'm really looking forward to what you come up with instead.
  19. I just woke up and can barely move from spine pain, which will go away after I drhink my tea and my bones loosen up.. what did I miss.. you guys are talking like the list was released. First time I heard Snow's Theme, I thought it sounded already remixed.. so the best way to remix it would be to unremix it by turning it into Chiptune. Yeah, It's a very beautiful song. It's one of those songs that makes people forget to play the game and just sit there at whichever part of the village, listening to it. I've done that... Good luck with it, sir I'll do my best
  20. You should open a store in San Andreas called EmuNation

  21. That stinks. It'd almost be worth it to talk over Skype but also have someone using video cameras, on each of you, then splice that footage together for streaming on the internets. Or, rip the audio from the video cameras after it gets spliced.
  22. Maybe it's safer to say that everyone should plug their butts for the time being. Or at least hide them / disguise them as something else.
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