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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Dang, you guys are awesome. Even my SS, I'm sure it's just some cray thang that happened, post office's grudge against me due to having 15 steps up to the house. I keep listening for a thud or a broken window but they aren't even throwing the packages up here right now.
  2. Forgive me for not knowing but who was it that said you had to be done by January 31st? I don't see how the album could be close to coming out by then... not to even mention the few albums that are in front of this 1 for release. But maybe I just don't know what the heck is going on here which could be the case since it's not overly transparent. AS for this painting. Wow, very nice work. The thing that struck me as odd is how in the 2 pictures, the manner that Steiner has been "humanized". He has been made to look more "normal" in these paintings whereas in the game he has a weird type of Pinocchio look to him. Pic http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130321032140/finalfantasy/images/b/b5/Adelbert_Steiner_character.jpg Not saying it's wrong or anything and the artistic interpretation is pretty awesome. Just saying it initially struck me as odd just due to him not looking absolutely ridiculous with the Jay Leno chin proportions and stuff like that. GBK666 are you in charge of the art? Is there any way you could have someone draw a character from FF9 as Nicolas Cage (or Nicolas Cage as a character from FF9) Just for personal reasons I guess. :3 Cause I kinda want to see that and I couldn't do it meself... all I could do was put a Cage voice clip in one of my songs for the album...
  3. Would love to see some new Palpable and DragonAvenger mixes. Maybe you 2 could collab?
  4. I don't know who my secret santa is but I got a few gifts from nice people that I think deserve some thanks for... Huge thanks to Rexy (who said she wasn't my SS) for sending Shovel Knight and Final Fantasy III and Shaggy (might be my SS? i was his SS) for sending Final Fantasy IV! I got so many final fantasies on steam now that I need to play. The spirit of giving is strong with this community thanks friends!
  5. But you cannot write my essence on a post-it note.
  6. seems like I never do any of the resolution things... failed all 3 of the ones I had for this year :3 my resolution for this year is to live Gotye's somebody that i used to know
  7. It'd have less newer ones but it'd have more post-3000 mixes And maybe putting a strong emphasis on the difference over the years would get people to check out the newest stuff when they see the brand new samples!
  8. That's a fair point and you're not wrong at all It's just different opinions on "newer" mixes.. 2500 was posted in 2012, so by tomorrow that'll be a few years old. There were 7 choices that were past 2500 out of 25... Still it's not a huge deal, the choices are representative of individuals and what they dig or are familiar with -- Chimpazilla picked 3 that were all post-2500 so nearly half of all the post-2500 choices. It's not my place to say WHAT people should pick of course. But if you guys had picked for each person choosing, say, 1 old mix, 1 mid-age mix and 1 modern mix to represent OCR and its evolution over the years that would have been cool and maybe a little more balanced
  9. The first, eh? Is it also the best? Where's the other 12?
  10. Yes indeedidly, you still have time to claim/make something Just let me know what you have in mind. You could upload it to dropbox and PM me a link on the forums here! Hooray! Looking forward to it I already know it's gonna rock. Love your work, good luck!
  11. Realistically I'd think not many... I mean, I see all the time stuff getting rejected for very small production or structural issues. That's all sub-1000 mixes were. But maybe that's just my opinion. Definitely would love to see OCR shout out some newer mixes when they do these articles. No offense intended to sub1000 mixes, it was a different time. Here's my favorite sub1000s http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00690 http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00814
  12. 1. Ezio Auditore 2. Purple Tentacle 3. Spyro you already have one my friend, you already have one !
  13. HAR!! That's listed as the first highlight? SOLD!!
  14. Man, Red Faction Geurilla's online multiplayer was SO good when I had people to play it with... they had a game mode where the other team tried to destroy your building that you had to protect... everyone runnin around with giant hammers taking down structures.. it was amazing
  15. I'm still waiting for OCRFest 1 which will be hosted in djp's house and charperoned by Larry I'd pay for a ticket to that
  16. Interesting date! I think I'll probably drop 95% of the projects I'm on if they're not done by then mainly due to Bloodborne coming out in February. We'll see what happens But I can tell you 100% I WILL BE MAKING Theme of Nicolas Cage Belmont for this album it's gonna be amazing and there's NO chance i will drop it ever
  17. Am I your victim Koriantor? Bwahah! I was gonna ask how many people were left to receive something but maybe that would give away who is getting from who, maybe best not to say
  18. Oooooh yeah there's a lot of amazing talent on youtube. You can trust posted remixers about as far as you can throw them which in most cases isn't very far it's always nice to get talent from other communities to fill in some of the blanks I'll behave with my WIP! Awesome ACOUSTIC / FLUTE wip of violent breathing! violently we play the flute
  19. I'm a 27 year old adult male. I got to work a double and make some overtime pay. Parents got me new shoes, brought me Christmas food at work, and mom even made me some peanut butter fudge. It was a pretty great day. I didn't even ask for anything cause, like I said, I'm an adult male.
  20. Let's start a new FF9 album! With metal! And metal! And... ok nevermind.. just be patient guys, and be glad it's not an all-metal album like it may have been once upon a time Merry Christmas.
  21. I think I'll take Violent Breathing I have a decent idea for it but am super thankful I don't need to start until February on the substantial WIP. Will get to you soon with something to start. Got lots of stuff going on so I'm a bit busy. This project is in good hands now though and I got lots of faith in it! Good luck Garpocalypse and send me a message if you ever want some advice! (my advice will basically be to use Patience and Time™)
  22. GIVE ME. CHOCOBO On a related note, here's an info dump for FF15, about to read it -- thought I'd post it here before I forgote: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/12/23/massive-final-fantasy-xv-information-dump-renting-chocobos/
  23. I would like to play as BABYMETAL. Maybe in the next game. . .
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