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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Women are valuable in raids and usually less obnoxious with the voice chat, they may not always get the raid gear but they fight like they're gonna get it
  2. Eat the fooood! Happy thanksgiving all and God bless
  3. This is awesome, like what it'd sound like if Iced Earth remixed Kirby. Nice production and pretty awesome lead guitars as well. I dig the rhythm tones a lot. HOORAY for blastbeats! It's time for a blast-feast! *badpun*
  4. I clicked on that SO FAST when I thought it was the blu-ray --but didn't take nothing. Thanks though !!
  5. They showed so much of the combat for so long that I actually thought it was a breath of fresh air when they finally showed the trailer with battles disabled just so we could see what the open world looked like. That's the one thing that had been missing all these years, we had no idea what the world was going to look like.. now we know.
  6. Just gonna put this out there -- November is almost over and I haven't even had time to start something... if this runs to the end of the year, that's fine! I'll keep adding songs to the first post as they come in. edit: oh wait, this got moved? ok then
  7. After a bunch of rounds of Iron Banner with Riboseman we saw a guy in the tower named TyrannosaurusRekt, I think that accurately describes how rekt we got. Seems like there's certain weapons that are more effective though so I'm gonna give that a shot. Gotta hit rank 4 so I can get my Iron Banner gloves so I can hit level 30.
  8. I live 5 minutes outside of Ohio and I went to college there so I proclaim myself official Ohio remixer of pseudohioness
  9. You like arriving but not traveling!? But you love RPGs!? How does that work? Most of your time in RPGs is spent running across a world map and battling. The fact that you're in a car this time just speeds up the travel a lot. But you could still get out and run without the car. Man I can't believe that, maybe you just haven't traveled with the right people yet? You oughta visit sometime, we can go on a manly road trip, it'd be awesome.
  10. Press X for Premium ...that'll be 500 gil. Then a bunch of disgruntled grunts about how gas would be half that price if the politicians weren't so evil, people saying "I'm gonna go exclusively Chocobo after this" The jokes are funny but this is a super unique idea for a game storyline and I'm excited for it. You really never see this, especially in mainstream type RPGs, a genre that ALWAYS has female fronting characters of some kind. Not to mention it's kinda the opposite of Final Fantasy X-2 which was a completely female-fronted game, no male playable characters, but a few subtle shots of Tidus here and there (that's how I expect "Stella" or "Luna" to appear in FFXV, non-playable but a big part of story/motivations)
  11. I thought your name was familiar PokerusVGM, I recognized you from DoD! Yes, I think you will do very well here! It will be great to have you on board. I can mark you down for that song, thank you.
  12. The footage blew my mind. So pumped for this game.
  13. I did and I should send out some feedback on it today or tomorrow (if I forget please remind me, worst case scenario I'll get to it tomorrow around 11pm) I apologize for the slowness, personal stuff. I also got a WIP from Wildfire so I'll comment on that too at the same time. THANK YOU both for making WIPs! It definitely looks like this'll be a long-haul album but we will get there and it'll be sweet. Excited and looking forward to checking out these WIPs as soon as I can!
  14. Nope it's not too late! Just hook me up with some samples of your work, and which song you would be interested in grabbing.. send some of your best, most self-representative stuff
  15. Games succeed on word of mouth and review scores, but check it out for yourself if you respect Sonic/Sega before you decide not to support them As for it being bad, did anyone really expect it to be good? It's targeted at kids so it might not conform to your standards anyway.
  16. Had an interesting run-in this morning on my new level 24 warlock... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFwcUqulkQ0
  17. I have met a lot of other players in Destiny who are men who are playing female characters, like hunter class. I have a male Titan and a female Hunter and Warlock. Doesn't seem like anyone questions it or comments on it at all, it's just part of experiencing the game content (other voice actors, gestures, etc) I think they did it right with that game and it's weird that nobody comments on it when games get it right.
  18. Happy birthday Timo! Keep drinking your dairy and one day you'll be as strong as me! Also in the infamously blunt words of Blunt, "You're beautiful!"
  19. no. that's what happens when both your parents work for the post office. but they're retired now.
  20. I don't know how to mail packages. Do you just take your items to the post office and they do it for you or do you need a box in advance, and stuff? Not that it matters cause services like Amazon and stuff exist I'm just curious, I used to have connections at the post office who did that stuff for me but they've dried up edit: signed the thinger
  21. Ask next December! They're gonna rename the album to "Years Apart" XD Just being cheeky
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