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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Gamer gate is dumb because you have gamer gate full of gullible trolls and buttjerks and you have anti-gamergate who are basically setting up women to be targeted by gamergate.. it's just a big embarrassing clusterhump. FWIW I did add GG to the title but I can remove it if anyone objects to it being there. I'm ready to not talk about gg anymore
  2. Free?!? FREE!? f....free? *tear of joy* I mean most of the new songs are mine so I'mma pass
  3. Yeah, unfortunately... gotta have 3 Xbox Live players.. maybe you've got friends? Could invite them too. Took me forever to get PS4 clan members and now they're all up the wazoo. Leveled my new Titan from 7 to 15 this morning, took a few hours... It looks like bounties really are the way to go. You can get 5000XP a pop for them and if you somehow manage to turn in 5 bounties you'd probably go up 2 and a half levels just from that.. I dunno, crazy. I got rares in my vault so when I hit 20 I'll go right up to light level 24. Looks like I can't buy legendaries for my alt so I'll probably be stuck around 25 for a while Buying exotics from Xur on the weekend, of course....
  4. Huhhaw I like my transformation from red raiding badass to white bird in a tree. I think we could definitely get a group of people together to cheese Phogoth, just make sure they know what we're doing and don't run around like A-Holes! If you go to the room previous to the one we cheese from, it resets the enemy spawns so they come back. If you go to the room ahead it has that spinny orb that shoots death rays. Gotta get an arc damage sniper, shoot phogoth from the 2nd room, NOBODY go back to the third room, and just chill until he's dead. I think we can do it.. just let me know when you wanna try, I don't think I have an arc sniper but I'm good at chillin' We'll be doing the raid again on normal difficulty around 7PM EST tonight (Wednesday). If you're around level 26, you should join us!
  5. Nightfall is aaawful, we probably won't be able to do it. Couldn't do it with three level28s Yeah nothing to say about this new raid, a lot of shards and a Chatterwhite shader. But we missed 1 chest somehow, it disappeared before we could get it. I agree that we need some OCR clan folks for raids and nightfall
  6. Naw mane you gotta hit level 5 billion to catch up with us! We just finished the Vault of Glass earlier, ebuch's got the vacation photos to put up later. I ended with 25 shards, who-cares how many energy, a legendary sparrow, legendary vault cloak, Plan C exotic fusion rifle, another exotic Truth rocket launcher, and a legendary rocket launcher.. not the best weapon drops in general and no armor. WE MUST GO AGAIN. But hard is level 30? We'll get rekt. D: edit: I'll definitely run around with you sometime hoboka, but take on crucible bounties to get your rank up to buy legendaries... or vanguard bounties, whichever is easier for ya
  7. Maybe if we can get a bunch of new crummy sites, at least they'll be ethical? hehe Seems like a solid plan...
  8. Not sure it's necessary. Then all it takes is for you listing something as quirky that the artist did not intend as quirky for feelings to be hurt. For example I never intended Ethnic Rush to be quirky but I see it on the list -- I realize it's so old that the production is laughable but that certainly wasn't the goal, haha.. It's quirky now cause it sucks 3 shades of dung.
  9. This whole thing could have been avoided if they just didn't call themselves journalists They should stick with bloggers to be safe
  10. I said shitty articles to this day and no show of remorse or apology..... I wasn't really saying that they're posting corrupt stuff, just that they refuse to acknowledge their involvement (for the most part) in the stuff that has already happened, though that link psychowolf shared was eye opening Honestly though, I'm about tired of gamer gate. Any usefulness it could have had in reforming game journalism has been lost in the mountain of poo. I'd personally love to see articles that are just press releases. I'll see a retweet or a promoted tweet of random articles and just groan at how awful they are.
  11. Get someone to carry you through the weekly nightfall if you can when it refreshes Tuesday then you'll get like a 20% EXP increase on everything so when you turn in your bounties you get extra rank then hit rank 2 and buy hella legendaries I personally did Crucible and I think it's quicker but other people joined factions and iunno it's really up to you which one you wanna do, eventually you can rank them all up
  12. Just added you with the phone app.. I didn't realize it was you before cause I didn't read the included message. We've got half of a team ready for a Vault of Glass raid. Ebuch and I are level 27 and Lucavi00 is catching up pretty quick. Vault of Glass on normal is a level 26 raid so I think as soon as people hit that, we should be good to go. If you have 13 Strange Coins make sure you hit up Xur in the hangar of the Tower before 5am tomorrow when he leaves, or else you'll have to wait until next Friday.
  13. Hey, would we get rewards for every time we do the weekly nightfall, or only the first time? :-D

  14. I honestly can't say for sure what is next, but it's been submitted for eval since May so it should be getting close. Like I said earlier on in the thread 9 of the songs had already passed the panel so that should have also helped make the eval easier but who knows When it gets closer to time that I know anything at all, I want to try to do a listening party on Twitch that people can tune into and hear the album in advance, other people are also going to be allowed to do listening parties but I'm not going to specifically schedule those and they'll have to do it on their own - the twitch one will be the major listening party, and it'll be a little more whimsical than usual and might include some kind of audience participation from the comments.
  15. Very well said, very important message I think. I hope people read & consider this.
  16. Should someone abandon the label "atheism" because a lot of atheists are douchebags? It's easy to say "A lot of X are Y" in any group, but the actual ratio of let's say WBC members (39 total members) versus Christians (76% of US Population) is pretty huge. Likewise I would suggest most atheists aren't douchebags, but it's an easy comment to make if your entire goal is specifically to offend someone rather than to make a point. And in the example of North Korea I'd say most are probably not truly atheist, and are more-likely oppressed in what they have the freedom to say/do/believe/etc. It's not really the same, either. This is 2 different groups, basically. The initial movement that Larry outlined pretty well concerning corruption in games journalism, and the second group that piggybacked on it when it hit twitter and turned into an anonymous trolling platform. In this case it'd probably be good to split into a new name, maybe not even bother with twitter, because the issue of corruption in games journalism has been all but forgotten, and gaming websites know this. They snarkily post shitty articles still, to this day, with no sense of remorse or apology for anything.
  17. I was listening to the album the other night and it really struck me how much of a narrative there is between the songs -- It really feels like a cohesive adventure in a way, "Snakeyes" leads perfectly into "Grind the Crank" and "Personification of Evil" is a perfect lead in and sets the tone for "A Kingdom Fallen" among so many other special moments on there. Can't wait for you guys to hear it.
  18. YAAA BLOODBORNE I'm gonna grab it, what's your Dark Souls album called, Souls of Darkness? Ha @ title.. but yah.. will check it out! Thanks!
  19. I finally hit level 26 cause I got my Crucible rank up to level 2 and had enough marks to buy all the legendaries... got 16 strange coins for Xur on the weekend if he's selling an Exotic Hunter helm. So my question is, who has tried the Vault of Glass yet, and who is working towards that? Had a heck of a good time playing with ebuch the other night, got my legendaries right after we stopped playing together. Not sure what being lvl26 actually changes apart from defense amount and item perks.. got a pretty great legendary Auto Rifle called Doctor Nope right before they released a patch nerfing auto rifles. :/
  20. Hooray 4 days until the WIP date, let's see if we can get some more WIPs in! Got one from Chernabogue and it's pretty good, he's gonna find a guitarist, vocal, and probably bassist to perform on it
  21. Join the clan!! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/364804 Between everyone in the clan, we should be able to hit level 26/28 and beyond in order to take on the Vault of Glass and upcoming raids. Not a bad idea to also add people as a friend to see when they're online. Also check out Zircon/Jill's Destiny ReMix, the song plays during the credits which you have to play manually after finishing all the missions You can still join the clan and wear our tag, it works on all platforms! Added some links to first post -- event timer and is Xur in the tower.
  22. TV is a good way to teach your kids about the real world considering everyone else's kids watch TV and they're all little bastards. Better to supervise and explain things to them with a positive moral aspect than to just have other kids doing that for you. :3 You can protect your kid from the controlled environment in your home, but online interactions are not rated by the ESRB, if you get what I'm sayin. edit: I'm speaking from experience having been a kid who got corrupted by other kids, not as a parent, so take it with a grain of sand.
  23. What's really sad is that I made a song for last OC Christmas for an album I was planning to finish this year and it's still...... not any progress from last January basically. Wondering if I should do it as once a year releases for OC Christmas at this point, hahaha.
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