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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You saying you can't go loud with slate drums? You're slating wrong
  2. Hooray! I didn't realize this was going on! And the bracket is confusing so I can't even tell when I'm supposed to go! edit: My first round was on the 19th? Yeaaaah... I wouldn't have made that anyway, that was the day I wrecked my car and I was in pain that whole time, wouldn't have finished a song. But I'll try next time!
  3. While it's cheeky I disagree that it's trolling. Most game developers shouldn't have to bend to the will of fans on every request -- Bungie is falling into that purgatory right now with the Destiny community, where the fans complain ad nauseum, and since Bungie did stuff that was requested, now it's request central. People are never happy and they don't stop once they get an inch. But on a more major scale, Capcom and its creative developers work on what they are inspired by and want to create. I haven't followed Street Fighter or Capcom super close but from what I've seen they are very friendly with the fans and participate in a lot of fan stuff. They even collaborated with OCR to make a official MM25 album. I doubt they are bitter towards the fans enough to openly troll or purposely disappoint them...
  4. I'm sorry for not finishing Winter yet, I have it sitting all done and written except no acoustic guitars recorded yet. I don't know why it sat so long, I like the remix a lot. Just never got back to it. I'll try to fix that. As for Rumbling I'll still be doing that one if it's ok. But I haven't started on it yet.
  5. So what are your predictions for what Xur will be selling tomorrow? Every week people have been crying for the Gjallarhorn. Xur sold Ice Breaker a couple weeks ago, and No Land Beyond last week, which was a total waste of time because it's the worst gun in the game. (And he's sold it 3 times since the DLC game out.) Personally I think he's still going to upset people with Plan C or something similar. Maybe MIDA Multi-Tool which I'd actually get. But will he sell the Gjallarhorn? Chances seem high but also it might never happen. That's RNG for you! Has anyone got the Crux of Crota yet? edit: Xur sold the same crud as he did a few weeks ago not even worth posting about.... he's gone now. Good riddance!
  6. Why does Capcom have to keep making Mega Man games like Sega keep making Sonic games?? Let that sink in..... Meanwhile nobody really played Remember Me which was an amazing game that Capcom published. I'm still excited for deep down even if it's f2p
  7. I agree with Chernabogue and thinks he makes some great points, I'd like to see more transparency with albums that are in limbo like this one.
  8. Pros: - Cons: - Didn't go Maybe I'll see you people again someday. I'm just glad it's over so we can all get back to work.
  9. I submitted Legendary to the panel on May 17th, 2014 and you guys are almost up to it in the inbox so I was wondering if that sub is void and will be passed over? Or if I could sub something else in its place. I only have 1 song at the moment I could sub in for it if it's allowed, just thought I'd ask. !! Not trying to tiptoe around the rules or anything, it's just an "empty" sub since it was already posted in a flood. My next sub after that was on June 27th which was more than 3 weeks between I mean....... if you even need more brandon mixes!! right? ________________ Also on this post http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03073 it's listing the composers as individual people rather than as the group (The National) in addition to other composers that didn't have a part in the song... that seems odd and was wondering if it could be fixed or simplified in some way? When the eventual Blind Guardian remix gets done how is it going to be credited? Maybe thinking too far ahead Are the names just being pulled from a database or were they entered manually?
  10. Monthly payments is the 1 thing that keeps me away from traditional MMOs but I haven't heard really good stuff about this game either. But it is now on my radar thanks to this news.
  11. Sad about Guifrog dropping out, he's been a VV staple for a while.. good luck to Mr. Dillard, it should be good!
  12. They're both great, but did you say the first person made the album cover for this FF9 album? Where was that one at? And also are these much smaller versions of bigger pictures?
  13. That's cool, thanks Timaeus! I liked the delivery but with spoken parts that soft it can be difficult to give them clarity. I look forward to seeing how you tackle it! As for the next WIP date... well stuff came up so I'm a little slow on that, sorry
  14. It's newer than most of my mixes for the album and it looks awesome! Nice work!
  15. No. That's a horrible idea. Err wait, I mean, yes! Yay! I got confused for a second
  16. Oh sure! MAGFEST! That thing I'm not going to! Well I'm gonna host my own talkback, with blackjack, and hookers... ahh forget the whole thing!
  17. I'm excited for the release and hope people will like my songs even though they're a little older, I still think they are really good... the orchestration in particular is one that i still show to people when they're curious about my orchestration work.. good luck with the eval!
  18. I forgot but I might pop in for next week's thing. I don't work on Friday nights anymore.
  19. It's a good WIP but it'll be a nice ReMix when it's completed! I know that feeling though. I've been a little lenient with the WIP stuff... realized some people I hadn't even talked to since July... that was a long time ago. So as a result of that there wasn't a whole ton of movement except from the very dedicated. I'll be in touch with some people and if you check the listing there is already some stuff that was up for grabs which is now just in the unclaimed list. This here is a friendly reminder to please pop in some WIPs! I'll be reverting everyone back to RED once the deadline hits, except for people who have recently sent in a WIP. This will make it easier for me to remember who I have contacted about WIPs and which WIPs have been received. As a last note please don't be discouraged by the lack of movement or updates between remixers and OCR itself, these things are common and expected to a degree -- and these things have never stopped albums from coming together in the past. You're the most important part of that. You've just got to choose to be a part of something amazing and have faith that everything will work out in the end.
  20. You're growing into a nice lil darkesword
  21. You're level 27 so we could cheese you through the first half of the new raid just to get a chance at raid gear drops (starts at light 30) which would save you a lot of hassle having to buy inferior vender items. It's up to you. Also in case you didn't know, the Vault of Glass armor is obsolete and the weapons haven't been buffed (with the exception of Vex Mythoclast). People still swear by Fatebringer -- and Found Verdict in the Crucible. On the other hand if you wanted to do Crota legit the first time you pretty much have to be level 30... so... *shrug* And if you manage to find an Icebreaker or a Gjallarhorn you'll be set for life basically.
  22. The trick is you have to start out depressed, so when you finish the song you feel a sense of accomplishment. It's not unusual to work that long on a song, at least not for me. :3 I once spent every waking hour on music, no exaggeration.
  23. Yes, it has all been really awesome so far! Sneaking in an art with Nicolas Cage as a character from FF9 would be the icing on the cake, especially if it somehow makes it into the art pack for the album!
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