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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Oh sorry, that shipment was meant for someone else. You were supposed to get the box with the dead kittens inside. They were alive when it was shipped but I forgot to put holes in the box.
  2. So many strong opinions, so little patience and time to argue with them... I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain how wrong some of those statements were! If you ever played Kingdom Hearts, you know a game can have a substantial story and playtime despite being an action game!
  3. Cool, I stand corrected and I honestly did not know that! Because I haven't read the submission/content policy page for like... 4 years
  4. I don't think remixers can really say whether or not, the rights are OCR's once the song is posted... but use mine anyway you have my permission
  5. Same here, but considering you (linkspast) had me LAST year, I highly doubt you got me again this year! But who knows. It's not Christmas yet. There's still a few days. And even then, I'll just be working a double on the 25th anyway so if mine comes in a little late, so be it.
  6. This is the first year in a long time I'm not participating in the Steam sale, and the silly holiday trading card game that takes up way too much time and dedication... mainly because I still have too many unplayed games from the last Steam sale, and the sale before that... and probably the one before that -- you know what I'm talking about. Another part of it is that I've become a filthy casual who would rather pay a little more to get the games on a dedicated console that can play them fine without my PC crashing, needing updates, or other things that frequently occur in PC gaming. The graphics quality rat race. It's gotten to the point that chrome autocompletes "store." to "store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com" instead of "store.steampowered.com". I know I'm casualized console scum now but I'll be back to PC gaming someday. So I really appreciate the gifts I've gotten recently (Shovel Knight, Final Fantasy III, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 and 2) In conclusion, merry gaming Christmas everyone, regardless of what system you're on... and enjoy those Steam sales! If there's anything enticing for me, I'll hop on it -- but I'm holding out for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare at $20 or less.
  7. Yup! And interesting tidbit, she's Cindy in English, and Cidney in the Japanese version -- from what I heard anyway. Which is a little sad. The names should have been kept the same.
  8. Here's a new trailer and it actually has ENGLISH voice-over! Awesome!
  9. Awesome! What is Sega Mixer Drive doing for the event?
  10. Oh man one day left?! I dunno how I lost track of time but I also don't care for orphans so unfortunately I might be boned this year
  11. Try lowering your goal to $5,000 or $6,000 tops. You could only justify asking for 30k if you're hiring the London Philharmonic
  12. They're all parody sites because gaming is a joke (and/or gamers are dead)! Haven't you heard?! I'm excited about the ability to look at The Last Guardian screenshots in the PS4 browser, that's pretty awesome! ZOLTAN!! They're still working on The Last Guardian. They made a lot of statements about still working on it through E3 and TGS, etc... they wouldn't mention it still being in progress if it wasn't. There's no reason to keep people hoping if it's cancelled. Stringing people along so long if there's NO game will only result in a lot of people hating Sony, which is typically not what companies set out to accomplish.
  13. That's an easy mistake a lot of people make. If you don't have a following, you're not going to get a lot of backers -- even if what you make is amazing; that's kind of irrelevant.
  14. Whoever lowered gas to $2.69 after I got it for $2.89 you can shove your holiday spirit up your bum. Still waiting on mine but my porch is so covered with packages and stuff now, I don't even know what's what. Going away this weekend for our Christmas so I'll just toss everything in the car and figure it out later.
  15. I just sent you all my bills. Merry Christmas
  16. I can always count on Larry to have the best taste. Thanks for the shout out and nice words, and happy birthday to OCR!
  17. Ewww you mean some of us Americans have to receive a package from filthy foreigners?
  18. I'm not completely sure if I'm pulling mine yet, but I definitely intend to get the vocals done for Chernabogue's
  19. Setting WIP dates in December is always a little silly. I'd say take it easy for the rest of the year. Not even sure what date I'll set for next year, I'll give it some thought. Thank you all for your hard work so far.
  20. All the rage now is hitting level 31, and eventually 32. Yes, the new expansion, The Dark Below, has released. Even people who did not buy the expansion can get the new armor at the vendors. Going with the Vanguard to get your legendaries is still what I recommend to hit level 31 as fast as possible. You'll gain marks and reputation with tiger strikes (among many other things) and vanguard commendations once you start ranking up. That's all you need to hit level 31. But you guys should get the expansion pass. I dunno if any of you played the Vault of Glass, but Crota's End is basically 3 times better than that raid. It makes it look like an early experiment by comparison, which makes sense, if you think about it.
  21. Yeah and also keep in mind people may be listening for the live performance so if it's not there you might get lower vote. :3
  22. Na. I used to do achievements on Xbox360 to get 1000g before I realized it wasn't fun
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