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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. MORE MONEY FOR ME!! Mua ha ha ha! Uhhmm... so when is this due? I was thinking I might start on it tomorrow or Thursday if it ends on Sunday..
  2. I kontakted people about it back when it finished but a lot of folks either didn't respond or seemed kinda hesitant about it, or said they'd work on it more then I didn't hear more.. but to be fair I didn't follow up a whole lot about it. It might be a good Spring effort later on this year, to get it all wrapped together into something.
  3. Resident Evil remaster has become Capcom's fastest selling digital title despite its issues It's not Mega Man but Capcom has other stuff going on
  4. Cray. It hasn't had an official release yet, maybe one day. The details and tracklist would probably be subject to change when that happened. But anyway! And congrats to Chimpazilla whose FFCC mix was posted to OCR today!
  5. I have m-audio keystation pro 88 and its fully weighted but I dont think they make it anymore. Its like 70lbs anyway and very big. The semi one might be good
  6. Yurp yurp! Good luck with it, don't let me down! :nicework:

  7. Play Destiny while you're at it! I found it to be more rewarding than D3 but ymmv
  8. Get a flippin' job! There's no money in haiku's. Go flip some burgers
  9. I canceled because swapping discs is a pain in the ass and I haven't taken Destiny out for over 6 months... Wish I had got it digital. Love that game. Makes me load slower with disc. EDIT: But the demo only comes with the day 1 edition so if they don't put it up digital I'm gonna have to order it again and pay extra to get it from Amazon... GRRRRRRRR
  10. I work at a blood bank! We take collections of silence from people like Mr. Lemon ...lemon squeeze.... ok sorry
  11. Thanks zyko I made it for DoD like right after I wrecked my car and it hurt like a bitch to get it done, haha. I guess I really am nuts. My back was so sore and stiff I couldn't stand up straight or sit down comfortably. But that's the sacrifice we make for our art, right? I hope you guys like it anyways And I'm super excited for the demo, but I'm bummed type-0 isn't up for digital pre-order on PSN. I cancelled my physical pre-order in the middle of last year.
  12. Capcom is far from the toilet! They publish a lot of great games! There's a lot of hype behind deep down... much of the problem is that you can't really make a current gen Mega Man game.. I mean you COULD but it just wouldn't be the same as the old Mega Man. It'd be like how the new Sonic games just aren't as good as the old Sonic games.. they get close sometimes, like with Sonic Colors, but is it worth a bunch of bad games to eventually get 1 decent game? Is that what you want for Mega Man?! Or do you want them to keep making the 16-bit style games? There's not a huge audience for that these days you know. And there'd still be people saying "Oh that's not the REAAAAL Mega Man, that's a perversion of what Mega Man used to be!" How many of you bought Mega Man 9 and 10?
  13. Seeing as how FF15: Episode Ducky is out in 1 month it's not a surprise that there's a new Trailer! I also did a FFXV REMIX!
  14. He is Mega Man, not Best Man -- pretty sure Best Man is the robot master of weddings
  15. No problem son! Sorry it took so long but I'mm finish it up now and PM you back a wav or whatever, I gotta open the pack hahah.. been a little buried :-D

  16. How was it "failed"? Just because it didn't pass the panel? That doesn't mean it failed, you could adjust and resub, or just release it on youtube or something... unless it failed in some other way, I dunno. But with that team it doesn't sound like it would be failed beyond fixing.. ? But that's off topic.. YAAAY NICOLAS CAGE!!
  17. I been sleepin... No worries, I'll grab and mix / finish it when I get up and to da studio!

  18. BOOM! Haahahaha!! I'd bite someone in the face too if they pulled me out of my bed at 6am to ask if I see my shadow. As for Groundhog being 39% accurate.... those are pretty good odds. Think of it like baseball, 39% is a pretty good batting average.. not like legend status.. but not bad.
  19. We got bills to pay But as a side note having 60 mixes posted on OCR has not yet made me the next Hans Zimmer
  20. I've never heard of that, it is hilarious and amazing! The hog say'd: 6 More weeks of winter... not unexpected. It's been a rough one so far, and it's going to be rough for a while yet.
  21. YES! Groundhog day explained: Excerpt: "If you think that Groundhog Day is a dumb pointless holiday, there are 2 things you should consider: (1) you have no sense of fun, and (2) you better be careful on Groundhog Day because in addition to their weather predicting day jobs, these groundhogs also have the magic power to trap you in an infinite time loop until you learn to be less of a jerk." Happy Groundhog Day!
  22. Groundhog Day is a huge Holiday at the Strader households! I would like to wish you all a great Groundhog Day, later we can discuss the outcome of the Groundhog's forecast and in the coming weeks, see how accurate it was. The news is already forecasting more snow for this area, so I can see the Groundhog potentially going in that area as well. We'll see! Yup, I realize I missed it -- just barely. But Groundhog Day is not just a mere day; it is a way of life for a week or two. 2013: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42817 2014: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46207
  23. I for one hope MAGFest 14 stays irrelevant. Forever. CANCEL MAGFEST
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