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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. But I am not patient at all, that was the joke.
  2. [Lost Vikings] Vikings / Tomator ^ can I have a part in that? I played that when I was little. It would have sentimental value for me.
  3. I'm banned from #thasauce for I don't know why or by who, for the last 4 weeks. There's no point compoing if I can't be there for the listening party, so last night was my last compo. I hope you enjoyed it aaaand have fun, bye!
  4. Oh shnappa, I didn't know-a thata. Well now I doa. Hmm.. I'm starting to think the whole screaming thing isn't going to work out. I might just have to credit Biznut as the screamer cause nobody else ever recorded it. It's literally like a 10 minute job and it's probably been over a week. I could ask Biznut if he wants to record a couple more with "different voices", I could record a couple, maybe you and blind could record one or two. I guess we could still go ahead with the "Souls of the Dead" thing if we had 4 people but I just sort of wish we could have got more people interested in doing it, and who would actually do it. As you probably know by now, I'm about as patient as... that's all I got on that joke. I couldn't figure out who was a recognizable patient to make a joke.
  5. Wouldn't this project get one of those OCR-approved forums eventually?
  6. So what's the deal, does one just choose any random game they want with a villain / hero theme and claim it? Isn't there some kind of organized list somewhere?
  7. It's too bad they're not accepting bananas as a currency. ....BANANAS! BANANAS!
  8. Well I haven't heard your WIP, bubbah. Remember I asked but you were all like "meh.. finding a link... would take too long... snore..." I bet it's awesome.
  9. Well that makes one of us. D:

    jk lol

  10. Hello I'm very sorry to I announce that I'm stepping down as the director of the FF9 project. When I started this project, I thought it would be something that brought everybody together to create one of the best album projects that this site has ever seen, but apparently some people had problems with the fact that I was running the project. For the record, I think I do have the ability to direct a project like this but the lack of support from the whole community of remixers would make this difficult and possibly compromise the quality of the music. I've decided to continue with smaller projects for the time being which I hope people will join and support. For now I have chosen Fishy - who originally signed on as a third director - to continue as director. He has given his full support and assured me that he would give great care to this project. I started this project because I wanted to make the greatest Final Fantasy 9 album imaginable. I will continue to support the project and I hope you all will do the same! Best regards, Brandon
  11. Milkyway Wishes and Spring Breeze are pretty much claimed! The other ones are kinda empty.
  12. People can be like me and have no flippin' idea what's going on
  13. If you see this, send the search party ASAP to the location marked on your PDA.

  14. I am getting really annoyed with all of the people who keep yelling drama. There's no drama, I just made a silly seinfeld-esque observation. Am I not spongeworthy? I am not jealous nor arrogant, I thought having someone's name larger than everyone's devalued their contribution. I'm a man of fairness. Well that's that. Anyone who has anything to ask or say feel free to contact me, in the meantime, thread derailed -- time to get back on topic. And to everyone who keeps calling me Oinkness. Come on. I know it doesn't take that long to learn a new name.
  15. I don't start drama, I start Visually-striking Classic Horror™
  16. Current working title for the screamers is "Souls of the Dead"
  17. Yeah but when I asked Morse, I also sent this little ditty And also Morse isn't on the project because of personal family tragedy. So in all honesty, I'm not disappointed with anyone, some shifts were made, some inevitabilities were inevitabilized. Time to move on!! >=D Speaking of which, I finished my revisions tonight. Just waiting on, I think, 2 or 3 people. It's convenient that I did so many tracks I guess, in this regard. Revisions from everyone (everyone being OCRE hehe) are not completely necessary but I think everyone listening would appreciate the extra work and refinement. And yes, the real magic is being done by superjoe and bjkmenu who will become posted mixers with their work. Good luck guise.
  18. Well I didn't say to stop, if it was made in time it could be on the album. Are you telling me he didn't get it done? This is so disappointing.
  19. I think you have to be on ACID to enjoy it That was a joke, yeh silly geese
  20. It wouldn't hurt too much to make a single disc project with just the biggest tracks, which I'm sure would get claimed up pretty quick.
  21. There's some tracks with flaws that they would like to be fixed. I don't have all the details yet, I'm hoping to have it tomorrow night. You're probably safe, Flik, because your song was tight and had the source in it very well. But I'll definitely let you know if there's something they suggest. I really don't know much more than that at this time. Though I am happy to say I think it is likely that there will be 2 people getting their first mixposts! The music was finished to my liking, and I really enjoy the album. But the new "quality assurance"(?) rules are in effect for it. I just hope the people who revisions are requested from will be willing to work with their song one last time!
  22. For those a little skeptical about this, how exactly is it "mashed up"? I usually think of Mash-ups as rap songs with Thomas the tank engine.
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