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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Solid, fireteams are usually 1 to 3 people, so what's your PSN ID? 2 heads are better than one Mine is bestrader
  2. The lack of cross platform play is sad and their reasoning for it is sadder. They couldn't just disable Crucible if that was so important that people on different consoles don't play competitive... how am I s'posed to flesh out my campaign fireteam? :3
  3. Reaper is a much better choice honestly. BONKERS uses that and his remixes are amazing. I don't even think Audition 3 has a functional piano roll for VSTs. Can't comment on Audition CC The built in reverbs and such in Audition 3 are lower quality than what I'd be comfortable using. I can use VSTs though, like Izotope Nectar, on vocal tracks in it. I can use it to record vocals if a session has gotten too large. All in all, not too bad of a deal. :3
  4. I think Larry still uses the "Cool Edit Pro" version of Audition.... I've used that, then Audition first version through Adobe Audition 3.. I use it whenever I finish a song to edit the WAV file (beginning and end silence, and possibly converting a WAV to 16-bit 44KHz depending on how it is encoded when I receive it) Overall the best WAV editing software I've used and it's why I still use it. Really easy for editing silence gaps, like if you're editing an audio book for a client, and need to silence some "throat sounds" between words. Super easy with the round slider in Edit View once you select a range. Back in 2006 I would bounce out WAVs from Fruity Loops, import them into Audition 1.5 or whichever version I had at the time, and record my live stuff along to that. That's what I did for which is super old and bad and shows how much i've improved hah.. ha.....Dunno if any of that was helpful ^ If I'm being honest, Audition 3 is pretty clean and easy to use. Just from looking at that picture of Audition CC it gives me a headache.
  5. This has been blowing my mind lately... Adam Baldwin on Twitter https://twitter.com/AdamBaldwin, and also this guy https://twitter.com/Nero At least with Adam Baldwin he's about the last person I'd expect to take up the flag in support of exposing corruption in games journalism. I would have expected Chuck (if I had to pick out of the cast of Chuck, for arbitrary reasons) These guys seem to be blowing the lid off https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510216951873175553 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510207385018056704 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510206980594860034 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510205815350108160 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510166178757902336 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510170134053654528 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510170310071812097 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510170522328772608 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510171024340836352 https://twitter.com/Nero/status/510178824966144000 Thoughts?
  6. Who has got Destiny on PS4? We need some OCR Fireteams going JOIN the OverClocked ReMix CLAN!! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/364804 We need 3 people to join before we get our clan tag and benefits. Please do so! (hit "Set as PlayStation Clan" or whichever platform you use) Make sure you set your clan and not just join the group! Other useful links! http://destinypublicevents.com/ -- Public events timer to get your daily gold tier events http://www.isxurinthetower.com/ - Is Xur in the tower?! Find the dark snake-faced merchant (follow twitter too)
  7. I'll comment on your mix if you get a post, I promise
  8. I already know which of my songs is being posted in the bad pun title flood
  9. The cello part is extremely problematic. There is a large number of wrong notes and sloppiness in the cello performance -- it's actually rather surprising nobody mentioned that. The low end is such an important frequency and so prominent. For a debut mix, though, not too bad at all. Just needs a LOT of refinement and production improvement which you could hopefully address with future mixes.
  10. Yes! I played this a little bit and it was a lot of fun. Definitely takes a little time to get used to the controls and the speed but then it's pretty rad. Being able to replay to add more score is great.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jmaQi5bIBQ Seems not bad, is it remixes of Doom music or what? Seems kinda plain but it's not too bad. A little production work, tweak the guitar tones, use better synths and boooom, it'll be pretty nice
  12. That goes back to what I was suggesting but obviously probably can't back up is the theory that the 'nerd rage' is far too profitable for Quinn and Sarkeesian. As a side note, if you're running a business, don't have the paypal link to your personal account. That's just.... wrong. Separate it into its own account like it should be. If you go on Rebel Game Jam website and hit donate, it goes to donate to "The Quinnspiracy" rather than Rebel Game Jam -- also, is it NOT EVEN THE LEAST BIT SUSPICIOUS THAT SHE ACCEPTS DONATIONS UNDER THE QUINNSPIRACY, the name given to her situation by the internet. Wtf? lol This Theon Greyjoys of nefarious scheme
  13. Been saying this a lot over the years but I still don't think unloading a bunch of songs at once is fair to the remixers or the music, especially after waiting so many years for it to get out. A consistent schedule of 1 a day would be much more effective in the long run than one month of floods. I do like the project flood idea though
  14. My version of Clementine in Season 2 was accidentally or maybe not accidentally, very dark and kind of cruel. For example, she stood by and watched Kenny beat Carver to death with the crowbar, and earlier in the game basically intimidated Rebecca and said "you had better be nicer to me." and later shot Rebecca in the head without calling for help, but maybe that's not so bad? I don't know. Kind of a tangent here, but all I can say is I am glad her gender/race is never really made into a story point too much. She is who she is, and it's not questioned and doesn't have some kind of exposition behind it. I think comic books in general have... a little bit cheaper writing than other forms of media.. so maybe I shouldn't be overly harsh on Marvel, I dunno. Ironically, Walking Dead is also a comic book series, but the game isn't based on the story of the comic book. Pretty interesting.
  15. I appreciate and understand that even though I don't think Marvel's doing it for the right moral reasons, but I am super happy that it resonates with you and gives such a positive image for so many kids who are probably picking them up. These will be the stories they talk about when they're older, so it's definitely a good step regardless of the motivations behind it. I personally think Marvel is trying too hard with all the stuff they're doing, but whatever works I guess. The part you mentioned about her turning into the white version doesn't sit well with me. It is a strength that should be in the character on her own, not as a revelation like that... you know what I mean? Also I didn't mean to imply that race or gender isn't important, just that it doesn't deter me at all. But it's also not something I would specifically buy a game because of. I got Remember Me because it looked like an awesome game and I wasn't disappointed. I really like that the protagonist in Remember Me is who she is rather than the standard shaved-head buff man which sets unrealistic standards for men (sob, sob, )
  16. You know, Anita is a self-proclaimed non-fan of games, and I kinda have to agree (that she is). As someone who has played games my whole life basically, playing a game with a strong female protagonist doesn't surprise me, or impress me, or make me feel like "Wow this dev team sure is being edgy" or any ridiculous thing like that. I think I grew up during a period where both gender and race relations have improved immeasurably (I cant actually measure it, but it's an obvious contrast). Maybe it's because of my comfort level with humanity, or something? But I tend to focus more on personality and character quality than surface features. I enjoyed Remember Me from DONTNOD / Capcom and while playing it I never thought "Awesome! They made a strong, colored woman protagonist!" I certainly didn't DISREGARD her as being a strong female character, but I think at this point in my life I'm less inclined to focus on a person's gender or race as an identifying factor. I get it, our surface features are important, it's what defines us to some degree, but I think the level of fighting and attempts at shoehorning that can go on is more damaging than just letting stories and characters evolve naturally and as intended by the hive mind (the 300 or so people developing a game, including women and colored people -- sometimes people forget it's not some blob of white straight men who create these things) I just woke up so forgive if I messed anything up here
  17. Here's a couple links for those who don't know much about Quinn or Sarkession. Quinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKmy5OKg6lo Sarkeesian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqJCCnued6c Sarkeesian 2: Just as a personal side opinion, live tweeting for weeks on end, several tweets per hour, about how frustrated you are about "harassment" is the best possible way to stop harassment. Probably easier to get acknowledged there than if you tried to live tweet Duck Dynasty during a new episode. These 2 are definitely creating a platform for trolls, whether you agree or not, that's the situation.
  18. Well in the case of Zoe Quinn she almost literally asked for it. There's countless compendiums of information detailing how she invented the initial "raid" and then encouraged the future stuff. But you know that's not what I was saying. I wasn't blaming a victim, I was pointing out and questioning a business strategy which up to this point has been pretty effective.
  19. I think Zoe Quinn and Anita exploited the idea of raids and abusive tweets to gain notoriety. I'm not saying it's not a problem, but they helped it along, and it helped them along. Not sure where either of them would be without it. Not saying I justify it at all, that's just what it looks like.
  20. I was just emulating what I saw earlier in the thread. I thought that's how people type or something
  21. I dunno, the kind of people who really consider celebrity opinions so much that they could be called to action, are probably dangerous. Sometimes celebrity opinions are fine, but a lot of the time they're uneducated. I'm not going to make too much of a judgement on Whedon's opinion, except that I've thought he is a hack for years, and Firefly was a fluke that for me only became good by the very last episode. It was mainly propelled to quality by the cast, not the writing or anything else.
  22. I'm not sure they get to make the call of whether what they did was improper, the backlash against them is enough evidence of that. But I also think this should be in a different thread as it has nothing to do with the video series the thread was made for. You guys can split it off into a new Quinnspiracy thread, but I want nothing to do with it.
  23. Hmmm they both sounded like Chiptune music to me. I don't guess the sound difference is so large
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