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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Ha ha ha... sure. I bet that'll sound silly

  2. I agree Square-Enix could step back. If they made a game like FF9, at that quality, with cell-shaded graphics or even just painted graphics (think like Dragon's Crown but with 3D movement obviously) it would still be successful, probably moreso than FF15 will be. I look forward to FF15 though and I think the added graphical quality will be amazing. But I'd appreciate a new game like FF9 just as much. I think people embraced Bravely Default here despite it being handheld and having "dated" graphics because it's an amazing RPG and a return to classic Ps1 era FF RPGs. I love JRPGs and FPS games, I think I'd prefer to have some JRPGs. I don't think it's overly saturated especially with there barely being any JRPGs in the last gen and very few coming to the PS4 at the moment. I have to broaden my gaming horizons to include series I wouldn't have previously played like Persona 5 and Ys. I'm starting to think even FF15 might not cure my JRPG itch because it's an action game. We'll have to wait and see. But I can tell you one thing Deadmans Cross was poop. And Mistwalker's Terra Battle will probably be not particularly fun but I'm going to download it anyway because if they get 2 million downloads they're going to make a PS4 version, which will probably be an actual game instead of the phone version.
  3. You know what's funny is that I realized I do have it as a bookmark, but I have it on the Other > Uncategorized mess of bookmarks. This is still the thread I think of when I need to get that link! And be chill Meteo, nobody wants your health to be affected, take your time.. It's been years, it can be years more if it has to.
  4. Uhmmm Zyko is the best, and nobody posting here is proof that this site has gone downhill As for me I said happy birthday on facebook so that's my excuse
  5. No it's not. If you knew a little about the Japanese game industry, you'd know most of the people responsible for making amazing JRPGs are now making poop-laden iOs games. Many of them are prioritizing this, too, for profits I assume. I'm not saying casual gamers are completely to blame for Final Fantasy XV not being out already or for there being no Lost Odyssey 2 or similar game from Mistwalker, but casual gamers are completely to blame for Final Fantasy XV not being out already or for there being no Lost Odyssey 2 or similar game from Mistwalker. The bigger problem is that you all don't buy games when they are new, so the sales margins on games are too low.
  6. That's like the most offensive series of information ever and it's not even your fault, though I guess posting "Burning Heart" was in bad taste. Either way, RIP Mr. Jamison
  7. Casual gamers clinging to their pitiful ways! Zoltan, have you tried using AR Studio with your PS4 yet? You could make some pretty rad videos with that.
  8. I think your review just now on My Choice is the best review I've ever received or read, and I am very thankful. Hope your life begins to improve as well. Depression stinks. :cry:

  9. In case anyone needs help understanding what this is exactly: It's not just an add-on for the Wii that you don't really need like the Wii U Game Pad, it's the New 3DS not to be confused with the New 3DS you might have just bought which is actually the old 3DS
  10. I didn't realize my date was for a substantial WIP! I know I promised a WAV in August and I failed, so I apologize... but I hope the final song will be worth the wait. I don't think it'll repeat the magic of Poop but it'll have its own...
  11. I'm up to 2:46 mapped out, probably not too much more to go on this song, probably just another verse and chorus or who knows what, i need to reference the original. But the point is I will send in what I have done before I leave today and hopefully it's the full arrangement. It'll sound like there's a lot left to go but once I replace the placeholder piano with guitars and record bass and vocals and drawbar organ and maybe a synth pad it'll be pretty solid and go smoothly. Getting the structure down is the most important part. I also asked Sixto if he would record the solo for it, so that would be good. Having some rough stuff this weekend/early into the week with family, so I probably won't be able to record and finish it right away, but hopefully the structure is enough to nail this down for now once I send it in, so I don't get cut. --sented in
  12. Season 1 of what? I haven't been on since Reaper of Souls Grrr I hate that, play for like 3 days while a new expansion comes out... boo
  13. If you need mixing/mastering for the Sturm track, I would be more than happy to do that too. I and having some issues this weekend, spending 100% of my free time cleaning, but now that I'm stuck at work and can't actively clean the house I can try to write the song. If you don't hear that I have written it by the time I get off work on Sunday morning (yeah, really working that long, not joking) then something went wrong
  14. Go to Berklee online, you could be the next online Dream Theater Maybe they'll help you with producing metal! <3 <3
  15. Could you guys post the invite link in here for the next one? If a bunch of randoms join you could edit it out, but it might be good too. Would make it easier for remixers and OCR people to get in, probably most of who is looking at this anyway.
  16. You mispronounced "Requiescat in Pace" I'm gonna need new WAV files of you saying that, maybe 10 versions

  17. They changed N64 Rainbow Road too much. They could add in one that is closer to the original
  18. It wasn't the best month entriy amount-wise or length-wise but it was amazing and it had multiple Star Ocean entries and that's all I ever really wanted. I think Hakstock's song could have been a little less conservative and have more variation to the leads but overall very good stuff!
  19. Thanks guys! Things are going well, and I am excited to hear more WIPs! About:blank's remix is pretty sweet, I marked it as done!
  20. To me it feels like stuff that should have been included in the base game, but I guess it's not TOO expensive. I hope the courses are good.
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