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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's also tricky comparing money made because movie tickets are like $12 and games are $60. I guess it's fair to say people spend more money on games though cause they kinda have to
  2. They're doing the same hive mind thing with FFXV. At first everyone was spazzing out from how amazing the trailer was, then everyone started with the "It's a zoolander road movie!" stuff. It ALREADY looks inevitable that people are going to hate on it, and they haven't even played it yet. They did the same thing with FF13 where everyone is like "wow this is amazing" then start bashing it because of goofy memes and because they were told that it is bad rather than it actually being bad. Same thing with Destiny. SAME exact thing, I've seen. Everyone is like OMG DESTINY and the alpha is amazing, people love it. The beta is amazing, people love it. Then the game comes out and it's the same game we played but now people are suddenly saying Destiny sucks. Oh well. But yeah the quality of Destiny is far from what expected, but it's still good. I think FF13 might be closer to what was expected or promised and it still got bad flack.
  3. Bring back Alec Baldwin hahah.. first time he'll have voiced a FF game since Spirits Within (oh wait, that wasn't a game)
  4. The 13-3 demo was enough to get me to pre-order it. Haven't played it yet but I'll enjoy it because I'm not overly picky like SOME PEOPLE
  5. It's almost the WIP date / my birthday combo and I'm expecting lots and lots of gifts Pweaaase Interesting though, I think we had around 20 songs for FF1 and maybe 19 or so for FF2 and we already have 15 done for FF3. We're definitely getting there! But 29 left to go?! This is a big'n.
  6. JOIN the OverClocked ReMix CLAN!! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/364804 We need 3 people to join before we get our clan tag and benefits. Please do so! (hit "Set as PlayStation Clan" or whichever platform you use) I don't know if this will make it easier to get a fireteam going but I'm open to trying edit: I think I fixed it so you can join regardless of what platform you're on (PS3 / PS4 / Xbox360 / Xbone) so go ahead and join up!
  7. If David Spade did a voice in the game that would be amazing. It'll probably end up being Joe Nobody though. We need a FF where the main character is voiced by Nicolas Cage.
  8. How is it that people are complaining about this stuff in games when it's so much more prevalent on TV? Statistically just about everyone watches TV and movies and while gaming is becoming a bigger industry it's not quite as big as TV / Movies. But there's a similar FCC television standard at least in America where violence is more acceptable than sexuality. http://www.fcc.gov/guides/obscenity-indecency-and-profanity Though "more acceptable" is a bit of a vague term, it's more that certain types of violence get broadcasted whereas many types of "sexual content" does not, though to be fair they're really pushing the envelope these days. But I've seen a lot of violence on -- for example -- the Walking Dead, but not a single breast or penis. I'm basically wondering why this is more of a severe issue for gaming than it is for any other form of media? Is gaming somehow worse than TV or movies? Is it somehow different at all from those? Is it possible that gaming is actually already more diverse than TV/film?
  9. He marks the checkbox for whiny flaboyant blonde character that Square Enix likes to do from time to time. I hope they actually make him a gay character because that would be both interesting and edgy while also bringing an interesting dynamic to the sausage club they've got going on. But if they don't that's cool too. As for whether I won't like him?? I doubt it... I just want the game noooow
  10. Yeah double this opinion! For making fades, cutting silence, detecting clipping, it is fantastic. Also, for lining up every WAV for gapless playback into 1 master wav, then make cuts from that into individual tracks... very good.
  11. The like button is a patreon exclusive if you want the new forums you better pledge
  12. you realize it's hugely popular in Japan and has sold over 11 million copies worldwide... I don't know what you mean by the response to the game. I'll probably pick it up at some point
  13. After a year of basically no news we have finally something! http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/09/17/final-fantasy-xv-demo-episode-duscae.aspx Final Fantasy XV demo in 2015, hooray If it's anything like how the FF13 development went, hopefully the demo will help them with finalizing Of course take the link with a grain of salt since there's no source listed.. edit: Apparently the info is legit but the gameinformer article went up early, it was supposed to be posted during TGS and not this early.
  14. Truuuue could really just use this thread to post the new videos and comment on those, this other stuff could have gone elsewhere... but.. ...this about covers it, wraps it all up
  15. "There's A Zombie On Your Lawn" metalcore, i.e. in the style of Killswitch Engage or As I Lay Dying It's gonna be rad
  16. This is awesome. I'm surprised to see this on OCR but unlike the people on youtube I'm surprised because it's so different from what you usually get, and so creative and abstract. It takes all the best elements of noise (as a genre) and makes it concise and accessible unlike a lot of noise albums that seem to just go through the motions or lack thereof. Listened to it a few times and no complaints here.
  17. Well sweet, I guess it's worth looking into then, even if we only had 2 entries. can't expect the first year of it to be all that large entry-wise.. what do you think would be ideal for prizes?
  18. In your face, buttpooper. That's the advantage of getting early dibs and being on the first 2 albums
  19. I haven't played it that long yet. Around level 7 and just now visited the moon. Taking my sweet time. They're releasing the first expansions in December, so... apparently their plan is to pump 10 years worth of content into the game over the next 10 years or something. Sounds crazy to me. I think to some extent it's similar to the Diablo 3 Blues where you spend all your time looking for better gear and items and then at some point you just realize "Why am I doing this?" and quit.
  20. November should be remix a game from the current year month and everyone who enters should win something cool, just because you can't expect anyone to enter without the promise of receiving something cool (for most people) I might try to host this anyway even though I have nothing cool to give to anyone
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