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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeaaah.. I gotta grind out my BA3 song and do vocals for Chernabogue's... I'm hoping to at least have mine written by the end of the month. I'm thankful for the little wiggle room here pu_freak!
  2. I hope you guys are entering because this is Motoi Sakuraba month and this is important. Tomorrow the 27th at 3pm ET is the ending time I believe.
  3. True story actually, they tried to put Mohammedan scales in an episode of South Park, but it was censored by the network.
  4. Nobody ever talks about the Mohammedan scale out of fear, it's a lot like if you published a drawing of Mohammad. But it's allowed during Ramadan.
  5. I agree. I'd rather live in the Bible Belt than on Satan's Shin (Cali) or other grotesque representations of Satanic Bodyparts throughout the country. Also I want to point out, I am technically LESS southern than all those people in Washington. So all the southern jokes people have flung at me, consider them rubber and glued to you
  6. I'm very scared but I know I still need to finish this ASAP *_* Under heavy load
  7. I met SuperiorX once but I was 2 and a half hours away from home near where my aunt lives
  8. I've been listening to the Assassin's Creed 3 soundtrack a lot, it is so amazing
  9. Welcome ObsidianLink, you should use your real name so you can be held accountable if you screw up majorly.
  10. “The Walking Dead’s” Norman Reedus will star as a key character in the next installment of Konami’s horror video game franchise “Silent Hill.” Guillermo del Toro is developing the game with “Metal Gear Solid” creator Hideo Kojima. Basically the biggest gaming news since the release of Pong. There's a PS4 "interactive trailer" out now called P.t. which is supposedly related to this game. I haven't played it yet. But from what I've heard, it's scarier than Outlast, and you can't play it if you have a heart condition. I'm going to try to play it anyway. Thoughts? Discussions? SILENT HILLS.
  11. That's a non-growling song! But yes, I'll be on it, boss!
  12. Hi. I know I'm dripping a droplet into an empty bucket here, but I've been listening to a lot of the old bands I loved like in the early 00s, and I want to do growls and screams a lot more, and other stuff too, whatever the song calls for vocally. Someone hit me up with something to do, darn it Need to practice a lot more!
  13. Yeah that reminds me, my favorite movie of his was What Dreams May Come, watching it now may seem a bit sour
  14. Same... I'll be racing in the OCR MK8 tournament tonight in his honor, then looking for stand up on Netflix. Hopefully it's there. Just watched Bicentennial Man on there a few weeks ago. I'm sure there's something on there I can watch.
  15. Yeah but I'm the good kind of crazy. Dedicated and passionate about the things I love, such as Nicolas Cage and his incredible films. Face/Off is an undeniable American action classic. Guardians of the Galaxy might be considered a classic someday, but to see it 6 times?! THAT'S CRAY It ain't no STAR WARS.
  16. I've seen Face/Off about 5 times and it's a long movie. And I still don't feel as crazy as JH
  17. If it was as simple as volunteering to do it, it would have been done months ago. Believe me....
  18. Happy birthday José! Have yourself a merry little Quesarito from Taco Bell (I recommend the shredded chicken). Consider it a gift from me, otherwise you ain't getting nothing
  19. Good news, everyone! The album is DONE and has already been released! ....is something I'll be saying in the future! Welcome to the wooooorld of tomorro--uhh.. months from noooooowwww
  20. Unless what he was saying was BBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ If it starts back up it'd be a perfect time for me! Another hour of non-buzz pls!
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