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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Well you COULD. But you WON'T! There's a difference!
  2. I am King Brandon and I claim this wall in the name of Brandorica.

  3. Maek WIP? :cry: I know I'm not being too pushy cause I post on your wall here and it says my last request was in JANUARY!! So hopefully Life is finding you well and I hope to hear more from you in the future! :-)

  4. Right now you can get Call of Duty Ghosts ($15.68) for your Nintendo Wii U entertainment system!
  5. To be fair, there's another Child of Light mix just slightly down the page for yours. So there's no need to be upset, and this isn't the first. It's also been on my radar for a while. The static in the intro seemed too loud to me. I'm digging the dub. Not sure the song itself is too loud, but definitely make sure it's not clipping anywhere. This has a leg up on "Bad Koopa Dubstep" which is on the site, pretty good and I dig it. Even with the mechanical bits it's not at all jarring. You could definitely humanize the piano a bit.
  6. This'll probably be waiting a while for djp's track and stuff... maybe the next album will be FF2 That'd be cray
  7. I set the next wip date for my birthday so I'll either be super happys or super sads Thanks for WIP Rexois, I also need to listen to Chernabogue's wip Post it in the subforum if you haven't already Mrs. Rexois!
  8. I like the scene where the raccoon got into the garbage and it pissed everyone off, so they threw him outside in the rain. Then, the big tree guy had to clean up the garbage on his own, because whenever they asked who had cleaning duties, he would say "I am groot."
  9. This song is way unusual in general, and super different from the other songs on the album, but I think having it on there was a great decision. I was very surprised to wake and see it on the front page, especially with our already expanded mix flood. Welcome to Switzerland is overly fun, and should soften the hardened heart of many just from hearing the whimsical nature of it. Also, Joe is cool. Keep up the good work and sharing the love!
  10. Yeah if Hollywood started naming their sequels "The _______ Whatever" that would be pretty hilarious Like "Guardians of Whatever and Junk" or "Iron Man Whatever" "The Avengers: Age of Whatsit"
  11. Eh, more people have seen Transformers 4, if we're being technical. But I understand your usage of the phrase and how it is meant, and saying "I haven't seen it" is a bit of a silly response to that. You were simply expressing the popularity of the movie, which is quite high as it is the first movie to hit this box office return in August since the Bourne Whatever-sequel years ago.
  12. You guys's claim is still pretty new, plus you MVP'd on game boy But a wip'll definitely be very appreciated!
  13. Part of the problem is that I'm already so mentally and emotionally invested in the promise of many of these claims, based on what I know what remixers are capable of and what they promised to do with the song. So even though I rightfully should put lots of stuff up for grabs, It's a difficult decision. I'm still super comfortable just taking peoples' word for it, if they're serious about doing it and taking joy in the process... You're definitely safe for a while RiverSound, you've shown enough awesome WIPs that I wouldn't dare touch your claim, unless we get WAVs in for almost everything and you're still not done. But that's unlikely. So ultimately, I dunno. Tomorrow's the deadline. I'll set another one after that. I can only hope that people come through with what they've claimed. I feel like if FF2 were to come out soon, maybe people would be a little more enthusiastic about finishing up -- I know FF2 took a good couple years, and it's my own fault that it waited as long as it did to be sent in. But it's in OCR's hands now, and that's super close to being released, anyway. That would HYPE ME UP megatons, as it has, and I'd hope others would be hyped as well, but I completely understand needing to have the actual hype train roll through before people get hyped.. I think of the OCR album process a lot like a mix between the TV Shows "Hoarders" and "Storage Wars". Anyway, we'll see what happens. I hope the overall hype level can rise substantially. I mean............... just with what's already done, I already consider this one of the best albums. People will probably think I'm an idiot for saying that, but you all haven't heard it yet... sorry for the tease.
  14. I have only ever really played this during tournaments, so I claim last place -- if anyone wants to take last place from me, you're going to have to fight for it..
  15. I never read the comic but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the raccoon and the talking tree who only says 1 thing. Will come back and read up later once I've seen it.
  16. I'd love to hang with Larry next week while everyone else goes to Otacon, only problem is I'd have to leave at like 9:30 or 9:40 unless it could start a little early or a little late, like I could get back in around 10:20 or so depending on when I can get set up
  17. Yah, I felt bad for how critical of it I was during the listening party, but honesty can be the best feedback. Though with recording a live real piano, all you can really do is improve your microphones and mic placement.. so it's purely financial. Luckily, I don't usually write actual reviews on DoD so there's no proof I said anything overly critical. As for this month you all better be remixing the STAR OCEAN
  18. That's true but I've heard awful things about Nuclear Blast for years... like, even that you should be on Century Media instead of Nuclear Blast because they're so awful -- and I don't think Century Media is cream of the crop either. I'd love to see Wintersun on Inside Out, but it sounds like at least some of the problem is that they're screwed by Nuclear Blast... But yeah.. it still doesn't add up.. not to mention they already got some of an upgrade in order to finish the first Time album..
  19. I object to the notion of objections, this should be ok.
  20. LOOOOL Oh you <3 Wait, was that intended as a joke? People waited years and years for the second album called "Time" between like 2005 and 2012 or so, maybe it was 2013 I don't remember. But it took them forever to release part 1 and now it's going to take forever for part 2. So people always make time jokes because for whatever reason that's what they decided to name the album(s). But yeah I don't like this, not one bit. I'd have figured Jari was smarter than that. EDIT: Just to add on to the thread, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I could make the Time I album with what I have at home, with the gear I've been collecting, and my remputer, etc. I only have 2.5ghz processor but 8gb of RAM. When I listen to Time I, I don't hear anything that is impossible for me to replicate, outside of guitar parts that take skill. I also don't think Jari is inexperienced with gear and software, so I really don't understand why it is taking him so long, and why he's looking to crowdfunding for this kind of thing. I also know for a fact that they use Cubase, and I also use Cubase. I don't know, either they are working super inefficient so their sessions are unmanageable from being such a mess, or there's something shady going on. Cause something is not adding up here. EDIT 2: "I practice the electric acoustically 99% of the time" I'm calling BS on this too. Cubase has amp sims that come with it. Come on man....
  21. As much as I love Winterson and Jari, he sounds like a bitch in that quote. I have all the same situation, including neighbors houses 10 feet away from mine on both sides. I get power interference but I make it work. I think the record label or whoever realizes that he is just being a bitch and that is why they are blocking the Kickstarter idea
  22. Jive and NutS, what a package! :-P

  23. Does this sound like a joke to you? It's super cereal.
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