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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Why wouldn't it be? Look at that roster And yesshh, sub your tracks!
  2. Right now I am hoping we can start at 8pm. Then we'll be able to get 30 minutes of Sir_NutS on. He did 2 songs so we can let him talk first.
  3. Plans for tonight is real. No jivebird allowed. But I do hope we can go an hour or 2 earlier than 9pm. Please let us know asap
  4. Happy birthday, and many more to come! Many more years of OC ReMix as well! We're all so appreciative and love this website and community, and hope that it never ends. Thank you and have a good day!
  5. How small did you actually make the cover before resizing it? ;p

    Also PEOPLE ain't allowed to print their own silly, OCR has to print them :-) should be easy since it's 1 disc

  6. Sounds good I guess, I'll put it in when I get home! Should be sending the site off to djp soon! quoted for true
  7. I think your notes are about the only ones left, except maybe XPRTNovice if he wants to talk about how he played an instrument on bluelighter's song... but I think mainly it's yours we need Here, I'll help.... "I am Argle, and mellotrons are essential for a good OC ReMix. I support this product and/or service."
  8. I ran out of PM space so I was forced to save all PMs, so I did as each format it allows... then I deleted all the PMs from my inbox so it was empty... I knew I had saved the old PMs to "Documents" but when I went looking for them, they were gone. I have random other ones leading back to 2010. Either I accidentally did it on a different computer, or I weaseled them into the wrong folder, but it's lost in the sense that is has been misplaced. Probably user error. We need some facebook-style message saving that saves from the beginning of time and you never delete anything.
  9. To anyone wondering -- yes I had a data loss issue with my PMs so I requested help from Chernabogue to get some of the notes back, only from a few people... sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. The good news: Staff has been working their butts off to hit the 31st date and I think we're very close to being solid for that. AND we're going to have a real website, not a wiki site! I'm just waiting on the artist notes to put them into the website, and then I'll send it to djp for final design stuff. Chernabogue is working his butt off on the trailer and it's also roughly 95% there.
  10. I still use this thread for the easy way to find the link to the projects consent statement, I don't know what I'm going to do when this gets finished and locked. Can we vote to keep the project open for a few more years?
  11. I remixed this theme and I think it fits nicely into the idea here of the expressive vgm... It goes through a lot of movements and varies heavily in mood as it goes along. The idea was never about how complex a piece of music is, or how much articulation it has Here is another one: It can be vgm from any time period, I just listen to a lot more newer vgm, so that's where my examples come from..
  12. Too early for WIP dates. Need to recruit a lot more remixers.
  13. You might be missing the point of the thread. looking for stuff that is not background music, stuff that is very expressive, maybe even emotional in its expression of its movements
  14. I was thinking vgm from any time, why you want to post some Tim Follin? Do eet.
  15. Hey! There's been interesting threads talking about certain kinds of VGM. This time I am wondering what you have heard that is super expressive and substantial, with a structure that perhaps goes through different movements, or at least has intro/verse/bridge/chorus etc that surpasses the usual "background music" of a lot of VGM. I know everything can't be Ni No Kuni, the FF6 opera, or similar, but what are some examples you know of super substantial VGM that surpasses the norm? A good example for me that comes to mind is the soundtrack...
  16. FF3 is still alive and kicking I took a month off to get Game Boy album out the door but now it's time to come back to thiiiiis and get things moving again. On that note, we have a new WIP from timaeus222, and I've talked to a bunch of the album people so they know what do. To anyone I haven't talked to who is still working on stuff, just leave us a note here! Why not!
  17. What I do is order the tracks, name the files properly, convert them to FLAC, try to tag them to ocr standards, include the artwork, and send it in... you should definitely be in touch with Rozo though so you don't turn it in and forget something but it's up to you and there's probably not a huge rush what with all the multitude of albums they're preparing for release now...
  18. Hrrmmmm I put you down for Fat Chocobo! I'm looking forward to it :-D

  19. Is talkback gonna be on this Friday for Futebol? Maybe around 8pm? pleeeease edit: Never heard anything about this so I will not be prioritizing preparing for it tonight
  20. My kickstarter failed hardcore compared to you mostly because I started mine as a joke, never fixed it, and have no audience. XD

    Any news about your album? It's still good right? :3

    And cute baby. Dang man you lucky.

  21. You're good :-P hoping for wips from others!

  22. Sweet!! Thank you! I bought a new guitar and fully plan to use it on the album I'm gonna release/print thru this KS, so I have high hopes that you will find it worth it I was going to make a KS video and change the stuff so it looks more music-focused, but my camera is broken, and it nuked my SD card which had pictures and video of family, and a pet who passed on.. made me super sad... not sure how/when I'll get a video together, but hopefully the KS will look a little more serious at that point.
  23. Not selling Cash, but accepting cash, and mailing out physical CDs Or emailing the EP for as little as a $1 pledge
  24. Hey! Shows promise, but the sample quality is pretty far from acceptable.. sorry! Silence after the deadline? For half a month? What is this nonsense? The nonsense is me being overworked at the day job. I have finally had a day where I was actually able to sleep and rest a bit without setting an alarm to head right back out to work. Anyway, in light of how crazy things have been, I must ask that you pleaaaase be responsible for yourself and turning in your WIPs and WAVs. Because the sooner the WAVs are turned in, the faster the album can come out. That's how it has always been with these things. So if any one person decides they don't want to do it, or to put it off for a few months, that slows it down for everyone else. Thank you a ton for the hard work and please, let's keep going! I'm going to set the next WIP date for October 15th, and hopefully we can get some sweet WIPs turned in!
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