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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'd love to mix and master it honestly, that's faster for me than recording vocals so intimidating
  2. My bad about the Chern vocals, if you could change its due date to match my own mix's due date that would be sweet. I'll shoot to get them both in by that date if I can. My sincere apologies to you and Chernabogue and the other collaborators.
  3. Yeah 55% over the last 2 years when it made the transition to PS4... so we can expect roughly another 2 years of development, probably. But at least we'll get that demo in March.
  4. I decided I didn't want to go and now I'm going to be buying a house, so in the end I made the right choice. I'll miss seeing people but there's always 3 years from now once I get the bills under control.
  5. I know I said I could do Monday but I forgot what was going on, I think my mom wants me to visit due to it being my birthday the day before, so I might have to skip we'll see what happen but feel free to put another friend in my seat
  6. If you're really really talented you'll get discovered eventually putting your music on youtube or something, like Justin Bieber did. It's a lot harder for everyone else who is working their way up to that level of talent over the span of years... very competitive industry.. over-saturated, etc.
  7. Get really good at mixing and mastering, then offer those services to other musicians (like I do!) because nobody pays for music anymore, but bands still pay for their music to sound good anyway
  8. Happy birthday tomorrow maaan! I tell you while you're here and will see it! If you're still here!

  9. Yeah what's the deal, bad mixtitle pun was one of the selling points, we ain't gonna get a flood of that? I guess we shall sea, mua ha ha!
  10. I got 12 subs in the inbox that haven't made it to the panel yet
  11. Ha ha ha true... I only have 6 mixes left to be posted, but with new judges, maybe they'll get this past year's worth of subs ready Or if the albums come out there'll be more.. 2 for ff2 and 4 for ff9 and 2 for sd3
  12. They're totally waiting for my birthday on the 28th to do the next flood Cause it tooootally revolves around me, amirite Nah, I'm kidding, but that'd be a pretty sweet coincidence.
  13. Yah it's too ambiguous now. All I can say is believe in what you believe, if you support gamer gate because of its exposing of corruption in journalism, then that's good. If you're against jerks on twitter who are hateful, that's also good. Only person you're really accountable to at this point is yourself, if other people are going to make assumptions about you based on your support of gamer gate then they're in the wrong. Then again who knows. Seems like everyone wants to craft their own version of GG and how it started and what it stands for. History's written by the winner and it looks like they're all losers
  14. 4chan has become every jerk organization's scapegoat Also Bleck just because you don't feel any sexual attraction to men doesn't mean that they don't exist
  15. Not to sound totally uncool but is this a real computer game or is it one of those paper and pencil games?
  16. I'll be asleep for 4 hours from 5pm on Saturday but you have fun guys
  17. Thanks! We only need 3 members for it to become a real clan. I don't know what all the benefits are for a clan apart from in-game clan tag, but if it helps coordinate fireteams somehow in-game that would be great. If it's all gonna be browser based well that's not gonna work. We'll see Just need 1 more member now
  18. I have no idea what this is but it sounds interesting I'm available around 5pm mondays
  19. I tried to get my brother in law to be active on OCR. He listens to the albums but I don't hear much from him about OCR. Oh well. I got some referrals too
  20. We need harsher laws to keep children from playing Call of Duty and learning awful language that they fling at each other and older players I know that sounds silly but underage gamers playing M-rated stuff is as much part of the problem... those beliefs / harassment type stuff is taught and we need to make sure when we become the "older generation" like the elderly people that we don't spread that crud to the youngin's. edit: just to clarify I'm talking about online interactions more than game content
  21. Still no metal specialists for the panel... Sigh.... Guess its time to pack it in sell the guitars and focus on electronica Welcome back you noobs and congrats Redg
  22. I love Spirits Within, it completely deserves the Final Fantasy name. If it were a game people wouldn't have bitched and they would have just accepted that it was Final Fantasy, especially with where the series has gone. In a series where every game's story and setting is different it's weird that people are like "It's not final fantasy". If they made a game based on the movie Hitch and called it Final Fantasy XVI it would be as legit of a FF as any of the other games. That's actually not half bad, a romantic comedy FF? I'd buy it.
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