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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeah we call it anniversary, but it's really the Game Boy's birthday I'm sad that Chernabogue never worked in a diapered game boy into the trailer :'(
  2. Yeah I saw that. I wish we had got more support for the trailer but the 1 video we did get was amazing
  3. Chernabogue did eventually find out who the Yu-Gi-Oh composer is so difficult! And he finished the trailer too (at least until we hear back from staffers) and it's quite a nice trailer, very good, bringing some Game Boy history into it as well as showcasing the music, and a nice bonus after the credits.
  4. I want mixes now So I write a dumb haiku That annoys people
  5. Is this Castle on a Cloud from Les Miserables or just stylistically similar?
  6. I thought I remembered this question! I think I stand by my answer, though I was just going to put "I'd remix anything." There's definitely games that include sour memories but I'd feel ok remixing them these days. Like Streets of Rage, I never thought I'd remix that because of how important it was in my childhood and playing it with my Uncle as a kid, but I think I could remix that today, and maybe dedicate it to him. I think popular games like Ni No Kuni definitely have the bestest of musics, dat Joe Hisaishi. I'd remix it because it's amazing and I love it. But I've got no problem with remixing Big Nose the Cave Man either.
  7. You just reminded me that I'm an idiot and never put the link to that in the first post, or asked people to sign it, even after Bluelighter reminded me to. Guys, please sign the consent form dealie! https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFNlTmlYYUJtUVNNd2hpSWxXa19Ra0E6MQ
  8. Alright friend buddies, the album has been sent in for eval. Wish the evaluators luck getting this thang evaluated for the July 31st release date.
  9. I know a live accordion player so if you need it I might be able to bridge the gap between you two, like if you could send detailed notes and stuff for him... but.... if not I know you can do this, I believe in you :-D

  10. I got up to the flight of the silver dragons in FF9 and then quit for years, came back to the game and finished it start to end.. that was years ago! Probably the mid-2000s. (like A.D. 2500 or so)
  11. Sweet <3!! This is gonna be rad. And aiming for 15 tracks will definitely make it easier and more feasible too.
  12. Patriarchy or privilege or something like that I dunno
  13. Them beats better be ALL KINDS of good, or else...
  14. Greetings, sir! I asked around but never did get the website template for OCR projects... any chance you got your hands on it? :3

  15. Actually, Sakura is a Japanese folk song... so, they probably wouldn't allow that and have historically rejected a song that mixed it.
  16. Hrrrmmm... my gut feeling is to drop and run and follow my dear Tuberz to his certain death, but I think I'll hold on to the claim for now, at least until I see how you handle the deadline and WIP date situations Also I strongly feel that the tracklist should be smallened to the first game. Then if it's successful, move on to game 2, 3, etc, but don't put your scope too high. I think that's why the album isn't making progress and is hopping from director to director like a hot potato. Gotta make it manageable, and that means starting small.
  17. Yes, I was originally just gonna PM you but then I figured I'd post that info.. I still haven't hammered out the track order yet, but sooooooon. I think we'll be OCRA-0049 though I just realized we never named the album, hahahaha! We have to come up with a name!
  18. Wow, now we have 2 bonus songs, thanks to one really amazing and dedicated ReMixer who happens not to be me but feels like a brother.. oh yes! Brotherrrrr!! So that puts us up to.... *counts on fingers* 14 songs I think unless I counted wrong I only have so many fingers. To anyone who is like *Gasp! Gasp! Gasp! It's not done and turned in yet?!* We secretly had until the 30th, but that info was kept secret to encourage prompt completion of le musics. And now that musics is almost completely promptly completed, we will be finishing up and shipping this soon, hopefully a few days before the 30th if we can manage it.
  19. Ah, ok sweet! Just put the project on hold maybe... 3 weeks? If that's ok? I'm kidding haha. Submit it already.
  21. I feel like Ralph from A CHristmas Story trying to decode the radio message with the secret decoder ring trying to get into this tournament. For fucks sake nintendo
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