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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I volunteer for bads. I'm so bad at game I don't even own it yet. It might be here on Saturday
  2. I totally ordered Mario Kart 8 last night, sooooo add me on the PSN of Wii U thing. I think my handle is bestrader. I probably won't turn on Wii U until the game comes in so I'll accept all the things at that time and look forward to many racings.
  3. We should end up with 13 tracks including the secret bonuses, and be single-disc album length maybe like 50+ minutes. It's gonna be suave.
  4. Hey... sorry to bother you.. what was the source for the Smurfs mix? Like, could you link to it on Youtube? Thank you :3

  5. If the game comes out and doesn't have the GTA style cinematic camera, I'm gonna hold you to those statements, and that Anemone guy as well. ABSURD!! I just bought Mario Kart 8 earlier. All I ever wanted was for my Wii U to justify the value I invested in it.
  6. Surprise! So what's left? Just finishing things up and preparing the package for OCR. We've also got an interesting video concept for the trailer which people have been PMd about. There are surprises in store that aren't even listed on the track list. So in short, this album came together beautifully and in a super short amount of time. I'm impressed, humbled and thankful for all your hard work! Thank you! We are on course for the 25th!
  7. They said the same thing about the last trailer. Maybe it will look like that, I'm just saying be prepared if it doesn't. It'll still probably look and play pretty well. We know the camera angles won't be cinematic like in that scripted trailer for the final game.
  8. So Entwined is pretty beautiful. Only finished 2 levels and I have a feeling it's going to get a lot harder, but it seems pretty forgiving so far. And then there's the Challenge mode after that... Pretty game, fun flying around as a dragon after each level.
  9. Hrrmmm... the Zelda trailer was a graphical downgrade from the .... I wouldn't get your hopes too high just yet, wait for a gameplay trailer that someone is controlling instead of a CGI or scripted trailer...
  10. I think this was a really strong E3, maybe more than previous years. Because out of everything shown by Sony there's maybe just 1 game I wouldn't want to play and that's LBP3. Whereas in the Microsoft and Nintendo conference they each only had 1 game I'd like to play like Sunset Overdrive on Xbone and The Elder Scrolls Zelda on Wii U. I think Sony overall had the best game selection that focuses on immersive experiences and strong narratives, areas where Nintendo lack. Microsoft has some good titles but most of the ones they showed that appealed to me were multiplatform.
  11. Bwahahahaha! Thanks for the Game Boy Story there :-D That's a good one. I assume everything turned out OK since you're here to tell the tale

  12. Nope. It's a movie and a remake of the original game. http://arcadesushi.com/ratchet-clank-e3-2014-trailer-a-movie-and-a-remake/
  13. This sounds purty. You are really getting some grand results with that piano library. Err, no pun intended... you know, on the whole "grand" thing. Very nice performance, very good pacing! This deserves its spot on front page!
  14. Not too much "awkward" but plenty of games, some coming soon, some we already can buy. Here's a rundown of Sony's conference in particular, though Ubisoft and EA had some awesome stuff in their conferences too. - Destiny - The Order 1886 - Entwined (already bought! Can share opinions later!) - inFAMOUS First Light (pre-ordered! Comes in August!) - LittleBigPlanet 3 - Bloodborne (aka Project Beast) - Far Cry 4 - Dead Island 2 - Battlefield: Hardline - Broforce - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Not a Hero - Titan Souls - The Talos Principle - Magicka 2 - Grim Fandango remake - Let It Die - ABZU - No Man's Sky - Mortal Kombat X - POWERS (TV Show, PSN) - Ratchet and Clank remake (only mentioned) - The Last of Us Remastered - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Grand Theft Auto V - Batman: Arkham Knight - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End For a grand total of 26 games either shown or mentioned as in production.
  15. Thank you Dusk! And thank you to the other people as well. I am happy to announce that this is probably not going to be an EP anymore. We have 7 songs clocking in at 25 minutes with an additional 5 songs being finished which will easily push this past the length of your average EP (roughly 30 minutes)
  16. The new E3 2014 Trailer for The Phantom Pain This is really one of the best trailers I've ever seen in general, whether for movie or game. It's just so dang well made, every aspect. Can't wait for this game even though I'm awful at stealth and will probably shelf it after 30 mins.
  17. Thank you Rexois! I have fayth in you! Hylian Lemon made a reaally awesome and incredible chiptuney Zelda song which is done, will grab WAV soon. Like I said my DBZ is done, just needs recorded. We're in GOOD SHAPE!! Eino is working hard on Mega Man 2, and DusK is toiling away on Titanfall. I shall seek intelligence from the one who cherns bogues.
  18. You guys are amazing. We've officially hit EP length (6 wavs). We're still collecting WAVS of course and I feel confident and hopeful we can finish out the current roster. <3 <3 <3
  19. Yay! Don't count me out just yet, I got too many plans and not enough time, and extra days at work. It's keeping me tied down..
  20. I have gotten word, he said a couple weeks ago he'd put it on dropbox, then a couple days ago he said sorry for lack of reply, he's gonna put it on dropbox soon.. I hope.
  21. While everyone's working on their songs: - PLEASE send artist notes for your song! Please! - PLEASE PLEASE send a source breakdown for your remix. This'll help with eval. PLEASE! That's all. Things are coming together nicely. If you're still working on a WAV, PLEASE get that in ASAP!! As for me, I totally wrote the whole DBZ mix, it just needs live instruments now, but I want to try to write a Super Mario Land mix before it's too late... so yes, I am working too! xD
  22. I could get a Nintendo 64 with Mario Kart, SM64, and arguably the best Smash Bros.. right now I'm hoping Nintendo brings something new to the table for Wii U, like a new IP, something fresh and interesting
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