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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I already voted YES before. Guess it takes a while for people to do this stuff. Maybe Valve will push it thru early like they've done with games on greenlight in the past.
  2. We were shooting for July 31st, the North American 25th anniversary..... as for anything else I dunno
  3. I ended up getting woken up by a call anyway even though I was gonna sleep thru it cause OA said it wouldn't be on. Well that's 2 weeks off in a row right? Let's see what happens next week.
  4. Is there a show tonight? Futebol maybe? I might try to nap a little but if there's a show I can try to be up and ready for it before I leave for work...
  5. Awesome stuff I always wish Rockos would go SUPAH HARD on those melodic choruses but he always makes very satisfying remixes anyway.
  6. Tempting, delicious, and very musically satisfying. Oh yes... did anyone ever tell you s'mores are the musical fruit? Well they definitely are edit: I've added a pledge level for physical copy of EP
  7. This is outstandingly trippy. Love the sound design. Like someone's tuning an AM radio in each ear sometimes. Some good jamming, some strange but effective phrases, and glorious bouts of ambiance. I love that something so experimental got put on display at OCR, very nice. We need more experimentation! Forgot to add, that I love the title.
  8. The biggest thing since "Sliced Bread", one of the most popular Kickstarter campaigns of all time -- please help make my dreams a reality! http://kck.st/1qRSiHy Edit: Yesss! The Kickstarter is a success, but DEFINITELY get your pledges in. It's gonna be worth it!!
  9. Isn't most vgm happy though? I'd wager roughly 90% of all VGM ever made is probably happy major-chord upbeat stuff. I want the thread that seeks the opposite of that. We've had happy vgm and vgm that makes you go O_O. Someone make next thread!
  10. Uhmm... there's like... no general chat thread.. I just wanted to say I'm pretty impressed with the diversity of a lot of the passed songs coming thru the panel.. I love seeing unfamiliar games then getting familiar with their music thru the remixes!
  11. How would that work, you make an IR out of it?
  12. I like presets and I'm afraid of electronics (mostly the insides of them -- the outsides are cool)
  13. Oh I was just popping in to say I'd be here and ready but I guess it's not on. Show takes a lot of breaks.
  14. They need to start releasing "Tales" compilations in HD on PS4. That'd be rad.
  15. I used to really mind the wait because I could get a resub back in within a day, and I guess that's still the case, but I'm doing a lot less resubbing now so I dunno (at least until they catch up and my rude awakening that the songs are poo) Hee heee... that sounds like click bait.. "3 Easy Steps to Speed Up the Judge Panel" Well whatever you're doing, it seems to be working!
  16. That girl Anastasia on the front page is kinda cute, but if you date her, does OCR get paid for the successful date or just for showing the ad? Also who is she, is this a friend of djp or just a random lady? Can you tell her I am super cool and stuff? Will OCR pay for the dates if anyone were to click that ad? Also, what were your plans to speed up the panel, you mentioned to them but didn't say what they were. Is Anastasia somehow involved with speeding up the panel?
  17. I honestly hope they're just a couple of NutS
  18. I probably need the lyrics or something xD

    Are the vocals kind of unmelodic, I mean they don't follow a specific melody line?

  19. Pick something you're familiar with or has meaning for you. Or Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.
  20. Hahah, why do you think I was always in last place? Apart from not knowing the shortcuts and missing all the coins because they get grabbed by everyone else as I'm following, I get da gold mushroom and spam it and literally drive off the map repeatedly Also that's not the rainbow road that I know Not even the supposed N64 version
  21. Greetings! It's time again for another exciting installment of Dwelling of Duels. This time, we've got a free month. Pretty basic. Cover any game / source for this free month. Songs are due: July, 27th, 3 PM EST Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com For more information, visit www.dwellingofduels.net. For the rules, click here. Ryu Theme Month Results Have you been wondering who did that Ryu song? Now you will know! Here’s the results of the Ryu Theme Month: #1 Ivan Hakštok - Street Fighter 2 - But I Wanted The Theme To Be MM3 Intro... - good -0.07 #2 Affection State - Street Fighter 2 - Street Fighter - good -0.22 #3 Hat - Street Fighter 2 - Cool Ryu - good -0.22 #4 GearX2 - Street Fighter 2 - Rising Dragon - good -0.32 #5 Gamer Joe, finbeard, Zio Oxview - Street Fighter 2 - Remembering Japan - above average +0.1 Voters: 25 ALTS: CarboHydroM - Street Fighter 2 - Ryu In Progress GearX2 - Street Fighter 2 - Ryu Theme Zeroes 2 Congrats to Ivan Hakštok, Affection State and Hat! Huge thanks to everyone who entered! The tagged songs and updated ZIP are up.
  22. Play on the gamepad only like a real O.G. Also leave tournament schedule alone! I can't play Saturday night, or Friday, Sunday, Tuesday
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