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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Looks like everyone forgot that there June 5th WIP date. The next one, August 1st, is going to be a strict deadline. Stuff that has no progress made on it will possibly be put up for grabs so it can be done by a different remixer who is more available. To prevent your song going "up for grabs", just send in a substantial WIP before the next deadline! Thank you
  2. Good to have a release date, and snazzy mention of KH3 at the end, though if that's all they have for KH3 at E3 that'll be pretty disappointing..
  3. I thought OCR was anti-duggie but pro-drug? *shruggie*
  4. A mere 5 days left -- let's say 5pm ET on the 10th. If you want your song on the EP, please send it to me ASAP! ASAP!
  5. Happy birthday, Wes! You are the... Cho....sen....one.....yea
  6. Can't get over how suave that trailer looks on the front page. So pretty
  7. Yesss!! This is all wrapped up and sent in, right?
  8. Nah don't do it for me, I keep getting called away for IRL stuff
  9. Jeez louis, maybe I shouldn't have thrown my hat in the ring either, I gotta work. No time before the deadline.
  10. But is it as good as Mario Kart 64?
  11. Yaaaay I support this album! First post says "Art: OA" is that accurate? Did he win the contest?
  12. Sure, if you think you can make something real nice, worthy of a 25th thingy :-D

  13. I've been listening to this like 3 times a week.. it is glorious. One of the best remixes on the site.
  14. Is it metalcore? Some people aren't personally sold on the concept of creating genres or subgenres via the "-core" suffix... maybe some nice techno would be good? I'm playing, I'm playing, I'll cut it out... I'm about to check out WIPs and possibly send some feedback, though the stuff I've heard is pretty great and could just mostly benefit from being finished
  15. If you guys are still doing Tuesday shows, you GOTTA go on June 10th, the day after the E3 conferences, and do an E3 talkback extravaganja.
  16. Final Fantasy III is available on Steam now for anyone who needs to catch up!! http://store.steampowered.com/app/239120/ Please don't forget WIP date on June 5th!!
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