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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Which queue, the to be posted, or the to be judged? If you got something waiting to be posted it would be a pretty mint audition. And yeah, you can claim something not on the list, no problem.
  2. Mirror's Edge is an AMAZING game. I think I've beat it twice or 3 times and I'm ready to beat it another few times on PC now that I have it again. It helps that it's super short and super fun. Once you learn the controls, it is SO FLUID and amazing. And visually, it's a stunner.
  3. Not sure if this is considered a deal, but PS4 is at Bestbuy. Not for sure how long. I was under the impression that it's still in a shortage, so if anyone was trying to grab one, this might be your chance.
  4. It took a while for this to grow on me, which is why I didn't review it before. Not that it wasn't good -- I always recognized that it was good, I just wasn't familiar with Wind Waker at all. I listened to this song a lot, even saw it performed live by OverClocked University and that was amazing. I played Wind Waker for the first time earlier, and when I got out into the first area and heard the song in the background, it was like hearing a cover of this remix, but more stripped down. So in a really cool way, this was the first I heard the theme, and this has become the definitive version of it for me -- I like it more than the game version, which is great as well, but when you hear something this good first, the smaller game version doesn't hold a candle to it. Really good, and quite frankly, a genius arrangement of the source. I hope to hear more!
  5. Apparently my evil plan worked and at Wiesty's request, he's gonna cover Forest Requiem too in addition to Final Beacon, because he wanted to remix something from the first game. So now, 2 claims instead of 1! Thanks again everyone
  6. My bad then, and congrats to Wiesty being the only person to cover a song from Lost Age for the album. But if you for whatever reason drop the claim it will get taken off the list. Good luck with it, I'm excited to hear how it comes out. And apologies to Coaltergeist for not heeding the warning earlier. Really confusing, it's COOL that it is in the cartridge files for GS1 but I don't know if that would fly as far as OCR is concerned, when it comes to game crediting.
  7. While I can see where people are coming from with 3DS blown up on a big screen... My eyes are so bad it doesn't really bother me, I can move back a little bit and it won't bother me... besides, people still play games like FF7, 8, 9 on big screens and the graphics aren't particularly scaleable. I think it works, like FF9 on a 60" LED, it's not THAT bad, even with stretching. I think Wii is great but it has 1 flaw... where you could, even today, get a PS2 and hook it up to a TV to watch DVDs or listen to music, if you wanted to do that with a Wii you would need to bring the sensor bar and the motion controls. I know at work offices they sometimes have little DVD players similar in size to the slim final PS2 and the Wii is not TOO big in that regard but the motion control just makes it less viable. As for the popularity of the ps2.... *shrug*... it might have to do with some exclusives or something. So I agree Wii U really does need some good exclusives. It can't just get, say, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and expect people to buy it for Wii U over the PC / Xbox360 / Xbox One / PS3 / PS4 versions... This might all blow over when Smash comes out, and maybe a new Mario Galaxy. People might run to buy a Wii U. I kinda hope so. Nintendo console is the only place to play Nintendo games and maybe that is a good thing for the future of the Wii U.
  8. Thanks guys, if it's not too much trouble do you think you could give a quick scan over the tracklist in the first post and let me know if anything is wrong? I know someone pointed out that Final Beacon might not be from the first game. But I looked it up and heard what sounded like 2 versions of it. It stinks that no definitive OST was released to make it easier. Thank you!
  9. Honestly I have no idea. I got a rip of the music from Golden Sun 1 soundtrack (I specifically avoided the second one) that includes all those Battle tracks, plus there's that website that has them listed... It's been so long since I've played the game I don't really remember. I know Felix is in the game.. if we do end up accidentally covering a song or two from Lost Age I don't figure it'll matter much, as long as it's awesome.
  10. Horray. Well, I wanted people to say "I want to do this battle theme that's not on the list!" and join the album.. they're not listed but there is a LOT of them. I really hope someone pops around and claims Felix Battle, and some of the other ones. You can do whatever you want, but I really like Link Battle. I'm gonna split Tolbi - Colosso off into the 2 different things it should be on the track list, dunno what was going on there. Certainly! Thank you! Awww yiss, bring the heat, sir.
  11. Awesome progress on the roster, lots of claims and stuff. Excited to see who else will come through, but I feel like I need to actively go out and find people to claim stuff. If anyone wants to claim anything just leave a post, thanks for the support you guys
  12. Do you think Nintendo COULD do that? Up to now they have really only had experience developing for their own system and their own engine *shrug* It would probably take some serious downtime so they could become acquainted with the different technology of developing for PC / etc...
  13. Does Japanese culture have a hard time with usability, or does America have a hard time understanding Japan's usability? I'm no rocket scientist but I would assume at least that they know what they're doing.. I mean look at PlayStation 4, that UI is insanely good, on all levels.
  14. Hmm yeah they could definitely have something in production. I think all that article says is that maybe it won't have backwards compatibility for the Wii U or Wii, but then again which Next Gen console has backwards compatibility? None of them really.... As for making a new handheld or even a new console.... I am not surprised they are planning (and you know they're planning it, even if those multitude of articles are a hoax). Technology is definitely upgrading slower than it used to in the old days, BUT the differences being made these days are just as important as the switch from 8bit to 16bit. I think Nintendo has or should have realized that and will make a new handheld or console that blows peoples' minds. Should they? I don't think they should, I think they should stop with hardware -- at least console hardware. Focus on handheld hardware, where they really excel. I do think lack of 3DS integration in the Wii U is a problem, and probably a big reason why the Wii U is not selling so well. I know I would love to play my 3DS games on a big screen. HOWEVER I do think if Nintendo made a modern console that was direct competition with PS4/Xbone and had good games (like a new Smash at launch) it could be a real competitor.
  15. I dunno, introducing a small amount of something to battle a large virus (like say taking cold medicine or something) totally works -- the newbie judges, as you put it, could totally rejuvenate the others rather than becoming old and tired themselves, but it would be a hard fight. It's definitely possible though.
  16. Only responding to this because it's the only part I read -- post source.
  17. Rumors have come out including a lot of specs about a next-gen Nintendo console, more here: http://venturebeat.com/2014/01/21/nintendos-next-console-and-portable-reported-to-be-called-nintendo-fusion/ Not sure if it's the wisest move to be planning a next-gen console so close to the failure of a past-gen one, but if it works, it could be great!
  18. You're right man. Thanks for reading it properly!
  19. That's one of the final 2 projects... I wanna do some substantial re-writing for it, make it something of a remix of a remix. If it weren't 0 degrees I might feel better about doing stuff instead of wanting to just be bundled up.
  20. Update -- out of 19 finished songs, 9 of them have passed the panel. This should lead to a quick, easy evaluation when the album is submitted if an evaluation is even needed. I've still yet to do the finishing touches, but soooooon.... it must be sooooooon.
  21. Your givings are well received, good sir Was totally hoping it wouldn't hit 1 month, especially after getting 2 new joojes. Totes makes you guys look bad. I mean even if it's just superficial updating, best to make it not look like it sits untouched for an entire month. Thank you! It looks like it went forward a month too, unless I'm mistaken (June 1st to July 1st) Very good work
  22. Cause I wasn't good at remembering passwords or logging in
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