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Everything posted by Supercoolmike

  1. submitted a bonus for this PRC, getting hella anxious for SFRG that I just wanted to mix something really bad.lol
  2. Kick ass way to start off the first round guys! It was agony to only choose 3 songs to vote but its all good cuz there all in my music library to be put on repeat for a cool minute. lol Is it possible to see the lyrics for Evktalo's and Jason's song?
  3. Supercoolmike - Wily's Reject: My Beerly Beerloved (Blizzard Buffalo in Palace Ground [X]) Firefly (Shining Hotarunicus in Palace Ground [X]) Electric Moves & Cephalopod Grooves (Volt Kraken in Palace Ground [X])
  4. Accidentally missed the deadline to submit, but I don't think it would've mattered for me cuz I was debating on submitting it as a bonus or something. I felt I had a lil bit too much original stuff going on to be MnP. https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike_isolation
  5. for sure want to hop in on some of this action here, but i'm currently not in a group so if anyone wants to group up, hmu. If I do find a group, these would be my choices: 1) Magna Centipede (X2) 2) Gravity Beetle (X3) 3) Split Mushroom (X4) 4) Izzy Glow (X5) 5) Rainy Turtloid (X6)
  6. sometimes the themes are brought up in the beg, and others like this are brought up afterwards. The secret ingredient will either be the source itself or a vst to influence the process of remixing. So this time, the secret ingredient is the source.
  7. the PRC 299 link is still messed up for as the deadline draws near, so I just sent Bundeslang a pm with the sub instead.
  8. http://puu.sh/izhXV/644d3144e9.png something happened to the link (from my PoV). can't view or submit. but any other link (like the past PRC's) are just fine. I'm gonna wait a few hours to see if it was just a hiccup or not.
  9. to me, when I hear final fantasy, the only type of battle mechanic I want to see is menu type battles (ff1-10) When I played ff13, free roaming battles and not being able to fully control my other partners just felt wrong to me... that or kingdom hearts just helped set my standards for free roaming battles too high.lol.
  10. The taken King has been revealed thoroughly with this new video Documentary.It comes Sep.15 Year 1 ps exclusives like Hawkmoon,Monte carlo,(some)Crucible maps and strikes will be available for all Xbox players when the Taken king is released. However, A new year for Destiny also means a new year of Playstation Exclusives that Xbox players will be left out untill fall 2016. The video below talks about the new ps Exclusive
  11. I like that idea. I would just consider those story remixes even though how vague that title may sound like, that's how I always perceived that kind of idea. The only problem I could see with that (like all other compo's) would be the participation. Other than that. That's exactly what I do whenever i feel like putting in a story in my remix. Look at the videos where the song is being played and see where i can take it from there. In fact the remix that I did from the PRC 294 is exactly what u just described. I'm not trying to shamelessly promote myself or anything, its just that I have a really good example for such a topic that I'll just put under spoilers just in case if ppl didn't want to see it. The Remix I did for the PRC 294 was from one of the Lemmings game on one of those old Ddos computers ( i'm probably wrong about that fact though) And when I heard the song it piqued my interest and I wanted to see where the song plays on that game. I later came across this video and I immediately wanted to do a story version for this remix. Then my remix was done and all the other info about how the story goes is in my description at the thasause website. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC294
  12. my submission has a 30 sec dead space at the end, sry bout that lil mistake.
  13. I want to sign up as a novice for this round. really curious on what the secret ingredient will be.
  14. u guys should have kept going. ya going to the light house is the ultimate goal but the last 2 packages u get from brother vance also gives u etheric light. I was able to reach the lighthouse with my titan and I got the jewels of Osirus (Void H.Cannon) and the free exotic weapon I got was the no land beyond.lol
  15. i know there not brothers. Its just that when u make a friend from baby days and stuck with that friendship to adult hood, you basically became siblings.
  16. The greatest achievement I can say that tops all my other moments is that I beat sephiroth in kingdom hearts while only being lvl 59. Lets just say that fight took over an hour with MANY retries.
  17. this SoR parody just came out and Its pretty funny. Just wanted to share this.
  18. i thought the 1.2 patch was going to be the HOW patch but sheeeeeit if its really coming tomorrow, crucible will be so much more rewarding to do now. Idk if u read the full patch notes but iron banner will give out packages when rank 3 and/or 5 have been reached. Also the crucible will start having legendary gear in there rewards rotaion and top players will have have a better chance to get loot. I'm really looking forward for the daily crucible packages tho. shits gonna kikass.
  19. ya, felt like a total badass when i killed crota with no mic but I know it was a team effort (but now I wished I recorded it.lol). On the topic of house of Wolves, the hype is real. just can't wait till it comes out. The best way to start off the next dlc (for those that don't know) is to have all ur factions rep on the verge of lvling up so that u get a package on the day of the dlc release. I currently have 6 packages waiting to be received for the dlc and I'm still prepping up more for my other characters. I'm also going to rush to reach 34 then to have a gun that has 365 dmg. I highly suggest for all players to go to http://planetdestiny.com/and follow them on youtube. The best source for destiny content out there and they were able to go to bungies studio ahead of time and experienced the HOW content before anyone else.
  20. When I click vote it just stays at ablank screen, not really sure if my vote went through. When I attempt to refresh the page it tells me I would end up voting twice to then once again stay on a blank screen.
  21. I don't have any examples atm but the way I think of a song being cool or hot is dependant on whats happenin to my body. If I'm getting a chill running through my spine when listening to a song, then its cold. If I'm getting super pumped and hyped when listening to a song, then Its gettin hot!
  22. I have a wip, gonna send it to rexy today.
  23. I'm probably alone here, but so far I kinda miss the secondary title you would get for a certain amount of posts commented on. Its clearly not a game breaking issue but It just felt like a challenge I needed to complete.lol
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