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Everything posted by Supercoolmike

  1. Just submitted my piece for the villains. I tried to to apply all 3 choices but just couldn't come up with anything for the life of me. Did multiple revisions cuz I wasn't really feeling it, but hopefully you guys will like this one.
  2. Back in 2012, there was this vst," Plogue" that did similar things but stood more with the arcade machines instead of home consoles. Its priced at $95 and that's probably the only thing closest that I could fine that's similar with super audio cart. website :https://www.plogue.com/products/chipsounds/ Its pretty interesting either way and hope its successful since so many people worked on it. Only question I have for it is, will there be a demo?
  3. hey thx for the heads up Fenix, was away from the pc and couldn't really reply or anything, Good to see this is back up. It looks like the villain side needs some more ppl in there so I'll go ahead and sign up for evil this time around. tried to keep it all Tales of symphonia villain themes but it kind of turns out that the game doesn't really have that many evil characters in there ( at least with there own unique theme/battle). 1)Tales of Symphonia - Mithos boss theme - Villain 2) Tales of Symphonia - Kratos battle theme - Villain 3) M&L:Dream Team - Antasma's theme - villain
  4. been swamped pretty much all of march. Don't know If I missed my drackula bracket. I see that it doesn't end till the 30th. Am I apart of that bracket or did I miss out?
  5. That part is definitely true. some combos are just easier to pull off now, and I feel like I can pull off the phantom Punch/Kick executions better since they eased up on the button precision.
  6. just sent mine in. I never done a mix where I have to put together 3 songs, so this was a bit of a challenge for me.
  7. it really depends if you love fighting games or like to play competitively. I myself love the way the game feels but of course I hate how its essentially early access with hardly any SP action as well. Its just due to big competitors getting ready for Evo and its understandable in my pov at least. Also I guess I'm the lucky one to not really get any online issues as most of my matches have gone through relatively smoothly, but if anything I keep running into ppl that rage quit more then I deal with lag. Only time will tell if the new features added on will be worth the wait or trouble that its bringing to the gaming community, but other than that I have been enjoying the game so far. My player profile is currently lvl 218. currently 10-0 on Casual matches. currently 17-13 on ranked matches. Completed every characters Story Mode. Completed every characters Survival in Easy mode working on completing every characters survival in Normal mode I keep getting close to beating survival in hard mode with some of my favorite characters but keep getting screwed over at the 40-50 Stages, and it really sux cuz you don't get shit if you lose no matter how close you are. making ur time spent on the mode wasted.
  8. Ya, Chernabogue Mixed Chalice's Piece instead of Magnetic Ether's Piece. Its still a good mix from Chernabogue tho.
  9. <quote> To register and submit, do the following. Click the . Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. </quote> in PRC 113, The link to the "thasauce" page is missing. As for the special rules, I freakin love them and totally wouldn't mind if they're in future rounds. However I really dislike the special rules for the voting section. Depending on the person, we could potentially see the voting system done like this: Supercoolmike's votes Supercoolmike Supercoolmike Supercoolmike Ppl going straight to first/last just because they tied last/first is also very strange to me. As if you hate it when ppl get a tie but then reward them for being a tie... Only way I can see it make sense is when only 2 ppl participate but only got like 1-2 votes for that round. As for the song choices, can't wait to get started!
  10. @YoshiBlade your offering Sir_nuts to switch but you guys are already in the same bracket lol. @Sir_NutS I'll be ok to switch if you want Sir_nuts. However I'm only in the second bracket so idk if you would still want to do that or if mindwanderer has a set up where I'm exclusively in the second bracket since the chatter so far has primarily been about the people in the first bracket.
  11. lol ya. I almost spilled the beans when I was sending out my first post of my gift from Anorax. Took me like 2-3 weeks to figure out what to give him since his description was empty. Then I noticed he was in a dorm and it instantly got me thinking to get him some dorm-ish stuff and be like, " look what you didn't get for christmas!" to his roomates XD
  12. omg. My bad Anorax, I completely forgot to make an update. Yes I did receive the package, It came on the 23rd of December so it was a fun after party when Christmas was done. I have always played this game but never actually had my own. Thx a bunch http://puu.sh/mmyoj/74547a8dc2.jpg
  13. dang, I was hoping a lot more would've been uneligible so my decision could be easier to make lol. Nah but jokes aside I'm gonna say this is my list. Castlevania 3 : Riddle Castlevania dracula X: Opus 13 Castlevania SON : Requiem of the gods Castlevania SON : Rainbow cemetery. Also if possible, Could I be one of the last people to go. I'm already a lil behind on other things and I want to make sure I have as much time as possible for those things so I can hopefully be in a better position for this compo. Other then that Can't wait to get started
  14. A little behind on my schedule but I wouldn't want that to be the reason I don't join. I have 5 songs picked out, but I never Played a castlevania game at all, so I don't even know if some of my choices qualify. So before I set out any kind of order I 'll just state the 5 songs I speak of to see if they qualify for this compo. Castlevania 3 : Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgg9yjI3q2k Castlevaina 3 : Evergreen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC_3dukPq1M Castlevania SON : Requiem of the gods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hH_3Q87Z40 Castlevania SON : Rainbow Cemetery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnSae6t5-8o Castlevania Dracula X : Opus 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jG91UawBKI
  15. I know its hella late but I just wanted to say thanks to Bundeslang and everyone else That has voted and liked my songs enough to grant me Remixer of the year! I am both over joyed and kinda frustrated to see that I have received such a reward. I'm happy because I was able to complete a goal that I have set and told myself to win since last years PRC free round (PRC 286), and The only other Goal I wish to set for myself in PRC is to become Higher in the hall of fame and to be amongst the top 10 of all round remixers; Of course that's not going to be happening anytime soon but its a goal none the less. The parts where I'm frustrated at this reward is simply because I don't feel like I deserve such a reward when I myself still have lots to learn. my ability to be able to stand on my own 2 feet against the giants of OCR is still very marginal but I can do nothing but keep trying and progress through the months/years that will pass by that will hopefully make my efforts fruitful to become a better creative musician and artist as a whole. Loved last year's outcome and I can't wait to see you all again for the new year/season of PRC!
  16. my bad Bundeslang. I just sent the source. This month has just been terrible for me and it keeps throwing curveballs even at the last second right before 2016 came at 12:00am (T.T) But basically in a nutshell, Everything I was working for on that new yearly PRC video flat out got corrupted. I now have to basically start over from scratch again; So me being on time to release said video is out the question even with a freakin 2 month prep time. Not entierly everything was lost but its basically not going to look as pretty as it was going to be and this new release date is lookin somewhere around mid-late January depending if anything else wants to freakin screw me over lol.
  17. just sent my wip...Tbh, I'm not really sure how I feel about it though. Turns out it kinda sounds like an instrumental of some sort (but probly a bad kind}. I was debating whether or not I should just start over but that really depends on what u guys think.
  18. I switched between the 2 constantly to see what were the differences and so far its just the first 30 secs and the moment after 1:40 that are different ( at least to me). For me, the winner of the first 30 seconds is from Remix 2. you give the listener almost 15 seconds of the original soundtrack; plenty enough time for the listeners to figure what the song is from. To then give it your rendition of the piece, letting the listeners know what to expect (style-wise) from the song... There's nothing wrong with the first 30 seconds from Remix 1, as it is the more tame version, but I feel Remix 2 has a better impact for an intro. However After the 1:40 mark. I feel the victor goes to Remix 1, simply because it is just cleaner. That one synth that is just playing one note from remix 2 is just there for like 20 secs and it's kinda overpowering the other instruments. Now for the parts that play between 0:30 - 1:40. I like how it stays true to the OS. The pacing is pretty good and just when the song was about to get monotonous u changed it up at 1:18, much appreciated. I Hope this feedback helps out.
  19. feedbacks in workshops are usually occupied by a couple of ppl, but It's always pretty empty like this around December. Other than that the links don't work, you probably have them on private.
  20. Got this package a while ago, but was away atm. Now I'm here to open Up this package From my Secret Santa Anorax! For My initial reactions, I had laughed pretty hard twice and here's why: 1) Something tells me he's giving me that look for a reason... As if he know he was trapped in that package for a week, just chilling in my room unopened like a mint condition action figure. XD http://puu.sh/lZJai/c31019c546.jpg 2)Then there's this reason...Who the hell, that is 15 years old...Just chokes on this. XD http://puu.sh/lZJbp/1e5f447fab.jpg Thx again Anorax for this cool gift! The Anticipation for the upcoming goodies is killing me.
  21. Probably a dumb question but is there an option or mod out there that can invert the page? Like how I found a mod that does that for youtube. Edit: hmm. just tried the, "spoiler" call and it didn't happen. maybe its cuz of the Ips version?
  22. just sent my recipients presents. Shipment estimates it will arrive around the 16th.
  23. Hey Esperado Idk if you'll see this, but I think your file is corrupted. I would try to play the song but it would never load. Then I tried downloading it, and then it told me it doesn't support this file format. Other then that, I also subbed.
  24. Ram does play a role when it comes to the quality of samples, but imo the influence of ram is not as important as the sound card you currently have (or the sound driver that your DAW has provided) and the strength of your processor. Ram is simply a data cap for sampling while the sound card and processor are the ones actually doing all the heavy lifting as far as strength and limitations of said samples and it's effects. If all you're using are free sample plug-ins, chances are they're not expensive on the amount of data being used and could possibly be worked with even with just 1 Gb of ram. 8 Gb is probly more then enough even with high quality samples since most high end samples are around 200 Mb of data per track. in my personal experience I have 32Gb of ram ( for other editing programs like maya, Unreal development kit, premiere and after effects) and yet I can't have no more than 6 kontakt tracks or else it will start bottlenecking and glitch out.That reason is because I have yet to upgrade my processor. In my screen it tells me I have plenty of room to place more tracks, but my processor tells me other wise lol. So just to re-iterate, its not ram that ppl should be worried about, its the sound card/driver and your proocessor. Hope this helps.
  25. just signed up. didn't even realized Secret Santa was even a thing on here. hopefully I don't screw things up on my end since this would be my first time.
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