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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    David Sylvester
  • Interests
    Composing, producing, piano, tennis, badminton, video games (I know a lot more about them then I actually play them :P)

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Session Strings, The Grandeur, Massive
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Recording Facilities
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Basso Profundo

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  1. Oh shoot, I can't believe I almost let this slip under my nose. Gotta think of something to make for it...
  2. Yes the trailerrrrr
  3. https://twitter.com/OnThisDayGaming/status/894274076914712577
  4. I want this on vinyl platinum right now
  5. I actually never heard about these until now, and I've been doing a lot of research o_0
  6. Gee whiz you really do like my intro XD
  7. For the mass collaboration, I had some ideas about incorporating the SF64 Andross themes if that'd work
  8. Mmm so smooth Liking the active drumbeat too. And, uh... yeah it was so smooth that it inspired me to do a quick thing with it: https://dbr.ee/G41C
  9. OK, sorry for the delay, I'm sending a message now with the current WIP of Starbit Festival
  10. Oops, haven't gotten a chance to record myself yet, but I basically have the arrangement done. Could I get it in next week?
  11. Also a testament to how much I need a better keyboard stand XD But thanks!
  12. Yeah lol I kinda just added that in while noodling around with it in the arrangement process, give it that eerie ambient feel. I played Mars with an All-State Orchestra once and the vibes were so great. Any specific timestamps? Hesitation/stuttering is a consistent problem I have in my playing style, I probably just left them in so that the audio would match with the video, mistakes and all, but I could edit them out from the MIDI for an official audio file. Probably somewhere near the end of the "Super Metroid Theme" part in the finale, right? Well, I would, but I still have a submission that's supposedly been in the judging process since September (but hasn't been on the "To Be Judged" list yet), which is even more frustrating because with my current knowledge of OCR, I feel like it's just going to be rejected for quite a bit of variation from the source material.
  13. Once again, I decided to try to experiment with style and arrangement to make a unique take on a classic VGM theme! If I were to give it a title, it would probably be something like "Hunting for Ridley". Whadya think?
  14. First, a bit of background: Currently there's a track going around in the dubstep community called "Like That" by a trio of 17-year-olds called Wavedash. The track has been used as an intro to almost every Skrillex concert back in the summer of 2016 (which makes of soooo jealous DX 'cuz they're freakin' 17), but until now it has never actually been released by OWSLA or NEST HQ, even though it was on the NEST Wavedash Visual Mix a while ago. Everyone's been desperately waiting for it, but recently on xTrill a user went and leaked a 320kps MP3 of the whole song AND the acapella of the vocals. So I thought What if I remixed this and put this online before the original track even gets out? Take that XD So here's what has come out so far, what do you guys think? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElcTBwRVYyMXM2VXM/view?usp=sharing Original track (at 3:26, there's more of the track but it's just not included in the video):
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