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Jason Covenant

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  1. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to Ghetto Lee Lewis in rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016   
    Last time I did this compo as a villain.  I'll play as a goody-do-gooder hero this time.  Here's my list:
    “Dragon Age Origins” - “Leliana” and “Leliana's Song” - “Hero”
    “Tales of Phantasia” - “Mint” and “Mint's Theme” - “Hero”
    “Final Fantasy IV” - “Rydia” and “Rydia's Theme” - “Hero”
  2. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Tex in CALLOUT: Double Dragon arrangements! (Feb. 15th deadline for instant OCR mixposts!)   
    Somehow didn't see this before today. I'll see if I can cook something up in time.
  3. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Black_Doom in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    I'll take "The Extreme".
  4. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Welcome to the Album Thread for Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course.

    The concept for this album stretches back to 2010 where a tracklisting and title were chosen for what one would have
    dreamed would be a great Final Fantasy VIII album. With your help, I'm hoping to make that a reality. Right now is the
    recruitment phase, so if you are a posted ReMixer, feel free to make a claim -- first come, first served on any source.
    If you are not a posted ReMixer, you are still welcome to join the album roster if you can produce high quality mixes, or
    are capable of producing a high quality arrangement and structure, then delivering your stems for mixing/mastering.
    Please submit an audition. Mixing/Mastering would be handled by me for anyone who requests it.
    There is no genre restriction, however please give much consideration to preserving the spirit of the source.
    tldr: first come, first served for posted remixers
    other artists, please submit an audition!
    mixing/mastering available on request
    if it's an emotional piano source, I reserve the right to bounce back your gangsta dubstep screamo mix
    Also if you're going to claim something like The Extreme, keep in mind it's gotta be excelsior

    ReMixer Works in Progress posted here
    First Half
    Liberi Fatali (claimed by HeavenWraith)
    Balamb Garden (claimed by Chernabogue, Tuberz McGee, Furilas)
    Blue Fields (claimed by Chris Porter)
    Don't Be Afraid (claimed by Tuberz McGee)
    Find Your Way (claimed by Wiesty)
    The Landing (claimed by Sagnewshreds)
    SeeD (claimed by Manji)
    Breezy (claimed by RiverSound)
    Force Your Way (claimed by Ivan Hakštok)
    Waltz For The Moon (claimed by XPRTNovice)
    The Man with the Machine Gun (claimed by Gario)
    Julia (claimed by Geoffrey Taucer)
    Roses and Wine (claimed by Brandon Strader)
    Junction (claimed by DjjD)
    The Mission (claimed by jnWake)
    Only A Plank Between One and Perdition (claimed by shadowpsyc)
    Slide Show Pt. 2 (claimed by bluelighter)
    The Stage is Set (claimed by Larsec)
    Movin' (claimed by fxsnowy)
    Martial Law (claimed by JJT)
    Succession of Witches (claimed by Vled Tapas ft. Lord Bif, Na'r't, Dolkins)
    A Sacrifice (claimed by Careless Juja)
    Premonition (claimed by DusK)
    Wounded (claimed by Jackson Alexander Parodi)
    Fragments of Memories (claimed by Jorito)

    Second Half
    Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (claimed by Vled Tapas)
    Blue Sky (claimed by theshaggyfreak)
    Drifting (claimed by XPRTNovice)
    Galbadia Garden (claimed by Trev)
    Shuffle or Boogie (claimed by Hashel05, Deiselc1)
    Heresy (claimed by Random Encounter)
    Fisherman's Horizon (claimed by djpretzel)
    Dance with the Balamb Fish (claimed by Sebastien Skaf)
    The Oath (claimed by audio fidelity)
    The Spy and Under Her Control (claimed by OC Jazz Collective)
    Trust Me (claimed by Brandon Strader)
    Silence and Motion (claimed by ZykO)
    Eyes On Me (claimed by Jivemaster)
    Where I Belong (claimed by Cyril the Wolf)
    Mods de Chocobo (claimed by Hat)
    Ride On
    Lunatic Pandora (claimed by Hipnotyk)
    Compression of Time (claimed by ZykO)
    The Castle (claimed by Fishy)
    Maybe I'm A Lion (claimed by Amphibious)
    The Extreme (claimed by Jason Covenant)
    Overture (claimed by Derek Oren, Jeremy Robson)
    Wanna claim something not listed? Do it! 

    Once the recruitment phase is well underway and the roster is filling out, details on
    WIP dates and other plans will be made clear. Hoping to finish by 2018.
    Announced January 28th, 2016
    Directed by Brandon Strader with personal consultant BONKERS
  5. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to djpretzel in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Just chiming in to say I've got full faith in @Brandon Strader to bring this one home & do it right... very psyched to see some great names already popping up!
  6. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    My Round 4 remix for the SFRG compo.
    Basically, choirs+orch+large beat as the main formula. I was thinking more solo vox and no guitar.
  7. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from djpretzel in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    I had something in mind along the lines of "Vector Point Engineering Sigma Fortress". Would that work for you?
  8. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    I'll take "The Extreme".
  9. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Cam3leon in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  10. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  11. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Yosh1PrisMa in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  12. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  13. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  14. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Troyificus in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  15. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  16. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from Ghetto Lee Lewis in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  17. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I took all the time I could get this week. This track is one of the most challenging ones I've had to finish in such a short time!
  18. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Me too! My track turned out even better than I thought. I'm not going to hype myself up that much though, everything in this compo has been amazing, haha. I can't wait to hear what everyone came up with this round!
  19. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to jnWake in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I got some sudden inspiration that is making me change some things in my track... I think it's sounding cool though. Got some inspiration from Marillion's
    and for this week, so expect some 6/8 shenanigans haha.
  20. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to Flexstyle in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Guys, I can't believe how happy I am with this week's track. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I was this hyped to share something with OCR. 
  21. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Round 5's source tune is Mega Man X8 - Sigma Palace
  22. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    New voting procedure starting this round!
    Voters, post your top three remixes in this thread as follows.
    Your name First place choice remix name Second place choice remix name Third place choice remix name Your Team Name (if you have one) Team name on the fifth line is new. If you don't have a team, don't include a fifth line.
    Copy your team name from the first post in the voting thread so that capitalization is consistent.
    I'm working on getting scores for round 2 and 3 into my tracking sheet. Once that's done, I'll publicize scores and keep the sheet updated week to week.
  23. Like
    Jason Covenant got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Looks like I'm going this week. I'm thinking Gregorian Chant Breakbeat.

    Hope that helps.

    Oh, and here's my lyrics from GLL's remix last week:
    Darkesword compo
    With a deadline coming very soon
    Mixing n' fixing
    Shoveling caffeine in with a spoon
    Not much time left
    Gotta rush this and get it done
    'bout to master
    Oh no I forgot a whole section
    I'm halfway done
    I don't want to let the team down
    And I've only used one theme
    Just hours left
    Barely awake
    Not much time left
    Gotta rush this and get it done
    'bout to master
    Oh no I forgot a whole section
    I have a feeling these will become highly relevant for some of us in a couple of days.
  24. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to YoshiBlade in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    It's good to see some optimism this round, but I think I'll always prefer your earlier remixes Flexstyle. 
  25. Like
    Jason Covenant reacted to timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Really great round, guys!
    bLiNd ~ Arsonist
    Really solid work here, and out of all the EDM tracks in this compo so far, the best production. My only production gripe is that the lead guitar felt like it stuck out of the soundscape for some reason; I think it was the reverb design and midrange EQ that did it. The arrangement was fairly predictable, but there were lots of subtle variation details. The incorporation of Doppler felt kind of "shoehorned in", so a decently-cohesive but well-executed track.
    Cam3 ~ Tiger Millionaire
    Cool concept. I get that you were going for kind of a grungy, techy feel. The production needed work in the Master track processing in that the whole track felt quite overcompressed whenever the drums played. The main drum samples also felt rather tonally weird, moreso the kick than the snare. I thought the sources were fairly well-integrated and personalized to the style.
    GrapplingHook ~ Arma Gonna Topple That Dopple v0.1
    Not too shabby. To me the tempo felt a bit slow for what you appeared to be going for (not by much, just maybe 4~8 BPM). At 0:43 - 0:56, it felt like the lead was meandering. The production is alright, but could be better. For example, the intro guitars had quite a bit of reverberation in the treble frequencies, which isn't really audible once all the instruments come in. I find that the upper treble frequencies get cluttered fairly easily, and even the smallest EQ edits up there could help. Also, the drums felt fairly clean/uncompressed, and some controlled distortion and careful compression could have strengthened the tone of those drums some more.
    WillRock ~ MMMDop
    Dat title; what, X3 = times three, and so Mega Man X3 -> Mx3 = MMM, and then Dop? Aight, anyways, this arrangement is clearly exceptional. Loving the chord progressions throughout, especially the ones at 2:28 and 2:48. The wicked solos also weren't totally terrible (in other words, they were awesome). On the production side, I thought the midrange was a little bit cluttered with regards to the backing instruments (those could have used some slight mids scooping), but it wasn't a big deal to me. That shift to minor at 3:16 was also genius. Based on the chord progressions and crazy solos, and the solid production, this is pretty awesome.
    Tuberz McGee ~ I Don't Run At All
    Right off the bat this feels a bit quiet, but that's not too hard to fix, right? Some small crits of note: At 0:19, I can hear you make a noise with your mouth that you could have edited out, for example, and some of the fricatives and sibilances on the vocal takes don't line up to such an extent that I would call them "tight" (such as 2:13 on the "st" in "style"). And then there's the lyrics; funny, but perhaps a bit overdone on the frequency of usage. I get that that's your theme, so to speak, but I kind of anticipated cameos more so than repeated usages. I thought the rock part was fairly straightforward, and my favorite part was the acoustic outtro. The drums are serviceable, though they could be a bit stronger via some controlled distortion and careful compression.
    Garpocalypse ~ Is é mo aingeal imithe
    This was a refreshing vibe to hear amidst the more electronic tracks I tend to hear in compos. It sounded Irish to me, and I actually sang lots of Irish music in high school, so that's cool. The production is fairly clean, aside from the amount of reverb on the distant choir that shows up every now and then, and my main concern is the amount of repetition in the track. By about 3:07, I start to crave more variation in at least the textures, and if not, at least the chord progressions, or even the melodic contour. Maybe a stark left turn into a mood shift, or something new to keep us interested. I think after you incorporate more variation or eliminate repetitious areas, it's a pretty good candidate for OCR.
    Gario ~ Red Shifting Drift
    This could have been one of my top picks, actually. The lead sequencing was excellent, and the drums, while fairly generic tonally and in terms of the sequencing, are serviceable. My main gripe with this was actually the pad/synth choir you had going on, which had quite a bit of reverb and made the whole track feel a bit overly washy (the one exposed at 2:28). The sources were pretty well-integrated too.
    fxsnowy ~ Thermoception
    The intro literally felt like an X-style stage-select theme. HAH! The drums were fairly serviceable tonally, but they didn't seem to fit the mood I thought you were going for. If you wanted to go with that drum kit, I felt you needed a wider bass (even if by just a bit). The bells were pretty loud and lacking in velocity variation (such as at 1:24). I also thought at 0:46 - 0:48, the notes were rather weird, and there were some other spots that felt weird with the melodic contour and/or chord progression, such as 1:25 - 1:26, 1:36 - 1:37, and 2:13 - 2:14. My main issue with this is that the bass frequencies feel fairly bare, leading me to perceive a bit of textural sparseness overall. I realize that you actually have a bass, but it was written staccato for a good chunk of the track, so there's not as much of a "foundation" beneath the other instruments wherever it feels more fit to parallel the action of the bells and pads that each had long releases (ADSR). That really comes down to the flow of the way you wrote the bass, so I realize that it may not be an easy fix.
    Shadix ~ Winter Weather Advisor
    I see you were going for a Jazz Fusion feel. I think that tonally it worked. I enjoyed the less busy parts the most! One of my three main concerns with this is that in the spots where the drums are busiest, they feel conflicting relative to the other lower-energy instruments. Perhaps if the writing in those spots was lighter (such as using primarily overhead and not writing such hard hits), even if nearly as busy in terms of the rhythm, would feel less busy overall. My second is that there is a bit much reverb on most of the "primary" instruments. For example, the sax could have a higher low-cut cutoff frequency on its reverb to minimize low-mids reverberation (the character of the reverb is fairly perceivable at 3:07). My last concern was that the overall track feels overcompressed, but you knew that. I would check the Attack and Release on FabFilter Pro-L, and experiment with the Attack, Release, and GR settings on the LA-3A compressor emulation.
    DusK ~ Just Give Me a Minute
    Fun metal track! Sounds "like you" (easily identifiable as something you wrote). Rather short, though; to me it felt like it could have been longer, based on the arrangement flow, but that's alright. Fairly solid production, and I wasn't bothered by the clicky kick. I forget if that's FPC or something else.
    Cash ~ Dark Times, Happy World
    To me, the arrangement felt rather forced, and the stereo field was strange. I personally have (almost) never auto-panned a bass or anything having low-mids frequencies, because it tends to feel weird doing so. The people I know are so used to bass being centered (typical) or wide (dubsteppish). The overall soundscape also felt sparse, and lacking a chordal component; you seem to have tried to make up for it with reverb, but I think it would be more helpful to write chords. Lastly, the ending note tail needed to last in its entirety before the track ended, and it's an easy fix (just add an empty/silent clip at the end of the track, perhaps).
    jnWake ~ Beetle Dopplerganger
    The arrangement was really fun, and my favorite part of this was the chord progressions you used. The solos were quite nice too, though they could have used a synth tone that had more body to give them more of a commanding presence. The rhythm guitars were fairly straightforward but pretty realistically sequenced/MIDIed in. I don't think the lead guitar was really lacking realism, per se, but the execution of the performance emulation wasn't as impressive as a real person playing the same notes, and was lacking the variation in playing style that a real person would naturally incorporate out of human tendencies to not play the same thing the exact same way each time (even if it was written that way on sheet music). Overall, based on the chord progressions and pretty good solos, I think you should continue polishing this track in the guitars and solo synth tones and submit this sometime to OCR.
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