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Jonathan David Arndt

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  1. I also was not a forum member at the time. And I still enjoy 'Ryu for Four Pianos' (SFII) and the collab piece 'The Place We Knew' (CT).
  2. Is there a timeframe for when a quarterly update will be made available for 4001+ ReMixes? EDIT : Just checked again today, and I see the Q2 2021 Update is there now. Thanks!
  3. HOT. DIGGITY DOG. Thanks to this thread, I actually listened to the whole of SuCaBro. And DJ MIX by Global-Trance is getting loaded to the car stereo. We'll be driving around town with the windows rolled down, thumping around downtown in the minivan -- what's up! Seriously, this album made my day today. And will probably be there for many more days to come. (Have never been into EDM, and these will probably not be all-time favs, but it is still such good stuff!) EDIT : recommend converting from VBR to a constant-bit-rate for the car stereo (as for any long-running track, most of you probably know why...)
  4. It looks like there has been a change to the forums, and there are now 14 ranks from "Newbie" up to "Grand Master". But it looks like everyone (including DJP) have the "Newbie" rank. What are these all about?
  5. Have really been enjoying a few tracks from Thieves of Fate (and have been very thankful for those here who have kept the torrent alive, as the direct download no longer works). https://ocremix.org/album/10/radical-dreamers-thieves-of-fate
  6. Will there be a quarterly update sometime in 2021? There have been 200+ additions since the 1-4000 torrent was released (and I am lazy, and do not wish to download them all individually). No pressure. I can wait. Just curious how often the non-mega torrents are released.
  7. Some kind soul has put all the removed ones on github: https://williamjacksn.github.io/ocremoved/
  8. Well, even though the link is still broken here, someone has put this on SoundCloud (and you can download it now, too)
  9. Hey, just wanted to lend a word of encouragement. I am always a bit disappointed when a Kickstarter does not meet its goal, so sorry to hear about that. Listened to several of your tracks and they are really very well produced. Quality stuff. Maybe you would also be encouraged by some tunes from a friend of mine: https://benkoch.bandcamp.com/ "a cure for the song shaped hole in your heart" was created for use with the Navigator's Topical Memory System "it's a song thing!" roughly corresponds to the Self-Confrontation course from the Biblical Counseling Foundation These are very different from your project! The subject matter is similar, of course, but there is very little in the way of production; some are little more than the ukulele and a mic. But thought you would enjoy them anyway. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword" Hebrews 4.12! I wish you the best with your work here. Will try to follow as this project goes on!
  10. Nice. Also, looks like there are tags for "vocals-male" and "vocals-female." That is great for the online search! (but I guess there is always a possibility that data will be incomplete)
  11. @DevsmanHow do you search for remixes with lyrics? (I tried some time ago with downloaded files, and a text search for "lyrics" turned up... well, hundreds of them. But I was never really sure if that search was conclusive.)
  12. It has been ONE YEAR. Really enjoy listening to the playlists you all put together, because it often leads to some amazing rabbit trails. Thanks to@LuckyXIII I have now been introduced to RKO. (There is a lot of listening there, and it is WORTH IT.) There are a few items on that playlist that I cannot find anywhere: #45 - Traversing the Ngori - Ambient People - Ambience Again (4:50) #46 - Into the Ngori - Ambient People - Ambience Again (5:31) #60 - ACCIDENT - Mysterious Secret Room - Super Mushroom (8:53) For this next one, I identified a few candidates, but am wondering if your copy is from some other source? #90 - Dream of the Shore Near Another World - Yasonori Mitsuda (2:33) Piano version by Kara Comparetto (2:19) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIraiwX96jE Chrono Cross OST (2:26) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV-FvxoR1PQ Thanks! Have really enjoyed this!
  13. Is is possible to update the link to this track? I know it's been a long time, but this is just so good, and now we are not able to listen to it anymore. Thanks!
  14. Oh wow. I do enjoy it. The original piece is obviously a favorite, and your arrangement is very fine; it certainly brings out more of the sad emotion from this piece. Well done! I hope you submit this one, and can work through any advice the judges have to offer.
  15. Yes, it does clearly change with the number of posts. What ranks can be obtained? Is there a list of all rankings, and how many posts (or content count) must be made to attain a particular rank?
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