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  1. *shrug* I'm not some big Japanese cartoon nerd and I thought they were well-drawn and at least mildly amusing.
  2. I get to post in this thread before it's inevitable lockage! Yay!
  3. That character design makes me want to vomit. He looking fucking ridiculous in 3D.
  4. Battle Pope is a fun apocalyptic romp featuring the Pope, who's a cigar-chomping, whore-banging midget which God imbues with totally bitchin' guns and muscles. Also, Jesus is his sidekick. Y: The Last Man may be the best non-superhero comic book you'll ever read. It's a nearly finished 60-issue limited series, and the trade paperbacks will catch you up in time for the epic conclusion. I'm not sure if Marvel Zombies counts as a superhero book, and I haven't read it, but I only here great things about it. Basically, all the Marvel superheroes have been turned into flesh-eating zombies, yet still retain sentience. The latest series pits them against Ash from Army of Darkness.
  5. Because talent rarely gets you fame. Also, I felt it needs to be said that, while the movie didn't stick to the facts of the comic book, I do think it got the mood of the Spiderman series down pat.
  6. I enjoyed the movie, but I feel there was too much Topher Grace and not enough Gwen Stacy dying. Because there was none. Why didn't she die?
  7. I expected a 3D Jigglypuff when I clicked the topic.
  8. Tits or GTFO. I'm kidding, of course. Yeah, this is pretty weird and all, but I guarantee we'll be receiving a statement about the goat being a fake or dying from natural causes or something within the next few days.
  9. Eh. I'll continue not caring.
  10. You all lose for not mentioning AMV Hell 3: The Movie. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1296650760995189755&q=amv+hell+3&hl=en
  11. Thread = over.
  12. Trapical, you should get a trophy.
  13. IT'S A TRAP. Well done picture. Me likey.
  14. Does anyone else think David Hayter looks enough like Snake to pull it off? I mean, he's got the voice. If not Snake, then he looks a good deal like Otacon when he has glasses on. Or, Hayter could pen the screenplay. I mean, come on. The guy's a screenwriter AND the voice of Snake. He should be in the movie somehow.
  15. I know who can save the Sonic series: Jaleel White.
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