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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I wish I could return my 3DS. I can see why they potentially cancelled it. The install base for the 3DS isn't huge. I think on most counts the system is an utter failure so far. I can't even think of a 3DS game I'm looking forward to now. This is really sad. Capcom is making the weirdest decisions with the Megaman franchise. So there isn't actually any Megaman game in development at all for any system now?
  2. This may seem daft, but how does one get invited to google+?
  3. I'm enjoying Radiant Historia quite a bit, but it's no Xenogears. I get people wanting square to make a new 16 bit/32 bit style game. The RPGs from the 32 bit Playstation days had quite a lot of heart, or maybe it's just nostalgia clouding my judgement. When I play Radiant Historia, it's a great game, but I don't get this seminal legacy feeling that I got when I played Xenogears FFT, or even earlier games like Breath of Fire, or Lunar. I think it is just nostalgia though.
  4. So, for anyone in the know about Club Nintendo Coins, you know the cutoff is tonight to obtain platinum status. I find myself about 80 coins short of this goal (600, I'm at 520). Does anyone have any codes lying around that they don't intend to use? They come with most every first party wii, DS and 3ds game, systems too, it's on a little page next to the instruction booklet. I know I'm pretty much begging, but I'm so very close. Could anyone find it in their giant gaming heart to help a guy out? I'll lock this thread by tonight if there aren't any takers. Thank you.
  5. Haven't had an issue with L-targeting yet, but I have found some discomfort with using the analog slider. It's not as accurate as i would have hoped, it reminds me of the PSP in a big way. There's just no substitute for actual analog sticks. It makes me worry about the Wii U (not trying to get off topic). Has anyone else had problems with using the slider?
  6. I liked Cross, just never bothered to finish it. One of the things I disliked about CC was you had to have multiple playthroughs to get all the characters. I'm the type of person that when given too much choice, it actually cripples me and makes me put down the controller. Like if you choose to get X character, then you can't get Y character until your new game+, I hate stuff like that. Anyways, A new Chrono game would be welcomed. They should just put it on the 3DS, or Vita at this point. All the good classic style rpgs are handheld these days. I would almost go as far as saying all the good Jrpgs are on handhelds now. Not trying to troll anybody or spark some debate about wrpgs and jrpgs or anything. There have been a lot less on consoles that I have cared about this generation (Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata being two that I really enjoyed).
  7. I wasn't hooked by WW either, though it is quite beautiful. It's one of the few Zelda games I didn't beat. I tried to go back to WW a couple weeks ago and I couldn't get into it, but I did go back to Ocarina a bit ago and I was able to pickup right where I left off. I guess it has to do more with nostalgia and familiarity with the latter. I wish I had the time to start Wind Waker anew, but I just continued off an old save.
  8. I tried to buy this at Target, but the guy got wise and wouldn't sell it to me, they fully had about 4 or 5 of them out.
  9. Hmm, thanks for explaining. This seems interesting. The first episode posted was pretty good.
  10. I haven't watched RvsB since they were just using Halo 2 assets. So how is this done now? Last I remember it was just footage of people monkeying around in Multiplayer. So are they animating this? using assets from other games? What is it?
  11. So is next week the finale?
  12. I didn't think Halo 4 would make it on the Xbox360. I'm very much looking forward to this. Some very talented people on that team, hope it helps take Halo to the next level, especially in story telling. Halo has more or less always had a satisfying campaign. I don't think Bungie not developing it will affect much. Who knows, with this new project with a new team, perhaps it will be better? Who's to say? I think it's clear that this is somewhat of a passion project for a lot of the team, since it is a Halo specific team. As for the storyline, Master Chief's story is pretty played out at this point. I bet the chief will meet up with that missing pocket of Spartan 3's from the books. There are plenty of interesting ways they can take the story, instead of the rather simple path that Bungie took (they seemed to ignore a lot of the expanded fiction).
  13. I wasn't planning on buying Nintendo's next console at launch, but I was looking forward to it being unveiled. The Wii U wasn't what I was expecting. I don't like it, I'm going to wait awhile and see how it plays out. I was just expecting a Nintendo branded Xbox, basically, that's what all the Nintendo nerds were clamoring for. At least they are still trying to innovate. I sold my Wii in 2008 (for the same price I got it at launch, thanks fake production shortage) and haven't missed it since, and I have owned and enjoyed every Nintendo console in the past. As for a FFVII remake, I think it will eventually happen. They have ported and remade most every final fantasy game. I think every FF up to 6 has been at least ported to a different system, 5 on PSX and 6 on GBA and PSX. Remakes include 1 and 2 on GBA and PSP, and 3 and 4 on DS. I think it's inevitable.
  14. So I downloaded Links Awakening DX, it's not in 3D. I don't know why I thought it was, but just a fair warning to others who might have assumed the same thing.
  15. At this point I would recommend waiting. I got a 3DS at launch and I find myself regretting it in the short term. I would wait until after E3 and see how the release list is. On the 8-4 Play podcast they were predicting a $50 price drop in Japan for the 3DS since it is selling relatively poor and the number one knock against it is the price in Japan. I find that really hard to believe, but I do think we'll see another version or color of the 3Ds in the next year to help spur sales, maybe a pack in game at least.
  16. I got an error the first time I tried to download Infamous. I just went under download history and resumed the DL. I wonder how long PSN will be like this? All errors and laggy menus?
  17. I don't think this has been brought up yet. If you have a PSN account for a different country, you can get welcome back games from that as well. I have an old Euro PSN account from when they had the Killzone 2 demo a week early and I'm downloading Dead Nation and Quest for booty (they get this instead of Super Stardust HD). Got Infamous and Wipeout on my main USA account.
  18. Maybe something to do with Silicon Knights as well? Who knows, I'm really excited to play ZOE again. I've been thinking about picking up 2nd runner lately and this is a welcome surprise. I doubt I'll buy the HD versions of MGS unless they improve or add some features. I saw this on another forum, about how the HD MGS collection is basically making the 3DS port of MGS3 useless. Value wise too, because I'm sure MGS3 Naked sample or whatever, will be 40 bucks alone.
  19. So wait, you can use god mode, like old school PC launch from the console? All of the brutal and punishing bosses are can be essentially bypassed? Hmm, I'll probably wait for the xbox 360 version, but the god mode intrigues me.
  20. Those are really well made, make more please. To my surprise, I pronounce all of those correctly, which I didn't expect, being from the South and all.
  21. That's so true. The interesting thing will be when the store is back up, how are they going to release the backlog of games (things like Outland)? I'm sure releases will have to stagger, but there has to be a certain point when PSN catches up to xbox live.
  22. I know I heard something about getting free playstation + for a month but has Sony officially announced any other "Welcome back" incentives? Has the playstation + thing started yet? I'm assuming you have to opt into it at some point.
  23. Same for me, the PSU games weren't great, this just looks like another console entry of PSU. The PSU games on PSP aren't that bad, but the portability helps. I still am holding out hope that because they are calling this PSO2 means that it will be the next evolution of the classic PSO formula. It makes me happy that they showed a Forest area, at least. Any news on a release date? I haven't heard anything much about the project since TGS, and then today.
  24. Apparently Ocarina of Time 3D isn't being developed by Nintendo. Nintendo apparently outsourced it's development to Grezzo Co. They haven't really made any notable games, but the studio is led by Kouchi Ichii, who worked on both Final Fantasy and Mana games in the past. Perhaps this is why it wasn't available at launch? Also Ocarina of time 3D launches on June 19th. the box art looks really awesome.
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