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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. Oh wow. I am for sure getting involved in this, post haste.
  2. I go to school where "She's Not That Into You" was filmed. In fact, I watched them film some scenes.
  3. well, then it's clearly not a stylistic mistake--i just don't do it well enough. I am going for a counter-tenor sound... perhaps I need to either practice more, or find a real counter tenor
  4. So I had my old thread deleted because i wanted to enter this into dwelling of duels. Now that that's done with, here's what I have so far! http://drumultima.googlepages.com/hymn3.mp3 Have re-recorded everything, but I need to do more. I'm also thinking of scrapping that second section. Thoughts?
  5. To add to this, if it's screaming in pain for a week, you might just have an injury there. does this happen with no weights?
  6. you know, i'm not sure. It said that this track was licensed by konami on wikipedia, so maybe? not sure... although it looks like smile.dk released it on their album first
  7. I did this for punchfest yesterday, and i liked what happened! Here it is: http://drumultima.googlepages.com/lovebutter.mp3 Maybe I should expand on this!
  8. That looks awesome! Makes me wanna buy a DS
  9. he's making fun of Hawkwing for spelling it "Chrono" and not "Crono", which it is in the game. However, I'm pretty sure the only reason it's "Crono" in the game is because there are only 5 characters you can use to make the name, so therefore they had to truncate out the "h". Meaning the 'crono' purists can stfu either way is fine.
  10. I am a D: finishing up my bachelor's in percussion performance, freelance teaching and performing as a jazz/classical percussionist.
  11. While Estradasphere (the superbuckjazz guys) did have a tighter ensemble, I would hardly say they did anything "better" than these guys. I held my tongue on the first "solo wankery" comment, but I just want to make sure this gets out: the amount of soloing in a jazz piece holds no merit to how "good" the piece is. In fact, I don't even consider it to be part of the piece. To me, the "arrangement" ends at 1:50 and resumes at 4:40 or so--because in that space, with the exception of the background figures, everybody is improvising. It's purely preferential to the listener. If you compare this chart to the legends of the 50s-70s, the soloing here is very limited. Honestly, I prefer listening to jazz with long solos-- the tracks where the first guy plays a 7 minute solo--but then so do the next four players. So for me, NEITHER of these tracks have enough "solo wankery" in them. For a track of this genre, this is pretty much stylistically standard. Therefore, I just don't think it's fair to say superbuckjazz did anything "better" per se (except for the tightness of the ensemble, and even that can be a stylistic choice). Just different
  12. dang, i have to be home in ct on sunday so leaving halfway through saturday wouldn't be worth it. Too bad, I had a lot of fun last year
  13. This is what I always wanted to see happen. This is so freaking awesome. Hey runaway five, do you guys want a vibes player? Can I join your band?! please please please please?!?!?!
  14. I realized I never posted this here, so I might as well. I did this for DoD last August, and it's about a remixer you all know Everything is me, nothing is sequenced! http://dod.vgmix.com/past/aug08/07-DrumUltimA-SFA2-Foe-DoD.mp3
  15. I'll try to go--unfortunately it's much earlier this summer, meaning I can't just up and go right before school starts :[
  16. This is really great man! It's easy to do something for the sake of novelty, but you really went the extra mile and turned what could've been really cheesy into what was actually a very successful piece of music! I'm curious--in the middle section, how did you do the pitch bends? Did you record a bend, or did you do that in midi? Very cool stuff, can't wait to hear more
  17. will man, this is really great. I'm content to listen to it just as it is, but I can definitely see where the judges didn't like your kit--I'd like to hear something a little more acoustically aligned. You should like, PM all of those guys and ask them for specific feedback and advice. That's what I did the first time i sub'd this guy, and it paid off!
  18. I did, actually. That's why I'm reluctant to change anything... because i would have to start over!
  19. hey guys, should I submit this? It did pretty well in DoD in october... http://dod.vgmix.com/past/oct08/05-DrumUltimA-SMG-Nostalgia-DoD.mp3
  20. congrats on getting posted Will! Sounds freakin great, so glad to hear your stuff on OCR! keep it goin!
  21. I KNEW IT! I TOLD YOU ALL!! Anyway I'm pretty much DrumUltimA all over the internet. The only place I go by anything SLIGHTLY different is YouTube, where in a registration accident I was forced to make my name DougDrumUltimAPerry. This has been my alias since 4th grade, I will not give it up!
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