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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I absolutely LOVE the arrangement! Who's responsible for the sheet music? Maybe I can get it performed here at peabody...
  2. hahah, I really liked this! sonic goes great with everything
  3. well, i bought it. won't be able to play it immediately, though.
  4. sonic can't enjoy the 250 px limit
  5. I'm bubbleman and I've got something to say DEAD hahahahahahahah
  6. once i was walking into a safeway with my cousin. On the way through the parking lot, he was fiddling with his phone. when we got to the automatic doors, he pressed a button and all the sudden i heard that zelda chime that happens when you find a secret. I was lolling all over the place
  7. I started experimenting with the mother 3 love theme, wrote some lyrics. I think i'm gonna want a female voice for this for sure, and perhaps a male voice later ala duet. here's what I've got so far: http://drumultima.googlepages.com/sunflowerfields.mp3 and the lyrics: If I could raise the world, How would the world want to be raised? Would it want my love and praise, And in my bounty grow? Or would it turn away? Repel my love, and fester hate... Turn to a cold, metallic state, An endless stoic snow. And all the people there, Would they let love enrich their beings? Or would it crust against their seething, Faceless iron domes? If I could raise just one? Or maybe two, or three, or four, Who knows what would be in store For the entire world. For I know I Would let them fly Watch them help, or hurt eachother Foes or friends, or even lovers! But I will watch from here Under blue skies, in sunflower fields Who knows what this world would yield If I could let it bloom. ------- my voice is in place of the female voice right now. Tell me what you think so far--especially in regards to the lyrics!
  8. you know, it has been done before: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01125/ Take that as you will!
  9. pcmus1c, can you post some midis of your ideas so far?
  10. this website is the single greatest decision ocr has ever made.
  11. just saw it last night! well, most of it at least. The internets were very slow last night, and cut off the last three minutes of the episode for me Sounded awesome zircon!!!! rock on :DDD
  12. Wow, I never really gave the most recent version of this a good listen... I'm really impressed!! Often times when I hear people trying to remix, and they try to incorporate variation/embellish the melody, it comes out sounding awfully contrived and flat. However, the embellishments and variation you use sounds so organic, it's really beautiful The atmosphere of the soundscape is fantastic, I love whatever you're using for the bass. What are you using for the bass? The drum production is fantastic too. Whatever you need to do to finish this, freakin do it!
  13. hah, man, i remember getting to like, the almost final boss of secret of mana or whatever (is this that theme? somewhere near the end of the game?) and hearing the music and being like "AWESOME I HAD NO IDEA THIS COMPOSER WAS SO INFLUENCED BY GAMELAN MUSIC" so doing this in gamelan is good. the dnb stuff is really cool too. do i hear an homage to dueling consoles? i would like to hear some expansion in the texture at the dnb section. Everything sounds so crystal clean in the opening material, that the sudden change in texture really puts me off. While i think this could be a good thing, I would love for you to at least give me some higher-frequency sounds eventually. I know you do add some stuff, but I still feel like there's a hole in the soundscape i'd like to have filled. (I'd like to fill AnotherSoundscapes hole if you know what i mean that's what she said lloolololollolo) what gamelan samples are you using? I love/want these
  14. APPLE BOTTOM JEANS AND THE BOOTS WITH THE FUR (WITH THE FUR) THE WHOLE CLUB WAS A LOOKIN AT HER SHE HIT THE FLO NEXT THING YOU KNO CHRONO GOT LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW Anyway there's some interesting stuff in here, but there are some big things this mix is lacking if you want it on ocr. Your soundscape is fairly limited--you use some neat sounds in the opening, but really all you have is the shorty got low synth, piano, some loops, and vocal clips. I'm all for minimalistic instrumentation, but the texture really leaves a lot to be desired. I also found it really ironic that at one point one of the clips said "PUMP UP THE BASS" because even though the drums have a pretty meaty kick, there is actually no bass instrument through any of this remix. Leaves the whole thing sounding really incomplete to my ears. I guess the biggest hit this remix gets is the lack of variation/interpretation. I think the core idea of super-imposing shorty got low over chrono cross is cool, but once the source melody comes in it really doesn't ever change--it's just the same thing over and over again, with occasional changes in the background. The interpretation of the background music is cool, but there's no real interpretation of the theme itself--it just sounds slapped on over the background. So yeah, lets get more variation/interpretation of the theme, change up the texture a bit, and get some sort of bassline!
  15. you too, eh? I mean, i saw my friends beat sephiroth and I saw the ending, so i was just like "well, what's the point?" Anyway as a kid I lived off Game Genie. I've never played a castlevania, megaman, or starfox game (smash bros excluded), and I am on gamefaqs much more often than i care to admit to. I know there are a good few games that I started and haven't finished, and when i was a kid i was throwing that controller all OVER the place.
  16. dude you play keyboard drums better than I play real drums
  17. this song accurately depicts the pain and suffering caused by fursecution Brandon, dude, this is the DEAL. You single-handedly make me love the secret of mana soundtrack. This really reminds me of Raul Midon. You listen to much of him?
  18. I've been doing music for years and years and years now. I tried remixing in like, 03 or 04 making some midi rendition of the sonic and knuckles battle theme, which got nowhere. But the summer of 06 was when I made my first remix--which is posted here. SO I don't know how long it's taken me! Maybe 10 years, maybe 1? At least as far as ocr's concerned. Ultimately, practice makes perfect!
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