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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. pretty fly, for a white guy edit: yeah, what's wrong with the intro?
  2. HAPPY BiRTHDAY YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111
  3. Oh man, this is totally something I would want to do if it wasn't full time. I have everything on that list--except my BM is in progress and I live in America. I guess if you need any part time work as well, please let me know--transcription is one of my strengths!
  4. holy crap, it's not every day I'm assaulted by a fucking kickass sonic remix on the wip boards The only crit I really have is that the drums seem a little soft in the overall mix, especially at the points of higher energy. This arrangement is FANTASTIC though. Honestly, I think this is good as is, and should be submitted ASAP. fantastic fantastic fantastic.
  5. OMG I LOVE THESE GUYS i found their sonic track on the loser album. amazing.
  6. Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback so far! I worked really hard on this one The fact that this turned into a "medley" of sorts was kind of accidental... djp hit the nail on the head in that I was going for a more narrative sort of thing: Chrono and his friends were all fighting lavos, but then lavos tricks them into thinking he's turned around, and then eats them in the end! But that's why I used all of those themes. I'm glad it worked out so well! Also, the instrument at 2:00 was actually a distorted sax sample So that was pretty close. Thanks everybody!!!
  7. Well, the idea of interpretation plays an important role in the creative process. When I hear a kickass marimba piece I really like, I want to play it because I think I could do cool things with it. Playing another composers music also brings me to a higher level of understanding the music. Also, composing takes a LOOONG time... just like writing a book, writing a script, choreographing a dance, etc-it's a type of menial activity that not everybody's cut out to do. Not to mention a lot of musicians don't know how to compose. Or at least are to afraid to try More than anything else though, playing music is instant gratification--whether it's written by you or not. In fact, playing music not written by you can be more exciting, since the process of writing the piece makes you painfully familiar with the music. I guess the only real middle ground here is improvisation?
  8. YAAY SOMEONE STOLE MY REMIX! once again not really total plagiarism, but whatev. they're supposed to site my name and ocr, right?
  9. Happy birthday mozart! All of your dreams have come true! Western classical musicians are STILL playing your music! Even though, like you, it's DEAD! nah i'm only partially serious i'm cool wit mozart. He's not a producer.
  10. want: used monitors, around the 10-20 dollar range
  11. Hey, I like this! It is pretty intense. I'm no expert on this genre (though certainly a fan), but I think the only thing getting in the way on this one is repetition. The only melodic content in this is the Frog theme. The submission standards do require a fairly even balance between original content and source content. Of course, your choice of genre, texture, etc does account for a bit of that variation but a good chunk of the variation evaluated is in the melody. The breaks that you have where the melody isn't playing certainly helps as well. You do end up repeating the source 4 and a half times though. Try changing the melody up on one of those times. Play with the rhythm, harmonization, heck, even write something completely original instead. There are lots of ways to add variation. Be creative Also, when you aren't playing the melody, the background even gets a bit repetitive. Of course I understand that repetition is the nature of this genre, but there are ways to keep the beat phat without doing the same thing over again. I really like the change in texture at 2:20. Maybe something along those lines? As far as production goes everything sounds good as far as I can tell. Just add a good deal more variation to your composition and I think you'll have a good chance of getting posted!
  12. for 15 bucks an hour I will be your sheet music creator
  13. Blind and AE- best combination of style and nerd I've ever seen, with audiofidelity as runnerup.
  14. jose im super excited about those pics but they're 404ing!
  15. i made one! I didn't download the silkscreen tho, i just drew in pixel numbers Self service, it's my remix Moon Rhapsody
  16. I have two options: 1. Quit 2. Buy a double kick pedal hmmm (anyway that was incredible and inspiring. wowowowowow)
  17. zircon was the icebreaker!!! and jill and I were zircon's icebreaker
  18. aww i'm back I had an amazing time meeting all you people I've always wanted to meet, and playing with all ya'll as well. I'm looking forward to a potential 24 hr nonstop jamspace (!!) next year, totally. I will miss you all and I am eagerly awaiting mag 2010!!!!!
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