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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. i don't believe we have a rating system like that. I know vgmix does, you can try them: http://www.vgmix.com
  2. hold on guys i just need to tighten up the graphics- edit: FANTASTIC. WOW
  3. i forgot to post but the other day i ran a mile in 7:01--which is by long and far my best mile yet. Also, I'm weighing in under 180! i haven't weighed less than 180 since my freshman year of high school
  4. i LOVED wind waker, but i also loved twilight princess. both were beautiful in their own right to me...
  5. I hope to see the day where VGMix will unban me from the forums! I got blacklisted during the Great DragonArmy Exploit of '08
  6. oh man, so you know todd coolman? He's the man. When were you there? Also, I know NYU has some good music industry-related programs. Perhaps check that out?
  7. New Japan Philharmonic? They're not the ones that did the Nintendo Power smash bros album are they? Because they sucked
  8. Wow, this is really cool. Great to see some chamber music on OCR! Any plans on getting this performed?
  9. so i've been seeing how fast I can do a mile nowadays, as well as the 5ks. I think my fastest 5k so far has been 25:15, and today i ran a mile in 7:24. I would love to see that mile get under 7 minutes!!!
  10. I think Multimedia Fusion is a pretty cool app, but has a lot little idiosyncrasies that make all games made in it recognizable as a MMF game.
  11. i don't really know anything about cables or live audio, and I'm not even sure if I'll be able to make it, so let me know if you want me to do it
  12. holy crap, an evening on the roof sounds amazing too bad baltimore city lights are fucking GAY
  13. that was YOU? I gave you that CD!!! :DDD I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! I had SOO much fun all weekend, thanks for a great time! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
  14. i may be going down with some peabody people after all... we'll see
  15. believe it or not, I didn't even know what DCI was until college (where I made friends who did it lol). But I've got a buddy in the cadets right now. Did they do good?
  16. Apology Accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
  17. someone dress me up as serge from chrono cross HOP TO IT
  18. hey larry, i would LOVE to have my pic up. If you don't mind choosing for me, feel free to browse my facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=5407152 I know I have tons of pics up there. If nothing looks good, I can perhaps take a picture or smth
  19. yaay i bumped up all of my back/shoulder stuff up like 10 lbs! Also ran another 5k on the treadmill, did it in about 26:35 or so. However my legs hurt like hell afterward, hopefully i'm not doing anything bad to them. The pain is on the inside of my shin, like, right where the bottom of the calf attatches to the bone. it was ow x.o
  20. being fat is fine, being unhealthy is something else entirely. also fat girls are a million times hotter than skinny girls so there
  21. so i played some ddr for the first time in a while, and I had a nice accomplishment--I played max 300 for the first time since high school, and not only did i pass--i almost full combo'd it. I still got tired, but not as tired as I was in the beginning of the summer. yaay.
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