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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. i have a false persona that i use anonymously online. Stopped using it though. It's name was "Gray Alexander".
  2. From a composition standpoint, they go hand in hand. The emotional quality of a piece can be greatly augmented by a superb construction--and can be destroyed by a terrible construction.
  3. why don't we do the chrono cross remix project, just us an no one else
  4. well, i'm playing both chrono cross and super mario rpg again--and i've played chrono trigger like 5 times now. so yeah.
  5. colin, i'm not sure if I agree with your eqing decisions in the beginning of the piece... I really liked those guitars brighter, as in the earlier version. In fact, everything seems to be a lot muddier now. It sounds too low-fi, too compressed overall. In general try not to compress/eq the whole mix when the issue is really in a specific instrument. I'm sure part of that is probably from having to compress at a low bitrate too. Also, i hear you boosted the lows of the kick but I'm starting to think now it may be a little too much. See if you can find a better balance between the attack of the kick and the resonance of the kick. Still not too crazy about the violin sample, but i think it sounds better now. Your mix definitely sounds fuller now, but I do think it's overcompressed. Especially in the drums, i'm hearing a lot of volume fluctuations (especially in the cymbals) I still love your arrangement! unfortunately i don't really remember the source, but I think you've got the right ratio of original and source content. Just widen your sonic pallet, eq the bright instruments and the dark instruments respectively, and don't compress so much. Right now I'm hearing too much low, too much compression.
  6. unfortunately i don't have any of the consoles i've owned. like, any. My sega broke so we got rid of it, my 64 was sold to pay for my gamecube, which got stolen. so now all i have is my original gray brick gameboy, and black brick game gear! i also have a dilapedated ps1, and 3 ps2s that don't really work
  7. wouldn't it be great if uwe boll was a regular poster on ocr?
  8. Happy Birthday Mono! I just called you and sang you happy birthday! There once was a woman named katie Who was out celebrating her birthday Her friends signed her up for the wet t-shirt cup And she was so drunk she said "maybe!"
  9. I'm going to go against what a lot of people said and note how much i LOVED hearing the saxophone. Your playing sounds GREAT. I love hearing saxophone in an orchestral context (aka bolero, pictures at an exhibition, john adams pieces in general), so I was super psyched to hear it in this. In no way at all did this instrument choice strike me as being inappropriate. Perhaps one way to come in easier on those listeners who aren't so keen on the sound is to make sure you don't mix the sound of the sax too much with the double reed instruments and horns, because (at least according to my composer roommate), the saxophone's sound is sort of a mixture of all those sounds--layering a sax on top of horns and oboes can create too much of that one sound set. But you played very well, I was very happy to hear this remix. Bravo!
  10. GrayLightning = Gray Alexander Bleck = Jules Alexander I think we all know what's going on here...
  11. http://www.apple.com/ipodtouch/
  12. fuck you, now i have to play that series again
  13. I just bought it after seeing this topic. omnomnomonomonom
  14. ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld
  15. I REALLY like how you programmed the drums. That flapping sound you used was FANTASTIC--really made me feel like i was getting some air time. Very cool
  16. happy birthday to me! yesterday, for the first time in my life, i ran a mile in less than 7 minutes! 6:56 was my time. yaaaaaaaay now to beat my work out buddy from connecticut. i have to beat 6:40. it's ON
  17. thanks everyone!!!! I can't believe the day has arrived! wowowow
  18. LEVEL UP! Biceps +5 Back +10 Waist size -1 i ran my last 5k in 25:21. i think thats an improvement?
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