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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. and trust me--I've tried :[ also i'm still here, haven't graduated yet and wont be for a while
  2. I think I'd look a bit like Serge from chrono cross if my hair was blue and I lost 15 lbs... But I guess it doesn't make sense to be a silent protagonist OH I KNOW I am like Tidus from FFX because despite being unbelievably irritating everyone still likes me anyway and I still get the girl.
  3. I think that's just a case of Piazzolla being amazing.
  4. In all my early years, all I'd listen to was whatever was popular. In high school, all I'd listen to was jazz. Here, in college, all I'll listen to is anything.
  5. hmm, i'll check that out. My other leg got all weird on me yesterday when trying to run--my left shin seized up, i think it was from the track being so small and constantly turning. stupid legs
  6. when i was 17 years old, I didn't know the first thing about making music digitally. 4 years later, I see some major results and get some remixes posted here. A lot can happen in a small amount of time--and you have a lot of time! Anyway, the answers to this question I hear a lot include "make all the contacts you can", "take whatever job you can", etc. But if you're looking to hone your skills, you can take either the formal composition route or the music producer route. This website right here is an excellent place to learn about the digital production of music--it's where I learned everything I know. Post works-in-progress for feedback, join #ocremix and #ocrwip for help in realtime in irc (irc.enterthegame.com), read the judges decisions to get an idea of what a site like this looks for production-wise... all of these things helped me tremendously. If you're thinking about colleges, there are schools out there with good production programs... I know zircon's had a lot of success over at Drexel in Philly. As for composition solely, another site that could be of help is http://www.youngcomposers.com . Whereas we're all about mp3s and phat beats, they're more about midis, scores, and other classically-inclined (but not strictly classical) errata. As for schools, going to school for composition isn't a bad idea--just make sure you do indeed like classical/orchestral music or else you might get miserable But I have many composer friends at my school who are going on to get film, and even video game composing gigs. But I'm not the best person to ask. There are a few professional composers about the site. Hopefully Wingless will find this thread soon!
  7. As a casual gamer, the music in a game is sometimes the only reason i play a game nowadays. Games can be a pretty incredible synthesis of the arts if done right/well. If only Wagner was alive today...
  8. does that mean they'll start selling genesis again? I would totally buy one if the opportunity arose.
  9. well, i ran my 5k anyway, despite my knee. and... I ran it in 22:37! wooo!
  10. last saturday i got RUNNER'S KNEE tomorrow i'm supposed to run a 5K. oh boy...
  11. I've had no problems with gangs, but then again I don't explore very far Apparently last year a soprano got her nose broke by a gang who's initiation was to "beat up a white woman". Ouch.
  12. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01573/ this one. this one right here.
  13. yeah baltimore! I go to school in the city
  14. I've Actually Never Heard Of Them, I'll Check Them Out.
  15. Well, I'm SUPER PSYCHED about cave story on wiiware. I saw some videos of previews and was scared for a little while--the sound effects were awful and the music was all MIDI PIANO. But apparently it's still being worked on, and you will be able to toggle between new music/graphics and old music/graphics. I'm so excited!! They better finish it before my roommate moves out >.>
  16. I haven't made enough remixes yet to fill a "Best of OCR" cd
  17. Yaaaaaaaaaay My Fastest Mile Yet: 6:45!!!!!!
  18. i still have my fat gray gameboy, screw ds
  19. As cheesy as it sounds, my mom and dad. They're both musicians in the Hartford Symphony Orchestra in Connecticut, and are basically the reason I'm studying classical music now. I've always been surrounded with music, I guess it's no surprise that I decided to pursue it as well.
  20. nice man! Your improvisations are sound--but I actually think you're limiting yourself. In the spirit of arrangement, you should try improvising into these tracks more original content. It's tough getting that balance off the top of your head, but it's a good challenge and a lot of fun. I've been working on the same thing myself (http://www.youtube.com/dougdrumultimaperry). What kind of keyboard are you playing on? Looks pretty fancy
  21. What do I think? I think AeroZ is the man! Nice work man, you are definitely in my mind one of ocr's greatest musical minds.
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