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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I wanna do it! I'll PM you my details! Here's the deal with me and my interests and stuff: So I'm on my third degree studying percussion. Well, it's actually a diploma, but I'm still super busy with school right now. Being a student takes up most of my time, so you won't really ever see me playing any MMOs. When I am allowed to have fun, often times I will spend it DROWNING MYSELF IN ALCOHOL. Okay, maybe not drowning, but I definitely enjoy it. I'm mostly a beer guy, but I also like making mixed drinks as well. I'll drink wine but I'm not that into it. I also collect video game systems, and sometimes I EVEN PLAY THEM! But, I don't get a lot of time to do that either. The systems I own are: Wii Xbox + 360 (can't do online play yet, need network adapter!) PSX and 2 (and 1 but that doesn't matter lol) Gamecube Nintendo 64 SNES NES Gameboy/color/advance sp Game gear Dreamcast Saturn Genesis/CD/32X (with sonic and knux and game genie to complete the POWER TOWER) Atari 2600 (that doesn't have any cables i dont know if it works :[) So if you want to send a collectible (figurines, bead sprites, stuffed animals, any thing like that is awesome!) or a game or even a system I don't have that you've acquired for cheap, you would be totally awesome!! Note that I don't have any of the more popular hand held systems (PSP, DS, etc), in case you're thinking of sending me a game for one of those. I guess if you did, that would just force me to buy one of those systems! I'm also a total brony. stuff it. I'm always interested in dressing well! If you are the fashionably inclined, my shirt size is typically M and my waistline is around 32". As far as percussion stuff goes, I'm pretty well stocked--unless you really know the industry (and what I have/don't have, which is a lot), I wouldn't worry with this. Homemade crafts are awesome too, btw. If you're the creative type, have at it! Anyway that's all I can think of. Happy santaing!
  2. Nice!!! I've always thought Mario themes lent themselves well to the style of ragtime xylophone. Good stuff! There are a bunch of comments below me being nitpicky about missed notes and whatnot--I think for a recital performance, this was just fine. A recital is a super nerve-racking experience, and the one thing that ruins is note accuracy. Sure, a full out recording session would have been nice, but when you're in music school, you don't have a lot of time to do that sort of thing! That being said, I do have two points of critique--one for the arrangement, and one for the performance. As for the arrangement: when you're the xylophone soloist in a ragtime group, you kind of have to be the "flashy" one. The xylophone part had the melodies played pretty much verbatim--it would have been a good opportunity to add some traditional ragtime ornaments! This would have helped with the "conservative" nature of your arrangement which the judges commented on. Think George Hamilton Green or Bob Becker. You don't need to write super-difficult virtuoso runs to add a little more flair that will make the arrangement a little more interesting. As far as the performance, one tricky thing about xylophone vs marimba is that the xylophone will always speak much faster than the marimbas in a concert hall like the one you recorded in. There were a few times in your recording that it sounded as if the xylophone was rushing, perhaps even a full eighth note in front of the marimba ensemble. The truth is, the marimba sound just moves "slower" than the xylophone--especially in the lower register. Next performance in a hall like this, the marimba players should consider making a conscious effort to play just on top of the beat. This is something we have to do in the back of an orchestra ALL the time. Anyway, that's all I got! Nice work guys, great arrangement and great performance! Good luck with school!
  3. I wanted to participate as well, but real life kinda fucked me over hard this month
  4. Thanks sam- It's been a gloomy morning, and that really brightened my day. Looking forward to hearing the finished product.
  5. I can't believe I never left a comment on this guy after I heard it the first time. A few years too late but whatever. This group is one of the ONLY ensembles I've ever heard that really successfully and organically integrate video game music into an authentic combo setting. Jazz actually does not lend itself well to the standards of ocr (extended soloing, which is pretty normal for the genre, normally results in too much deviation from the original source material). For those of you who aren't terribly familiar with non-commercial jazz that really puts an emphasis on art, this group is a pretty good gateway group to listen to.
  6. Sorry to post a super downer thread, but there's something I would like to share with you all. Normally, I don't ever post anything like this, but something has happened that has led me to do so. This past Sunday marked the beginning of Suicide Prevention week. I don't need to explain why this sort of thing exists, but I would ask that you all keep this week in the back of your minds, somewhere. I can't really deal with typing a whole bunch of stuff out about it right now, so please visit their website: http://www.suicidology.org/about-aas/nspw The reason I'm bringing all of this up is because of this guy: Meet Doug Horak. Very close friend of mine--perhaps my closest friend, though I've never been one to pick favorites. Doug was an OCR fan as well--some of you may have met him if you ever went to any of the Baltimore or New York City meetups we had. His artwork is pretty stunning as well. He does all sorts of things anywhere from something like this: To goofy little doodles, such as his contribution to OCR's joke album, ReCapitated: I've also been lucky enough to collaborate with him--if you haven't seen it, I'd love for you to see our collaboration called Viridian. This was for one of his classes as part of his master's degree at the Savannah School of Art and Design. Doug's a great artist, and has won quite a bit of acclaim. He recently won a competition where he got to Skywalker ranch and meet George Lucas. We were hanging out the other day, and he was telling me all of these plans he had--for his master's thesis, for future collaborations between us, and some of the places he was going to apply for work. He helped me move into my new apartment in New Haven, and we went out to our favorite bar after for a drink and played some darts. I couldn't help be fantasize of the day when Doug would get his dream job at LucasArts, and perhaps get a chance to work with OCR's own bustatunez. Doug hung himself on Saturday, September 8, 2012. His obituary can be read here. I'm not looking for your pity, or your sympathy. Doug's decision was his decision, and as much as it hurts, I have to respect it. However, as quick and painless as his death was, it's created far more pain for far more people. I can't really say the extent of what Doug's depression was doing to him, but it was enough to push him to this end. Depression is a frighteningly elusive beast, one that had slipped past most of his closest friends and brought him to this end. Doug hung himself the day before Suicide Prevention Week started. I don't know if he was trying to say something or not, but I hope that rather than only feeling bad for myself, I can at least spread the word so that this doesn't happen again. Trying to make a difference, even to a community as small as OverClocked Remix, feels a whole lot better than sitting in my room feeling bad for myself. So please, take a moment to learn a bit about this week. Please reach out to those in need. If you're battling depression or having suicidal thoughts, please try to find the courage to ask for help. I wish Doug had been able to do this same.
  7. Hey! Maybe I can do this one! Too bad school is still happening though...
  8. I have SO MANY copyright notices. The funny thing is most of them are on my Bach transcriptions, which are ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPTIONS based on PUBLIC DOMAIN MUSIC! Bach is pretty dead, so I don't have to worry about him claiming anything. EDIT: This is funny! After posting this I decided to go ahead and dispute the claims on my Bach works (as well as one on a Schubert piece, which is also public domain). Literally immediately after submitting the claim, I got three emails that read the following: "One or more music publishing rights collecting societies has reviewed your dispute and released its copyright claim on your video, "Franz Schubert - Du Bist die Ruh". For more information, please visit your Copyright Notice page" That was a fast review!
  9. Okay, so, I have no idea what my life is like yet, but put me down for tentative! I also am tentative to give rides if anyone is coming from CT/Northeast in general (would love to split gas!!!!)
  10. once I get back to the states, I'm totally gonna hit you up for some apparel
  11. I hadn't heard that, but it's absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the share.

  12. I'm in Germany right now, but I would also be down for an interview sometime!
  13. Hey guys, here's a wip I'm working on. Got video with it too! Any suggestions for mixing vocals? EDIT: NEVER MIND IT'S DONE
  14. emailing hate mail to capcom is fine. just don't email impact soundworks.
  15. I'm not there right now, but I'm from (and my be moving back to) West Hartford, Connecticut!
  16. Oh man, I totally overlooked the Incredible 2! The incredible and the droid x were about the same (x might have been a little more powerful) in terms of junk inside the phones, so the inc 2 is a really good choice. I don't get 4G where I live in Kansas, but when I do have 4G signal, I always use it. If you get a 4G phone, there are apps you can download to help you quickly toggle between 4G service and regular 3G service if you're not in a 4G area. 4G can drain your battery life if your phone is constantly scanning for it, so it's a good idea to have a toggle to keep it from doing that. But yeah, the download speeds are uh maze ing
  17. Hey guys, was in the mood to do something with this track today, so I tried playing with myself in a semi-improvisatory setting. Here's the result:
  18. I'm not sure what's going on in this post, but yeah, teaching high school kids is an idea I'm entertaining as well.
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