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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. 17, maybe 18 hard to say there is a moron playing with a hammer not far.
  2. a snapshot of my 80's folder. i have another one with only french song from the 80's if someone is interested.
  3. indeed. Also wingless if he is still available can help probably (wasn't he the one who mad a quick test for a mmx like tan game?) also the remixer from the megaman battle could work on some stuff too for the bgm.
  4. he won a price at cd baby and Klepacki was 2nd (yes Franck himself)
  5. spam-bot could be little minion like goombas. they are so many ...
  6. good lord, i have a sudden urge to audiosurf the 80's
  7. badge will be delivered tomorrow. Tonight an angry crowd of ocremixers (with pitchfork, fire and glow stick) is going to burn remixinator (you are welcome to join) :P

  8. - The Original Remixing Competition - Welcome to ORC129. Source Material . Gario - In the shadow, Hope - MIDI __________________________________________________________________ Good luck everyone. Deadline 18th March Midnight US East Coast The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month. The Quick Rules Rundown Step 1 -Submission:- 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one. 4. When you've finished your entry, post it in the compo tha sauce system. HERE. 5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. Step 2 -Vote:- Voting will be done via Thasauce. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 18th to the 25th Midnight . Important:Don't vote for yourself (and in a case of a 1vs1 don't vote at all) About the comment: You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage.. that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. Remixer are able to fix/enhance it until the deadline. The date in the PM/Email will be used to upload the most recent one. About a draw in the result: It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.
  9. Senor Gario, i'd like to have your mix before the 1st April ;) jut a reminder.

  10. your turn for the caption contest :)

  11. yeah, that the old voting system. my bad i forgot to change that too. old ORC voting was done via pm so it was easy to count and add point, now it's done via thasauce and that system is not implemented in the thasauce voting stuff. my bad. i must ads a "note vote for yourself" rules in there pronto.
  12. A long long time ago (in a not far away board) the winner wasn't allowed to vote for himself but received bonus point for voting.
  13. is this the same as the previous distorted one?
  14. Mikumo Ichijo ~ The Great Truth Burglar (Miles Edgeworth Ace attorney OST)
  15. http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/ocr-grmrb-revenge-3.zip mirror. votes wil follow later this day.
  16. Year of the Zircon? we have an OCR mythologic system now?
  17. - The Original Remixing Competition - Welcome to ORC128. Source Material . HeWhoIsIAm - A Midi for ORC - MIDI __________________________________________________________________ Good luck everyone. Deadline 21st March Midnight US East Coast The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month. The Quick Rules Rundown Step 1 -Submission:- 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one. 4. When you've finished your entry, post it in the compo tha sauce system. HERE. 5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. Step 2 -Vote:- Voting will be done via Thasauce. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 21th to the 28th Midnight . Important:Don't vote for yourself (and in a case of a 1vs1 don't vote at all) About the comment: You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage.. that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. Remixer are able to fix/enhance it until the deadline. The date in the PM/Email will be used to upload the most recent one. About a draw in the result: It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.
  18. Congrats to Zircon, and all the others for those awesome mixes.
  19. i'll do it, right now..hold your pant: if other are interested ring a bell.
  20. X3 is a game that need long hour of play indeed but the reward is their if you manage to continue playing it. I can recommend you ti use some money cheat code like i did to test various stuff, then after that you can go back to a vanilla game and know what to do.
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