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Everything posted by NNY

  1. Make sure you get every sword before fighting in the rank 1 fight.
  2. It's easily the best third party wii game. And a remix of the theme in your style would be killer.
  3. I beat it a couple days ago on mild. The ending is incredible. Also, I just got the soundtrack yesterday. 3 discs of goodness.
  4. Gold, go for the 12+1 Month card they sell at most retail stores (Notably GameCrazy). Best value.
  5. Still a child in my eyes.....
  6. They're making a Lego Batman game as well.
  7. Law #1: Cut the framerate. A completely still image with a circle mouthopening and closing is perfectly acceptable. Law #2: Spoonfeed the plot. Your demographic is idiots, thus so, treat them like idiots. Law #3: Rush production. There are no seasons. There will be a new episode every week. Your demographic is impatient. Quantity over quality. It shows.
  8. Queen - The Millionaire Waltz
  9. High five!
  10. Green Lantern Corps. Easy. Start off with the Green Lantern Corps. Recharge miniseries, then go onto the GLC ongoing. It's good stuff.
  11. I thought this post was gonna be about Bone. Bone is awesome too. And if you like Jeff Smith, pick up his new SHAZAM! The Monster Society of Evil comics. So far 3/4 are out. They're pretty much amazing and can make a Captain Marvel fan out of everybody.
  12. Pick up Darwyn Cooke's new version of The Spirit. It's simply one of my favorite comics on my pull list right now. Every issue is fun, the art's beautiful, every issue is a laugh, and they're all one issue stories, so you won't need to pick up five or six issues just to complete a story arc. Edit: Darwyn Cooke's The Spirit is relatively new, it's on it's fifth issue. Plus, an extra sized crossover with Batman, entitled Batman/The Spirit. The Spirit is more everyman than superhero, he only wears the mask because of tradition these days anyway. If you can't find, or just like it too much, you can pick up The Best of The Spirit trade paperback, featuring reprints of Will Eisner's The Spirit. Those stories, well for a lack of better words, are the best of The Spirit. Shit. Pick up anything by Will Eisner while you're at it. He was a comics genius. Trilogy With God, Life In New York, ect. Another recommendation is Transmetropolitan. It's the greatest future shock commentary out there. You'll instantly fall in love with Spider Jerusalem. Marvel Zombies is superheroes, but it's mostly good dirty zombie fun. You said no superheroes, but I'm going to recommend some anyway. Start yourself off with Watchmen. It's different than any superheroes you've ever read in the past. It's more of a real world Cold War drama that features superheroes anyway. It's gritty and realistic, and shows the heroes at their worst. There will be plenty of times you will put the book down and just think about what just happened, you won't believe it. Blue Beetle. This book came out right after Infinite Crisis, and even if you haven't read it, they make it pretty newbie friendly. It's a fun book, with real developed characters. Start yourself off with the trade paperback "Shellshocked," if you can't find the back issues. It collects issues 1-6. One more recommendation will go out to All Star Superman. It's my favorite version of Supes. Written by Grant Morrison, it's a streamlined version of every version of Superman in one. It's got tons of Silver Age overtones, which was easily Superman's peak. The hardcover recently came out, and I can't tell you enough, pick it up. Grant Morrison can give Alan Moore a run for his money. He's just amazing at what he does. Edit: Here's a preview of issue 2.
  13. There was a time when this forum was called "General Discussion", where they "discussed" the topics the threads were based on. Have the rules changed?
  14. Riami has said (Don't ask me for a link I don't have one.) that he wants to make Spider-Man movies till he dies. But if either Dunst or MacGuire pull out of the next movie, he goes as well. As of yet, the main cast hasn't updated their contracts, but we'll see how it goes. As for Spider-Man himself being a bore, I wouldn't say so entirely. I got such a kick from Spider-Man being happy about his life for once. It so rarely happens. Edit: I say "As for" way too much.
  15. Yeah man. I made those. It was a while ago. DJP was all like "make some Sin City avatars" so I did. I even made a Back To The Future avatar and some Terminator ones too. Why didn't you use those Lloyd?!?!?
  16. They could have cut out most of the romance scenes, but MJ was actually a much better character in this movie than she was in the first two. She's more than just a plot device. They actually made her character sympathetic. She's where Peter was in SM2, and Parker vise versa. Her part wasn't dead weight and limited to being in distress. As for Sandman? His actual transformation was meh, but Thomas Hayden Church's acting was incredible. I don't know what the hell he's been in in the past, but fuck you for not understanding that actors can be bad in one movie and incredible in another. It surprised me how much I'd like New Goblin. NG had much potential for massive suckitude, but it was rather the opposite. His performance was great. I completely hated Harry one minute, then loved him the next, then hated him, then thought holy shit, then loved him, and then my comic book geek intuition kicked in and I remembered his fate from a certain comic I read once. He's like an Anakin Skywalker that doesn't suck. Venom, was actually the most disappointing thing about the movie. I loved Eddie's character in the beginning, such a jerk, his interaction with seeing Gwen nearly die was hilarious. But as it progressed, I started to dislike him. His performance wasn't bad. It's just Venom himself. It started with the first scene with Sandman. His voice, they shouldn't have used Topher's voice when speaking as Venom. Another inaccuracy I spotted was Eddie getting the vampire teeth. Eddie Brock himself doesn't get the vampire teeth. It's all Venom. I also hated that half the time he was Venom, the face was removed showing Eddie. His demise was a disappointment too. I won't spoil it, but sheesh, it coulda been beeter. As for the emo jazz club scenes? I LOVED THEM! They were ridiculous and a great comic relief for such a heavy story. Peter Parker is trying to be someone he wasn't. And it failed horribly. I felt like I was watching myself from the 8th grade to Junior year in high school. The cheesy ridiculous stuff is Sam Riami's pastiche. You can't not expect this in one of his movies. The Bruce Campbell scene had me in stitches too. We need more Campbell in the world. The movie had some pacing issues, some rushed scenes, and some of the CGI looked unfinished. But overall, I loved it. Edit: The American Flag scene was great. They did the same thing in the first two movies too.
  17. I made the Kevin avatar. A couple years ago, before the "let's make avatars" craze hit. This is my avatar. Coolio.
  18. There's a CS map of my high school. It would be neat to see it because I don't play CS.
  19. This gives me another oppurtunity to whore these out.
  20. I got a DS Lite today, and that means I have to reenter codes, and everyone has to enter my new one. It's: 4167 1025 0845
  21. Actually, I just called my friend and we did some stuff. It'll be at least a week before I go online with people and stuff, but I'll be adding them. I want to be farther and everyone else to be farther too. So the whole "free pokemon if you go online today" was bullshit, right?
  22. My code: TOM Pearl 4295 9459 0795 I'll be adding people now, and make a list of people I've added. But I want to play someone, NOW. PEOPLE ADDED SO FAR: Spleen Atmuh JoeFu Nerotic
  23. There's a reason the sex scene in Planet Terror and the lap dance in Death Proof were cut, and it isn't censorship. PT and DP emulated the Grindhouse films of the 70s. Back then, the projectionists used to cut the sex scenes out of movies, steal them, splice them together with other stolen sex scenes for their personal viewing pleasure, and quit their job at that theater. What Quinten and Robert did in Grindhouse was a tribute to this. Edit: I'm sure the scenes are going to be included in the Special Edition DVD when it comes out.
  24. No, plenty of them have. I'm just gonna make this clear, I don't like you.
  25. What are you dense? Or are you retarded? I saw Grindhouse today and had a fucking BLAST. Grindhouse will become a cult classic. I just don't know where to begin. The music, the effects, the cinematography, the acting, all amazing. Where is my wife and daughter?
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