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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. This is the kind of blatant pandering we all wish didn't exist.
  2. For all it's faults, Hyrule Temple was probably the most iconic stage they introduced in Melee for me. Maybe because of the controversy surrounding the stage (and, as such, the constant debates), this one just seems to be talked about a lot more than, say, Pokefloats or Fountain of Dreams (both of which I like better).
  3. "Grown-up Medicine," eh? I have to say... I was way more interested in the bass player in this one!
  4. , at times, I think. Even if that was the case in the instance of Arch Enemy, would that somehow cheapen the amazing quality of their music for you somehow? I love a lot of Timbaland and Daft Punk songs, you know, so I really have had to confront the whole "end product or process" debate. Personally, unless an artist is completely ripping somebody else off, their process doesn't really dictate how much I respect them as a general rule.I mean, Mario Galaxy has some absolutely phenominal orchestrated music as far as video games go, but then you have Donkey Kong Country where they had to individually program each note in some goofy data format without midi. I love both soundtracks, but is one somehow worth more than another? Not to me, really.
  5. Yup, it's an item, and I think we'll be able to turn them off just the same. At first, I thought a telltale move was Kirby's Final Smash, which as we know spawns items after the knockback. However, I then remembered how Peach can apparently pull out Beam Swords on occasion using her Down B. I wonder... if, say, (for argumnt's sake) the Smash ball is always on, would disabling all items prevent Peach and Kirby from producing items through their moves? If Smash Balls are disabled with other items, what about Peach's Beam Swords? Sounds precarious!
  6. Apparently, the "vampires" in this movies are mutated luddites! No, seriously, they are.
  7. Looks promising. Anything's bound to end up more memorable than Beowulf...
  8. lol. My reading comprehension in the wee hours tends to behave like Luigi's Green Missile... 12.5% of the time it spontaneously misfires Glad some people liked a few of my suggestions, though. I wasn't sure what to expect since I was throwing out some artists who didn't really match what you asked for.
  9. Okay, you lost me there.
  10. That is, if it goes on sale. If not, someone in Japan will put in a torrent for all to enjoy
  11. I like that Evanescence was brought up a few times, because it gives me the opportunity to say this: As much as I liked "My Immortal" on their debut, the music, lyrics AND singing have gotten much worse since then. It annoys and saddens me that that woman sings in a grating monotone throughout any of the new songs I've heard. EDIT: I'd like to add that the lyrics to "The Eagle" have impressed me thus far. Granted, I haven't actually heard the song yet.
  12. I'd like to also mention Paramour, too, if I may. I haven't heard many of their songs, but I like "Misery Business."
  13. So, like, I don't know many bands that are gonna sound like Light This City AND have female vocalists... in fact, I've got just one (and they're not as hardcore, even). But... on the off chance that you could just be a lover of female voices like me and not be just looking for stuff you ALREADY know you like, I've listed a bunch o' bands with female vocals I like below. Most aren't hardcore, but a handful are, actually. Every artist on my list is going to sound really different, so I'm gonna make it easy on you by giving you youtube links to a song or two by each. Sit back and see what tickles your fancy! I gave some real basic genre distinctions so you could alternatively just skip around if you're shallow A Fine Frenzy - very laid back alternative rock, lots of piano, subtle sequencing flair, sound is best described as "sweeping," brand new act "Rangers" Bat For Lashes - experimental alternative pop, lots of varied instruments (harpsichords, for one!), poetic lyrics at times, almost indie, several "unplugged" songs. "What's A Girl To Do?" "Tahiti" The Birthday Massacre - retro rock/pop, almost industrial, keytar, some darker songs, some that border on happy hardcore, very "fun" "Red Stars" "Holiday" "Falling Down" Björk - She's Björk! Crazy experimental music, could vaguely be described as "pop" at times. "Earth Intruders" "It's Oh So Quiet" Blonde Redhead - shoegazer/noise rock with an indie tilt, not for everyone Brandi Carlile - Straight up pop rock, but the vocals have an undeniably charming country warble to them "What Can I Say" Cibo Matto - disbanded alternative duo of Yuka Honda and Miho Hatori, lots of genre blending like jazz, hip-hop, swing, latin, electronic, hard rock and pop, among others "Sugar Water" Deerhoof - Experimental noise rock band with lots of short songs focused heavily on melody and featuring simple lyrics Flyleaf - hard rock/screamo Christian band, you've probably heard them on the alternative radio stations a lot lately (even though their CD came out in 2005) "Red Sam" "All Around Me" Garbage - You remember Garbage, right? Electronica/alt rock band with quite a few mainstream hits, lots of very different material and subject matter, some fantastic upbeat and slow songs "You Look So Fine" "Only Happy When It Rains" Girl in a Coma - Alt rock band that likes to mix up the soft jams with the hard, driving riffs, lots of momentum Jack Off Jill - hard/punk rock band, toured with Marilyn Manson extensively while they were together, very cool but harder than the mainstream "Author Unknown" Joydrop - alt rock/electronic band with an easy sound and some tongue-in-cheek lyrics at times Kate Mann - rock with a nice country slant, very well-produced album imo, she's really new so it's hard to find a decent example... sorry. The Knife - Electronica/pop rock brother/sister duo from Sweden, very unique spin with several songs poking fun at men or relationships, but plenty of straightforward pop, too "You Take My Breath Away" "Silent Shout" Ladytron - electroclash band that plays all their music on four Korg synths, a song or two in BULGARIAN, moody, vaguely danceable "Beauty*2" Let's Go Sailing - soft alt rock band with lots of happy songs, some orchestration, and whimsical lyrics "Sideways" Neko Case - alt country/rock artist with an amazing voice, a lot of her music carries a distinctive sound, and although there's a lot of variance in the songs, They all carry that singer-songwriter vibe. Personally, I like it a lot, but not for everyone. Let me say, though... she totally blows me away. "Deep Red Bells" "Maybe Sparrow" Nightwish - symphonic metal with a definitive operatic flair, some ballads, some truly epic and/or sad songs "Nemo" Portishead - pretty much the forerunner of trip-hop. If you know what that is, you'll love them. "Glory Box" Shiny Toy Guns - electronic/new wave band that shares the mic between a girl and a guy, a fairly new act out of California "Jackie Will Save Me" I spent a lot of time finding some decent quality clips, so hopefully you find something you like!
  14. Don't forget the springs.
  15. It's easier to tell in those screens than before, but... WOW, Dedede is HUGE!
  17. Atma, the entire point of my post was to illustrate that I'm happy about the new features in Brawl over Melee. I never really spooged over the quality of those new features and I don't intend to, either. YOU, however, proceeded to skeet all over my post and that makes me sad. I mean you were on my ass like a rabid poodle. ;-; So we can record three minutes of fighting, right? That's three minutes more than we could in any other Nintendo game ever. I'll concede that it's not optimal at all, but still. I sure as hell never expected Nintendo to even try something like this until the Wii was phased out. Now who's the bigger cinic? Also, you're right, it doesn't say whether or not you can do co-op over wi-fi at all. Still, even locally, that's new to Smash. I like it in a Sonic 2 kinda way. Adventure might be very similar to Subspace, but at least they give you a nice, typical video game reason to be adventuring. And movies to watch. You don't like cut scenes? That is a shame, since I do. Good thing I like them, because there's going to be a lot. And, again, I PERSONALLY thought the cut scenes in Killer7 and FFIX were handled in a fantastic, supplementary manner. I never said that the messages in the taunts were supposed to be helpful... where did I say that? That's your personal gripe. Trying to use it as a means of back-and-forth communication won't be too helpful in the long run if A) there's nothing much to do but trash talk in Vs. anyway, and if you use taunts to coordinate in Teams your opponents get to see your super-secret decoder ring plans, too, etc. I just like that I get to taunt more often now and assign stupid lines of text to them. The Wii doesn't have a headset. Or Team Speak. It's not about to, either. That sucks, yes, but that's not why we have taunt buttons, is it? Assist trophies are meaningless fan service, as are the trophies and stickers. So is, like, 98% of the game. Agreed, items aren't likely to find much use in serious matches unless certain ones are found to be fair and add to the experience (I think Smoke Balls at least could fit the bill). Of course it's goingto get old after a while... so's everything else, really. After a while... a year, six years, who knows... the only people playing Brawl will be the hardcore, the younguns and the ones who try to piss people off on purpose. And yeah, IF they had a real "custom character mode" then the game balance would be fucked over if they were allowed (which they wouldn't be, but I digress) except I never ACTUALLY wanted that in the first place! I just want a pre-set moveset and character model with it's own physics and whatnot... with a customizable FACE. That's all a Mii is: a face on a generic body. What would a character like this be good for? LOLerskate-tastic youtube videos of Snake beating up Hitler, playing as yourself, etc.... It'd just be another character on the roster. Am I making sense yet? Are we done twisting words and titties alike?
  18. Everyone gets so wrapped up in all the features they want... maybe because it's about the only easy topic to discuss freely and with some intelligence. Even so, honestly, there isn't much of anything else that Sakurai could do with Brawl that he has yet to reveal that could make me enjoy this game for longer. At least, nothing I've thought of yet. *A bigger, better roster. *Custom stages, and the ability to share them. *Universal screen shot mode, and the ability to share screen shots. *Full control over what music does play, in spite of what may or may not be available. *Fully customizable controls and four different controllers to abuse this on. *Semi-customizable taunts. *Online competitive and co-op modes of play, customizable. *A story-driven single/co-op mode with beautiful CGI cut scenes, five difficulties. *Final Smashes, for what they're worth. *New game mechanics, new physics, better graphics... *Stickers and trophies to help fill in the gaps with needless fan service and to appease the obsessive-compulsives *More ways to customize the "special brawl" modes. *Stadium and Classic modes return. *The recording and sharing of vs. matches over wi-fi. *Assist trophies... *And finally, though this is no testament to quality specifically, the largest group of composers ever hired to work on a single game's soundtrack. I like to read through those points a few times, myself. See, everything on that list is a new feature, i.e. wasn't in Melee, with the exception of "the return of Classic and Stadium." I think that's a lot. Maybe to some that's only a little above par due to how fighting games have progressed over the years, but I like to remember a time before Nintendo was sure they could get Sakurai to forsake his own company to devote his time to Brawl, before it even was Brawl. Remember what it was? "Melee with online." Certainly doesn't sound like a bad thing at all, but I can't say I'd be too enthused about playing a six year old game with added functionality. I would still buy it, sure, but playing the same old thing isn't as enjoyable as something new if it's better. Gimpyfish so far seems to like Brawl better in some aspects over Melee. I trust his opinion, but that's beyond the scope of what I'm getting at. So, anyway. Right now I'm waiting until I get to see Captain Falcon, Mewtwo and Midna on the DOJO in some shape or form. At that point, I'll have everything I wanted, so anything else in between is cool by me. WAIT, EDIT: I thought of one thing that would make Brawl better that hasn't been announced! If there was a Mii character on the roster, we'd essentially have a "create a character mode," inadvertently, right? Well, there's my "one thing." If that doesn't make it it, it'll suck, and I might even lament on it a few times, but it won't break my heart... but there it is!
  19. Agreed. See: Pokemon on GCN.
  20. Dhsu's right. I put on my headphones all the time when I'm playing Fire Emblem. I listen to OCR, of course.
  21. "Reflections" is so amazingly gorgeous... it doesn't seem right that it should be heard almost as a funeral dirge. My condolences. I'll treasure that mix forever.
  22. Peach's down smash in Brawl is onyl good for stunning your opponent -- it won't even kill on Super Sudden Death. It was the one nerf Peach seemed to get (and it was needed, definitely). Everything else about Peach in the demo was the same or a bit better. The balancing might be tweaked before the final release, but if not, then essentially you can expect Peach to be high tier yet again. I agree, they're not even trying to match the 360 in functionality. They had their chance, but they took the lazy route. The latest Fire Emblem game had a fatal error in the game disc that went unnoticed somehow. Instead on having you download a patch optionally, the only way to get this rectified is to send your disc in for replacement in mid-December. That's great for people who don't have their Wii online and all, but... ...but yes. The "principle" I was speaking of was actually that since Nintendo just got done paying so many composers lots of money, it's not likely they'd let this (really, truely) legendary aspect go quietly to the wayside as people load their The Used bullshit onto Battlefield, etc.
  23. Sounds perfectly normal to me. What? Don't tell me you're not a local sexual icon, Pezman. I know I am. Oh baby. Ah yeah, you know it's true. I'd have to echo the John Coltrane & Miles Davis comments, but I also have to mention Marvin Gaye and Al Green. Gotta love the classic soul music.
  24. I never bothered to say it until this point, but Strike, your sig blew me away the first time I saw it. I mean, it's just beautiful. But yeah, custom soundtracks? I won't pretend that I don't want custom soundtracks in about 90% of the games I play, but certain ones... Zelda, for instance, I wouldn't mess with the music at all, unless I was adding OCR Zelda mixes. Smash Bros., though, I can see it working well. Ultimately, though, this is the biggest game soundtrack collaboration EVER; Nintendo probably spent many hundreds of thousands of dollars just on the soundtrack, judging by the composer list alone. Then again, maybe some got paid more than others. Maybe that's why the Meta Knight's Revenge track sounds like it does? So yeah, I want it. It would work! I'm not going to expect it at all. It's the principle of the thing.
  25. So Gimpyfish has been saying that DK is basically the same, except for: *Huge buff to down B *Nerf to range and power of neautral B *Up air was buffed *Random changes to range or knockback, very minor ...and not a lot else. I liked DK in Melee A LOT, but I do worry that with all the mediocre to bad characters getting better and all the high tier ones being slightly toned down (except for Peach, who is the harbringer of DEATH now apparently) that DK's status of "in the middle" might not change at all. I mean, hge always did take considerable skill to do good with, and I liked that. I just hope he doesn't get left behind while too many other characters pass him up.
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