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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Check out our workshop forums for answers to questions like this. Moved.
  2. Well that's no good. I'll see what we can do about it.
  3. Pretty much on the ball. And it's not just Japan. Pretty much everyone uses water as a moderator. Anyone who seriously brings up Chernobyl when talking about Fukushima really has no business talking about the situation.
  4. I'm sorry, what kind of settings are you trying to change? As far as I know, we don't use any kind of captchas post registration.
  5. At this point I have pretty much given up trying to find credible sources of information about what's happening over there. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but as someone with first-hand experience at nuclear power stations, it's incredibly frustrating when so much of what's being reported is misinformed half-truths and just-plain-ignorance.
  6. The whole reason I go to these conventions is to meet people! COME UP TO ME AND SAY HI
  7. You should have said something; we could have talked about grammar. You should have also said something.
  8. That is most likely the case. That's quite possible. I worked at an older plant of an older design, so my frame of reference is from that. I'm sure newer plants have safeguards like this in place to prevent nuclear fuel from coming into contact with groundwater. Remember 9/11? These are the same types of people who said that 9/11 was God's retribution against gay marriage in the US.
  9. Yes, it's different. What they're trying to prevent is the water from the reactor itself from being released into the atmosphere. That's the water that comes in direct contact with the nuclear fuel. This water is radioactive because the steam carries a lot of radioactive particles in it. You don't want to release a lot of that into that atmosphere. They're most likely worried about the reactor and the primary containment around the reactor being compromised. If primary containment breaks in a reactor building with walls already broken, the only thing separating the radioactive steam from the atmosphere is a couple of inches of steel. If the reactor walls themselves break, then you have a leak of radioactive steam/water. And since a reactor is essentially a giant pressure cooker (reactors operate around 1020+ psi), a substantial crack or break can be very bad. The FAST way to relieve pressure would be to just vent all the steam really quickly; either directly into the atmosphere or though a ton of heat exchangers. The problem with that is that you end up releasing a lot of radiation, so on the scale they'd need to do it here, they can't do it. What boric acid and water do is kill and cool the fuel. Boron kills nuclear reactions; that's what they use on control rods. It stops the fuel from reacting and generating heat. Water pumped through a reactor draws away heat. So what they're doing is reducing the heat in the reactor so that they can relieve the pressure. The thing is, once you dump boric acid into a nuclear reactor, you have basically killed your reactor. You can never use it again, unless you spend an absolutely exorbitant amount of money to clean it. This is a big deal. Obviously safety is a concern and everyone wants to prevent a release of radiation, but nuke plants generate a lot of electricity and they're expensive to make. So dumping the liquid poison (i.e. boric acid) into a reactor is the absolute last resort. This is different from "nuclear waste getting into the water supply." It's not really waste they're worried about in a meltdown. It's the nuclear fuel that's still reacting and very very hot. If they can't control the temperature of the fuel (with cooling water and if necessary, boric acid), it just keeps reacting and getting hotter until it melts through the reactor itself; it will continue to melt through down into the earth and could possibly come in contact with groundwater, which is very very bad. They are two separate issues.
  10. We were at dinner at PF Changs. I didn't have my phone with me and have been off the forums all weekend because of PAX East. But yes, that fallout map is absolutely ridiculous. Nuclear power reactors are completely different from nuclear bombs. They can't explode like a nuclear bomb does. The nuclear scare that's going on right now is just that; a scare. Until the dust is settled, people should not really worry themselves with what's happening in that regard.
  11. The only thing I could think of while watching this movie was "OMG CHUCK BARTOWSKI"
  12. Just download it, beardy.
  13. So what's everybody's FAVORITE PART and FAVORITE SONG/MUSICAL MOMENT? My favorite part is when Rapunzel and Flynn are in the city and there's a small moment of them in a doorway eating cupcakes. This is my favorite part because I'm a 14 year old girl. My favorite song is Mother Knows Best. Best villain song since Be Prepared, with a bit of a Poor Unfortunate Souls vibe to it. Also it helps that Donna Murphy's voice is utterly brilliant. Sit down and listen to her performance in both the first version and the reprise (which takes the song up to an entirely different level); you will be blown away at how good she is. That being said, my favorite musical moment is when Rapunzel sings her When Will My Life Begin reprise, specifically when she finally leaves the tower and touches the solid ground for the very first time. There is something in Mandy Moore's voice that gives me goosebumps when she sings, "Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I dreamed they'd beeeeee~" and then Menken brings out the strings and winds with that crescendo and I'm like "damn Menken why you gotta be like that?" I pre-ordered this movie ages ago, why isn't it out yet?
  14. You've been outta your mind for the last three and a half hours. Sit down before you fall down.
  15. No you don't really need to know about chemistry. It's more of a logic/programming game than a chemistry game. I found out about this game when it popped up on Steam. I downloaded the demo and I discovered it was rather substantial. I've been playing the demo for a couple of days now and I just finished it today, so I decided to pick it up. Well worth the $15 I spent on it.
  16. SPACECHEM http://www.spacechemthegame.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/92800/ I recently picked up this game on Steam. It's probably one of the best puzzle games I've ever played. You play as an engineer responsible for synthesizing compounds out of raw materials. You do this by shifting atoms around, splitting molocules and recreating molecular bonds, and making sure nothing collides. It's a combination of programming and spatial reasoning, and it's pretty brilliant. It even features YouTube integration so that you can upload your solutions for other people to watch. Here's .Does anyone else play this game? I really recommend checking out the demo. It's pretty awesome.
  17. Alan Menken didn't do The Lion King. Hans Zimmer did the score and Elton John did the songs.
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