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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Nice concept; I really like the guitar parts. Samples are an issue. Need some more humanization on the winds and strings; those string samples especially have a week attack and have that whiny crescendo sound (..eeeeeeEEEEEEE). You need some faster strings. Ocarina sample is good too, focus on that a bit more. Work on velocities and samples and please resub. NO
  2. I'm extending the X Bracket mixing stage to 00:00 GMT on Wednesday. This works out to 8PM EST on Tuesday. All X Bracket competitors will be allowed to submit revised versions of their mixes by that deadline, even if you've already sent me your mix. Please submit whatever you can, even if it's short. I don't want to start the first round of the this competition with 2 no-shows. It's not fair to other mixers, and it's not fair to the listeners.
  3. Um, you know he's not actually asking what makes games fun, right? He's informing us about a presentation he'll be making entitled "What Makes Games Fun?"
  4. OCR is not a place for sharing commercial OST releases.
  5. Still waiting. I have four entries. Waiting for OneUp, Enigami, Ralphis, and Capa.
  6. It's just some filtered white noise with an automated cutoff freq.
  7. HOLY CRAP HOW AWESOME IS THIS REMIX!!! It's possible I might be biased, but I think that this is a really well put together piece of music. Production and performance is outta sight. Really wonderful interpretation. I like it! YES
  8. Okay so I like that part in the middle with the acoustic, but all the really hard metal stuff is not so great. I think that there's too much reverb, and there's not a whole lot of balance. The guitars are filling up the soundscape in a bad way; specifically they're completely overpowering everything else and it all sounds muddy and mashed together. It's kind of difficult to hear any of the other things that are going on because of those guitars. The acoustic part is really nice though and I think you should really focus on expanding that a bit. Needs a lot of work, but I don't think it's a lost cause. NO
  9. This sounds really nice, but it sounds more like a sketch than a full arrangement. The rhythm guitar does pretty much the same thing throughout the entire piece. It gets a little boring. I think what you need to do, is expand a little bit and give the arrangement some dynamics; not just in terms of volume but also in energy level. You play pretty well, so lets hear you show off a little bit more. I would like to hear this again, because I love Kirby music, and I love guitars. Please resubmit. NO
  10. Oh this is wonderful! I do love your choice of source tunes as well; Halo has wonderful music. Strings are a bit fakey on the attack, but they're not bad. Great percussion and percussive elements, especially around 1:30. Nice use of choir too; it's not too exposed and it gets the job done. I like the relative dryness of the piano, it sits nicely in the mix. Great stuff. Really captures the feel of the original tracks with a great, groovy spin. YES
  11. I do love me some dnb. I love the first half of this track. Really hits that sweet spot between jazzy and electronic; great percussion and overall vibe. I feel that later on down the line however, you sort of go off the rails a bit and get really liberal in your interpretation and eventually all semblance of the source tunes are lost. I realize that it's in the nature of the genre for a song to evolve more over time, but this may go on too long and go too far. I like what I heard, but I think some condensing and a stronger connection to the source would help. NO, resub
  12. Great ideas but I think your balance is off. Needs less reverb and the Slayer especially needs to be mixed better. It's sort of just dominating the soundscape with its drone. Everything sounds a bit over-compressed in a bad way. I love your percussion work here; nice effects and beats. Soundscape itself is pretty nice aside form production issues. Let's hear some fixes and get this back NO, resub
  13. Hey you know what? How about this? Grow up, stop calling people "faggots" and just play the game. Just don't use the fucking word. It's not going to kill you to hold your tongue. It's an offensive term, and if you use it, you'll be warned about it. If you continue to use it, you'll get kicked and or banned. Alright? Now can we please talk about something actually important? Like the fact that people are making 40,000 in TWO WEEKS from royalties for Polycount Items?
  14. -Dan accidentally clicked "report" instead of reply. Here's the message he meant to post:

    "Ok. I undestand you. I'll think about it and contact you when I have the cash. Thx"

  15. Where did you find it for that much?
  16. This place is actually very accepting. You're not the first transgendered person to frequent the forums, and you won't be the last. You chose to make that information about yourself public, and you didn't have to, so now you have to deal with people knowing and possibly reacting to that. People suggested that actor because they know what you are, because you told them what you are. But what it really comes down to is this: stop harping on it. Stop bringing attention to it and stop getting offended all the time. It's like you look for an excuse to be offended anytime someone makes the mistake of referring to you with masculine pronouns. You can shout it from the rooftops all you want, but to be perfectly honest, nobody really cares what you are. Gay, lesbian, bi, queer, straight, boy, girl, trans, white, black, brown, blue, French, laser, banana, whatever. Nobody cares. Oh, and another thing: there's a very strong tradition in certain kinds of theater of men playing women's roles, as well as women playing men's roles. Not that it matters, because as I said before, nobody is actually making an OCR movie, so the entire thing is a moot point.
  17. A male actor can't portray a trans woman?
  18. Zach Braff is not actually playing you. Nobody is actually making a movie.
  19. Heavies can make the jump with the GRU now. But yes, that jump has always been doable by Pyros. I used to go back there a lot when Backburner was a monster-weapon and destroy things.
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