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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I don't think it's that great of a sound upgrade. The soundscape gets pretty crowded, and there is absolutely WAY too much reverb on those drums. You're also getting some weird cutoff on your ride cymbal. Arrangement is way too close the original, and doesn't really do much besides go through the motions. There's no bassline to speak of (if there is, I think it's getting lost in the reverb), and your percussion is extremely repetitive. This needs a lot of work. You need to sit down, really get to know the source material, and bring a fresh approach. Learn to use your samples effectively as well; they seem to be applied as an afterthought, as your sequencing sounds mechanical. Remember, you're not just composing music, you're creating a performance. Good luck. NO
  2. Nothing is taken yet. That's the point of the draft. That's why you're posting three picks, not one. Here's how it works: 1) Mixers post their top three picks in order of preference. 2) Once the participants are set, I'll take the list of contestants and randomize it. 3) I'll go through the whole list, assigning the contestant his first choice. If, after going through the list, I find that his first choice is taken, he gets his second choice, or if his second choice is taken, he gets his third choice. Please be aware that you guys are not picking three source tunes to mix; you only get one Maverick's theme for the competition.
  3. I believe we'll be giving it another catalog number, but I'm not sure.
  4. Do you guys even read Green Lantern? Jeez.
  5. Not bad, but the Dungeon parts don't do much in the way of interpretation aside from dropping some DnB beats. This would be ok if not for the fact that there's not much to the Dungeon theme to begin with. Your lead is also weird in that it's legato, so it sounds kind of messy. Might want to try something tighter. Also don't just adapt it straight, do some syncopation or something like you did with the Overworld theme at the end; that'll make it less boring. Also there's practically no mid-range in this. This is intentional and a trapping of the genre? Seems strange. Not bad, but needs work. NO, resub
  6. Kind of a straightforward interpretation. Guitar is nice, but otherwise it's too short and there's not enough development. Vocal clips are distracting (too much going on covering the music) and some of them aren't mixed in very well; some clipping, etc. Might want to look at that. NO
  7. It starts once we get 16 people, or if a lot of people are still signing up, 32 people.
  8. When posting in review threads, please remember to leave a review before making any other comments. Review threads are primarily for discussing the remix that was posted, rather than responding to whatever djpretzel says in his writeup, or other posters' off-topic comments. Thanks.

  9. The Grand Maverick Remix Battle ONE BIG ZIP WIT ALL DA REMIXES ARMORED ARMADILLO (Txai) HAS WON THE GRAND MAVERICK REMIX BATTLE Spiral Pegacion (Willrock) has won the X Bracket Armored Armadillo (Txai) has won the Zero Bracket Head over to the Social Group to check out the competition history. The Grand Maverick Remix Battle is upon us! It's the fall season of the year 21XX, and Mavericks of all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds are converging at OCR to duke it out in a battle of musical supremacy! The GMRB is a tournament where competing remixers choose a Maverick's stage theme from any of the mainline Mega Man X games. Remixers are matched up against each other and are tasked with writing a "Versus" remix, utilizing the theme of the Maverick they've chosen as well as the theme of their opponent. Remixers are given a week to prepare their track and winners are decided by community vote. The winning remixer moves on to the next round. I've decided to run the GMRB differently from the GRMRB; there will be no losers/revenge bracket this time around. Things got too confusing, unmanageable, and it all ended up running way too long, so we'll be doing straight-up single-elimination this time. Remixers will be grouped into two brackets: the X Bracket and the Zero Bracket, and these brackets will have their mixing and voting stages on alternate weeks (i.e. when X Bracket remixers are having their mixes voted on, Zero Bracket remixers will be working on their tracks). If eliminated remixers wish to have exhibition matches, I have no problem with that, but they will have no bearing on the competition outcome. Maverick selection will not be first-come-first-serve; this time around we'll be running a draft. Here's how it's going to work: if you wish to participate, please post a reply in this thread with a list of three Mavericks you'd like to claim, in order of preference. Once the draft period is over and we have enough participants, I'll randomize the list of participating remixers and assign your tracks based on preference. Hopefully each remixer posting a list of three should be enough to avoid and conflicts. This spring's Grand Robot Master Remix Battle ended up being absolutely amazing; hopefully the Grand Maverick Remix Battle will yield similar results. Participants are locked. We have 16 Mavericks. VOTING NOTES: Voting is open to the public. Please vote! Please remember to cast a vote for EVERY battle taking place in the voting period, otherwise your votes won't be counted. Every battle in the week should have the same number of votes at the end of the voting period. There are no specific rules governing how you should make your picks, but when voting, please keep in mind a couple of things: How well does the artist incorporate both themes into a single piece of music? How well is the remix produced/performed? How enjoyable is the remix? Finally, while it's not required, please consider leaving a small review of both tracks in the battle when casting your vote. As an artist, it's always nice to get a little feedback. SPECIAL NOTES: Songs not allowed: Sigma/Doppler/Endboss Stages, Intro Stages, etc. You need to choose a song that's associated with one of the 8 main mavericks in each game. Bubble Crab and Tidal Makoeen (Duff McWhalen) will be considered the same song for the draft. Any mavericks from Mega Man X5 will have their Japanese names used, because naming Mavericks after the members of Guns 'N Roses was stupid as hell and Capcom USA should be ashamed. Please keep in mind that you're not picking three songs to remix; you're just giving me your first choice and two backups in case there are duplicates. Don't worry if you're new. Just participate.
  10. No, the concept is limited to the character themes.
  11. You can have already-posted songs on albums; for example, Blue Skies Over Guardia was an OC ReMix long before Chrono Symphonic even started development. It's nicer for listeners to get new music, but nobody's going to stop anyone from releasing a project with one or two already-posted remixes.
  12. Certainly an interesting approach to the source; you've got the feel down. Guitar sounds painfully mechanical, especially during that solo section. Not feeling it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there are some very weird harmonic things going on in this piece. There are certain points where the notes in your guitar don't really lock in with your chords, and it feels out of place. I understand that you're trying to stick to the source, but sometimes you need to adapt the melody by a half-step or two in order for things to fit in properly with your chords. Not a bad approach, but it needs some work. NO
  13. Certainly a long mix, but not bad at all. Lots of good ideas, great arrangement. But in the end I feel that this mix goes on for maybe 2 minutes too long. There are a couple of places where the arrangement vamps and I don't think there's enough evolution in the texture to justify it. Things begin to drag, given the plodding nature of the melody (lots of piano-on-downbeat going on for quite a while). I think this ought to be tightened up in terms of arrangement, perhaps condensed. NO, resub
  14. We started early last year, actually. The roster changed a couple of times, but the music had actually been done for quite a while. A lot of time was spent waiting for a good time to release because certain things besides music needed to get done. The other four albums get progressively smaller. Water is 9, Fire is 8, and Earth and Dawn are 7. I'm considering adding other tracks to the last two but I'm not really going to worry about that right now. The album art style is going to remain consistent; only the overall color scheme of each album will change.
  15. Yeah this kind of gets overbearing, especially in the mid- and low-end. I can understand what you're trying to do; evolving textures and all that; the problem is that your evolving textures have very little to do with the source music and they take up the majority of your piece. I think this needs more melodic sections to keep it on track. Soundscape is weird; lots of muffled, boomy sounds. Might want to adjust some EQ and levels. NO
  16. I like it. It's got a fun, unique texture and you guys did some interesting things with the chords. Samples/sequencing is not the best, but this is pretty solid. Great composition. YES
  17. Gonna agree here. Fantastic listen but it's way too much of a medley. My favorite part is the SMB2 theme. I'd love to hear a full version of just that. Montages and medleys are cool in that "hey, remember all these songs?" kind of way, but what we're really looking for is cohesive pieces. If you're gonna use a lot of sources, the transitions have to really be seamless, not just a sudden gearshift to another tune. Every theme here is also arranged in basically the same style, which makes the whole thing sort of a blur. Would like to hear something more focused. NO
  18. Please make sure this is a recruitment thread only. If you want to organize things like claim tracks and set deadlines, you need to do that on your own forum, unless you're aiming to be official OCR, in which case you need to send us a proposal, as detailed in the sticky at the top of this forum.
  19. Please make sure you're sticking to this and not asking for WIPs or setting deadlines.
  20. I ordered Reach from Amazon. Been looking forward to it.
  21. Let me know what kind of lyrics you wanna do. PM or catch me on AIM or something.
  22. This thread is a general Q&A/detail thread for Final Fantasy V - The Fabled Warriors, OCR’s FF5 album series. About There are 5 albums in The Fabled Warriors: WIND, WATER, FIRE, EARTH, and DAWN. Each album is comprised of arrangements written as character themes of important characters in the game and the job classes made available by the respective crystals. The fifth album doesn’t correspond to a crystal, as there is no “Dawn” crystal in the game; instead it covers the additional job classes available in the Gameboy Advance re-release. Schedule WIND was released in September 2010. WATER was released in May 2016. FIRE is targeted for 2018. This is not a release date or a promise, just a goal. EARTH, and DAWN have no target dates. Tracklist Character Description Source Style Artist(s) Faris The reckless and courageous pirate captain. Pirates Ahoy! open Gilgamesh The eight-armed sword hunter. Battle on the Big Bridge An eight-member rock super-group called “The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh” collaborating to create a denser, more varied take on the source. Sixto Sounds, hakstok, OA Beastmaster “Trainers whose open hearts and strong wills allow them to capture and control enemy monsters.” aggressive Sir_NutS Geomancer “Harnessing the power of their surroundings, they easily avoid pits and floors with damaging effects.” Cursed Earth heavy and rhythmic anosou Ninja “Stealthy fighters who excel at surprising enemies and can wield two weapons at once.” Intention of the Earth fast and mysterious OA Bard “Musicians whose dulcet tones soothe savage beasts…or kill them.” melodic and lyrical RiverSound Ranger “Nature-loving archers who can call on local wildlife for aid.” adventurous open The Prelude The classic prelude theme from all Final Fantasy games. The Prelude relaxing DarkeSword Signups are open. The Fabled Warriors runs on an audition-enrollment system. To sign up for a track, please provide a sample of your work that illustrates you’re able to compose and produce in the style required. If you have a Final Fantasy V remix you’re already working on and want me to put on the project, chances are I won’t take it. The Fabled Warriors has a very specific concept, and I’m not looking for music that wasn’t written without the concept in mind. That said, I still encourage you to submit your remix to OCR, because there is always room for more FF5 remixes, whether they are on the project or not. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the project.
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