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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Merged both Minecraft threads, as we already had one and only need one. I also created a new Minecraft group. http://ocremix.org/forums/group.php?groupid=9
  2. I moderate when you get involved because you don't understand the forum atmosphere. You post long, drawn out arguments. You aren't concise. You take too long to make your point. You argue for argument's sake. OCR forums have their own rhythm, and if you're going to post here, you need to find it.

    Also, you don't know my opinion of rap music or hip-hop culture, so don't assume that I've locked a thread that's strayed off-topic just because I may or may not disagree with you.

    If you're going to post on this forum, stop being a pretentious snot and start posting intelligently, instead of trying to be an intellectual.

  3. It doesn't matter what you do anywhere else or how other forums are moderated. This is OCR, and we're a very specific kind of site and a very specific kind of community, focused on gaming and music. When you start talking about rap music and how it contributes to society's ills, you've gone off the rails. It's off-topic, and it doesn't actually foster any discussion, because it devolves into you saying things that make you seem racist, and then people accuse you of being racist, and it just goes back and forth; it doesn't help your case that your opinion is uninformed to begin with, and your references to statistics amount to "just do a google search!"

    I don't care who you can go "toe-to-toe" with. I don't know what SWF is, and I don't care. I don't care how much money they have or handle. (cont.)

  4. OCR is a very well moderated board, and yes, it is my job to decide what kind of discussion takes place on OCR, including deciding on whether what you post is pretentious bullshit or not, and whether or not it belongs on this forum.

  5. Don't get on my case because I'm putting an end to a thread that isn't going anywhere. Nobody was interested in your pretentious bullshit, and you turned a thread about a very specific topic (rap in the VGM community and the etiquette between artists) into some stupid soapbox crap about society's ills or some other such nonsense.

    Also: post your thread in the right place. It belongs in PPR, not Community.

  6. This thread has gone off the rails, mostly thanks to Mr. Kieser, who seems to love the sound of his own fingers on the keyboard. We're done.
  7. Samples are killing this mix. Really mechanically sequenced, hard panning the flutes, not really mixed for balance beyond maybe having some samples applied to a MIDI track. Arrangement is great, but the performance is not; it's quite the opposite. Can't get away with just a good arrangement; we need to hear you create a performance here. NO
  8. Love the take on the source tune. This is a really well produced track with a really interesting soundscape. I love the chippy stuff underneath the processed organic elements; it really fills in the space in an interesting way. Guitar work sounds wonderful. This makes me thing of some crazy, Matrix-stylized Western. Awesome YES
  9. Nice production, love the compressed stuff. Arrangement is too liberal, like the other joojes said. With a track like this, you gotta make sure you don't stray too far from what little source material there is, otherwise it ceases to be an arrangement altogether. NO
  10. If you're trying to make an argument based on statistics, do the "hard research."
  11. Saw Sonic Colors for Wii in action today at NYCC. Looks very good, though it's very much DIMPS Sonic gameplay (speed boosters, etc.).
  12. NOVA is such a pain to play. I don't know, the controls just don't do it for me. Maybe it's because I'm playing it on a Palm Pre? Who knows. Touch-screen controls for games based heavily on reflexes are usually a pain to play, which is why I think that without buttons, mobile phone gaming (iOS, Android, webOS) will always sort of be relegated to that 'casual' status. Anyway, as for iOS games, I've got quite a bunch on my old-ass iPod touch, but one of my favorites is Gamevil's Baseball Superstars 2009. I've got 2010—and I haven't played it that much—but I spent a lot of time with 2009 and it's just phenomenal. I'm not even a big fan of sports games, but I've literally played the game for hours on end. Helsing's Fire is a great, unique puzzle game with a lot of style. Sword and Poker is another great one; a turn-based dungeon crawler built around a poker-oriented battle system. I do like Square Enix's offerings too, like Vanguard Storm and Hills and Rivers Remain; I like it when they put something new out instead of porting old games like Final Fantasy. I haven't tried Chaos Rings; I think my poor first-gen iPod would buckle and break. We can't have a thread about iOS games without mentioning Canabalt, the run'n'jump game with music by our very own Danny B.
  13. Have you heard the "radio" version? He sings "forget you" instead of "fuck you." It completely destroys the song.
  14. Let's try to stay on topic here and not turn this into a discussion about the viability of smartphones and media players as gaming platforms.
  15. That kind of information can easily be found by doing a google search. I'm not going to sit here and maintain what amounts to a Wikipedia article.
  16. Not really, because when you buy DRM free music, you're buying DRM free music.
  17. It's not about what you're "getting at." It's about showing respect to a fellow artist, even if you disagree with the content and/or approach to music. You liked the MM4 mix and decided to leave a review. Great. But don't start taking potshots at other artists in your review. Review the piece that's in front of you and move on. You're entitled to your opinion, but you don't have to bring it up any time a hip-hop remix is posted. If you posted a review of one of my mixes and stated badmouthing another artist in it, I'd be pretty annoyed, because that's just not right. It's a matter of etiquette between artists; you just don't do that. You don't talk about someone else's work in a review; you say your piece and leave it at that. In other words: lay off.
  18. Treasure Hunter G - Surrounded by Forest 1 In 9/8 time; the subdivision goes 2-2-2-3 for the first part until the second part around 1:20, where it changes to 9/8 in 3 (similar to 6/8 in 2).
  19. They are tears, my friend. Go ahead, let them flow. <( T^T)7
  20. He's trying to replicate Metroid Prime, which is not a Super Nintendo game.
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