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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. No, the game was planned at the start to have these playable characters. Look at comparison screens; the game's interface and certain areas of the game are designed around a certain number of party characters. They cut the playability of these characters out and edited parts of the game to make things look good enough. Tales of Vesperia for 360 is a very good game, but Namco Bandai did cut planned content from the game to deliver it earlier to Microsoft's console, because MS paid them for the timed exclusivity. It's not really a matter of "I don't think that it was incomplete, because it felt complete enough to me and I don't need the extra characters;" cutting content is precisely what Namco Bandai did, and it's not the only game they've done it with.
  2. It's the same reason some people say that analog recording is "better" than digital recording. It has nothing to do with an accurate replication of the sound, but more to do with being used to the imperfections added by an imperfect replication method.
  3. That is essentially how Namco Bandai operates. MS paid them for an exclusivity period for ToV and then they went and released the game for PS3 with more things added in. Microsoft essentially subsidized the development of the PS3 version. This was a pretty big deal when it came out in Japan a while ago.
  4. Pure lossless is bad!!!! You're losing the warmth of the sound that comes from lossy compression!!!!
  5. Who's insulting you? I'm telling you what this thread is for and how it should be used. You were asked nicely by the project lead to not double post and you did so again anyway. If you want to contribute to this project, that's fine, but don't use its thread as your own Twitter account. Don't post consecutively; edit your posts if you have something to say or wait for someone else to reply before posting again. Also, the word you're looking for is "deride," not "beride." "Beride" is not a word.
  6. No not really; I have a fleeting interest in the actual SC2 proper; I'm more interested in the games and stuff that'll be made with the engine, like that SC Ghost mockup they showed off. PRETTY SILLY THOUGH
  7. Then do it right the first time. I just had to merge two of your posts again. This thread is for project discussion. If you are not a project artist or are not contributing in any meaningful way, please refrain from repeatedly posting in this thread. Furthermore, if anyone is working on a non-project DKC3 remix, this is not the place to discuss it. This is an album project thread, not-a-let's-talk-about-my-DKC3-remixes thread.
  8. Are you serious? BattleNet is region-locked? What century is this?!
  9. I'm angry that Namco basically used the incomplete 360 version to subsidize the development of the PS3 version. I really want to get this for PS3 but I'm not sure I can justify buying it again if it's full price.
  10. I always end up saying the same things about good piano mixes. Nice dynamics, nice part-writing, great performance. The blending of both themes is quite seamless. It all sounds like one song. YES
  11. Stop double/triple/quadruple posting. This thread is for project discussion, not for whatever pops into your head.
  12. No balance. Ridiculously loud, over-compressed drums, synths sound like they're brickwalled. Arrangement is not that great; sound like the original with some arpeggiators on the melodic and harmonic lines and a lot of glitch effects. NO
  13. YEAH!!! I really applaud you going for that jazzier sound. The harmonic choices you made really make this piece stand out for me. Gusty Garden is my favorite song in Super Mario Galaxy and it's nice to hear those unexpected harmonies. The performance is excellent; great timing, great dynamics. I love the interchange between the left and right hand parts; nice to hear something that isn't just arpeggios in the left. That heavy swing section is just what this piece needed to stay fresh. Simply fantastic. Hope to hear more from you.
  14. Let's get the obvious part out of the way first: OCR highly discourages medlies. We're not looking for samplers that touch on a couple of themes without attention paid to development, interpretation, and cohesiveness. Also, we have an 8MB filesize limit on our submissions. Now, ignoring the fact that this is medley, I'm going to just say that I'm not really feeling anything that's going on in this piece. Sequencing is extremely mechanical across the board; the piano sounds stiff as hell in the beginning. The bass is thin and provides no foundation. The drums sound lo-fi and repetitive. There is no balance between melodic lines, arpeggios, and the droning phased synth that's providing the backing chords. There are practically no transitions between themes; you just iterate through one a couple of times and then move on to the other. FF5's theme sounds particularly bad; there are some odd harmonic choices there. Pretty much every song has the same interpretation applied to it: droning synth chords, some repetitive beats, arpeggiated synths, and the melody played over it. For such a long track, there's remarkably little development. The entire piece stays flat throughout. NO
  15. Snoopy Flying Ace for XBLA is the only game you will ever need to buy ever for the rest of your entire pitiful existence. (at least until kirby comes out)
  16. Uh, let's not jump the gun with all this RIP VGMix stuff.
  17. It's got kind of an 80s pop groove with those synths. Very sweet sounding. I dig it. Vocals are strong, no question there, but the percussion is lacking a bit; seems to be on autopilot, but they fit with the style. Live performances are spot on, balance and mixing is tight. Very nice. YES
  18. You can talk about jailbreaking on the forums. It's not illegal you know.
  19. True, but it's quite customizable, and you can opt-out of it if you want (you are not affected by stomps/you can't stomp players).
  20. Disneyland is terrible. ALSO: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=111893
  21. So a couple of us (me, bardic, sixto, scytheful) in #ocremix have been playing this game fairly regularly, finally getting a chance to do stuff like co-op campaign missions. Because of schedules and people being busy, we're almost always looking for a fourth guy to play some co-op with (random 4P PvE maps at higher difficulties are nearly impossible with just 3 players), so if you're interested please play with us.
  22. An extremely generic, straightforward genre-adaptation. Piano sounds plinky and bright for such a seemingly dark track. Percussion is pretty repetitive throughout; there needs to be some more variation; fills, builds, releases, those kinds of things. You have this oddly layered percussion bit come in around 2:52 that's just jarring and out of place (and it shows up again later, just as jarring). I like the gated synth running throughout; it adds to the tension. Unfortunately it's not enough to keep things interesting for 6 minutes. This piece is fairly static in terms of mood; not a lot of highs and lows. We just get a long intro and then the piece plateaus until the end. Needs more build and release. Not a bad texture; the bass could be beefier and the percussion could be doing something more interesting, but the atmosphere isn't bad. Still, needs some work. NO
  23. Great expansion of a relatively short source tune. There's not much material to work with, but there's enough evolution in the soundscape to make it work. I like the spacey rock thing you've got going. Arrangement-wise this is great, but you need to fix the levels and balance, as already stated. NO, resub. Let's get some production fixes and fast-track this.
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