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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I'm inclined to agree with Andy here. This is really kind of slow and plodding. Lots of big blocks of slow harmonies, sustained strings, etc. Percussion has a lot of detail, but I feel like the lack of a proper bassline really ends up exposing the kit, especially the kick drum. It's this big-damn-power kit playing over cellos; needs something to sync with in order to drive the piece; otherwise everything sounds lethargic. Kind of at a loss on source usage in the second half; first part plays with enough. Gonna need a source breakdown before I can close out this vote, but I'm leaning towards a NO.
  2. Man, I love this remix, though it maybe just be Ristar-bias on my part, seeing as how I played the crap out of this game when I was younger. One of the best Genesis soundtracks ever, bar none. This mix is a bit on the conservative side, but I think it does enough to expand the source theme in terms of part-writing to just get it over the bar. Rhythm guitars are especially nice with the comping chords and arpeggios, and the percussion has a lot more going on. Plus there are all these phrases where the entire ensemble locks together for a syncopated statement. Very nice. Great relaxation music. YES!
  3. This isn't a bad mix, but I feel like it could use a meatier bassline and more bass presence in general. It's really top-heavy. Arrangement isn't bad, but kind of on the conservative side. Synths are pretty generic, but I like the chippier arpeggiated stuff. Drums sound like they're on auto-pilot; not a lot of variation aside from that solo section around 2:15, and even then there's no real transition into them. Need some more fills and things in addition to the clapping embellishments. Solo section is nice but I think this piece needs some more polish. NO, but please resub
  4. Alright first things first, there is WAY too much reverb on this. Everything is getting drowned in reverb. Second, the balance between the instruments is terrible. I think there's some flute or synth in the background, but it's all really hard to hear over that square sounding ride pattern; seriously, there's no swing to it at all, it's just a boring straight eighths pattern. Phrases are also thrown haphazardly around; nothing seems to lock together. Jazz isn't about people playing whatever the hell they want; there needs to be a degree of cohesiveness. This is just loose to the point where it sounds sloppy. I'm at a loss as far as the ending is concerned. This weird unbalanced whoosh comes out of nowhere, and it sounds like a completely separate song starts playing, only to fade out again. Bad production, messy arrangement. Needs work. NO
  5. http://www.brighthub.com/health/diet-nutrition/articles/70209.aspx
  6. 5 songs is fine, that's like an EP.

  7. Yeah I remember breaking fast at like 4:30ish years ago.
  8. Excuse me, but this is not a case of "wax ears," and I'm certainly very familiar with the Lava Reef themes, having played Sonic & Knuckles extensively during my childhood, and having remixed Act 2 myself. This piece goes too far in its interpretation; the melodies are altered to the point where they are sound-alikes with similar rhythms, specifically Ice Cap Zone. This piece also focuses on original melodies more than source tunes, with a lot of original writing, using heavily interpreted source tunes as backing. My vote stands.
  9. Well Ramadan started today and I got up at 4AM to eat some breakfast. HANGIN' IN THERE.
  10. your sig is too tall. resize it to be under 250px tall.

  11. Really great arrangement. It does have a PotC feel to it. Samples are obviously fake but it's not really a detriment to the piece; they work well in context. Very nice work all around. Good development, nice intensity. YES
  12. No, this is the first year I'm suggesting it.
  13. Hey guys. The Islamic month of Ramadan starts this Wednesday, which means Muslims all over the world will be fasting from food, drink, smoking, and sex during daylight hours. A couple folks were talking IRC and I suggested that people try out fasting with me and other OCR Muslims, so we're shooting for Saturday to have our big OCRamadan Fast. The way it works: Get up before it starts to get light out. Eat some breakfast! Something that'll sit in your stomach. Also drink fluids! Go to back to bed. When you wake up, go about your normal business. Remember, you can't eat, drink (not even water!), smoke, or have sex until the sun goes down. Also remember, you're fasting from bad behavior and negative feelings as well. Try maintain a sense of calm throughout the day, and avoid conflict when you can! As sundown approaches, check your local weather listing to find out when the sun sets exactly. Prepare some food to eat once the sun goes down. Breaking your fast with water is preferable! Remember don't gorge yourself! Your stomach's been empty all day. Just enjoy your meal. Savor it! There are some health benefits to fasting, which are greater if you do it more than just one day. A lot of folks don't think they can do it, but it's mostly a matter of willpower. I've had some friends who fasted with me in college and they were surprised at how they were able to make it through the day. Also for non-Muslims it's not a religious thing; it's more just something to try to see if you can do it. Post here if you're participating!
  14. To be honest, if you didn't tell me this was a Sonic mix, I wouldn't even know, except for that bit that sounds kind of like Ice Cap Zone. This is just way too original to qualify as a remix. It sounds like something someone would write for a show about Sonic where they couldn't get the permission to use the original music from the game, so they needed a soundalike. Maybe another judge can hear more source? I'm at a loss here. NO
  15. The dynamic range is very very broad in this piece, which is something you don't really hear a lot. It's a good thing, although I had to fiddle with the volume to hear some parts over ambient noise here in my room. The composition in this piece is very weird. You start off with this excellent treatment of Bowser's Theme, which segues nicely into Dire Dire Docks. The combination of these themes is nice, especially at 1:13. The problem is the rest of the piece. Here we move into an extended treatment of Dire Dire Docks, which is quite slow and doesn't do much to really interpret the theme in a new way. A lot of it a straight arrangement, with some improvisation later on. I feel while the performance and improvisation is good, this piece is kind of aimless. The entire first minute-and-a-half could be developed into its own song, and the rest of the piece could stand on it's own as well. It's just that when you tack them together like this, the piece doesn't feel cohesive. Good ideas, good performance, good production, but kind of a slapshod arrangement. NO, resub
  16. Stop spreading misinformation. Taucer is not going to be a moderator.
  17. We're not making you a mod, Brush. BYE WES GOOD LUCK THANKS FOR EVERYTHING
  18. It's got a nice sound and texture, but you gotta arrange it more. Not much else to say. Sorry dudes. NO PLZ RESUB
  19. I agree with the other joojes. Production and performances are great, but the actual arrangement is kind of lacking; it's just that Dante riff with some soloing over it. Some of the soloing sounds like a dying cat; that is not a qualitative statement, I'm just making an observation. It actually kind of fits. The problem is that most of the source usage in this piece is the DMC riff over and over again. I could do with less solo, more melodic/harmonic treatments of the source. You never really wail that L4D theme on the guitar, and it would sound awesome if you did. NO, resub
  20. I think it's solid enough, though I wish there was more going on in that ride pattern. Walking bass is solid, comping picks up after 1:19 and really locks in. Yeah, that percussion could've worked more with the other players. It's cool though. Great arrangement, really intimate. Perfect title too. I dig! YES
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