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Posts posted by DarkeSword

  1. I've set up text and voice channels for each team on the official OCR Discord server. The text and voice channel collectively form your team's clubhouse. Once you join the server, go to the #compos channel and let me know what team you're on and I'll give you the appropriate permissions to access your clubhouse. The clubhouse is where your team will discuss strategies, share WIPs and feedback, and generally just hang out/talk. These clubhouses are closed to the general public, but they will be opened and made read-only at the end of the competition.

  2. On 1/22/2017 at 10:52 AM, zircon said:

    Sony's PSN service has been extraordinarily successful. But Nintendo's back catalog is even better, IMO. Throw a dart at a "Top 50 Games of All Time" list and you're likely to hit a classic Nintendo game (NES, SNES, GB, N64). They can and should still offer individual titles for purchase on the VC. However a streaming subscription service is something consumers will eat up and makes for the best value proposition.


    On 1/22/2017 at 0:25 PM, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    I was referring to Playstation Now, I think is called.

    I think we're talking about different things.


    On 1/22/2017 at 3:03 PM, Bleck said:

    you're not talking about different things, you're just wrong

    No he's not, they are different things, actually. PSN refers to "PlayStation Network" which is Sony's online ecosystem/service for PlayStation products. The premium version of this is PS+ (PlayStation Plus) which offers "free" games to download every month for subscribers (that you only own while you are a paying "Plus" subscriber). This service is "extraordinarily successful," and Sony's offering of "free" games every month is something that MS also decided to do with Games for Gold on XBox Live. It's also something that Nintendo should do with their online service.

    PlayStation Now, which is never referred to as "PSN," is Sony's game streaming service, similar to the old OnLive service. You pay a monthly fee and get streaming access to a library of games. These aren't downloaded or locally stored in anyway; you get an audio and video feed of the game and your controls are sent to the server that's running the game. The service has been live for a little while but there's nothing to suggest that it's "extraordinarily successful."

    Now I do think Andy is right; Nintendo's first-party library is first-rate and is well suited towards a subscription based game streaming service. People love Nintendo games. But ACO is also not too far off the mark: game-streaming as a business isn't really proven yet. OnLive, the pioneer of this kind of service, isn't in business anymore, and Gaikai, one of OnLive's competitors, essentially turned into PlayStation Now; and we don't really know how well PlayStation Now is doing as a service.

    There are a lot of things Nintendo could/should be doing with their back catalog; goodness knows their online "infrastructure" has been a total joke for over a decade. But Nintendo is a stubborn company that doesn't like being a follower; this leads to good things, like controller innovations and portable systems, but it also leads to bad things, like friend codes and game purchases locked to hardware rather than user accounts. We're finally seeing Nintendo make some concessions with their mobile games; Fire Emblem Heroes is a bog standard F2P gacha game, which is actually a great business decision on their part, because those kinds of games are moneymakers, but slightly disappointing artistically, because gacha games are fairly shallow experiences.

    What Nintendo needs to do is find that balance between leading the industry in hardware and software innovation and catching up to what the industry has already accomplished with things like online services.

  3. I'll split you guys into teams tonight. You might NOT get to be on the team you want but don't worry too much. You'll still be remixing themes from both series. After that I'll give both teams their sources and you guys will be able to decide among yourselves how to assign those sources.

  4. Hey folks. That time of year where we have to get the ball rolling on the album for the Apex fighting game tournament. I don't have a concrete list of games yet, but I'm going to assume the following:

    • Super Smash Bros. (N64)
    • Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)
    • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
    • Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U)
    • Pokken Tournament (Wii U)

    For anyone unfamiliar, Apex is a fighting game tournament in NJ that OC ReMix creates an official album for. We like to have at least one remix for every game officially featured at the tournament.

    If you're interested in participating, please post here with your claim. I still need to confirm the event date and the game list, but I'm going to assume that Apex will be in June, so we need to get music done by May.

  5. 1 hour ago, The Damned said:

    I'd like to remind everyone of Nintendo's statement that the introduction of the DS would not mean the end of the GameBoy Advance as Nintendo's portable system.

    Any one remember how that turned out?

    And DarkeSword, people willingly give their kids $1000 smartphones. To keep. For themselves.

    No, people willingly give their kids smartphones they pay $200 for because of carrier deals. Adults don't really even pay $1000 for smartphones for themselves.

    And the thing about DS and Gameboy is different because the DS and Gameboy were both portable systems, and that statement was just Nintendo hedging their bets on a risky, experimental system (2 screens, touch, etc.); i.e. if the DS failed to capture the market, they could fall back on the Gameboy line.

    The Switch is designed to be a home console successor that iterates on the Wii and the Wii U, not a 3DS successor.

  6. Well also, and I feel like people are really getting this wrong, Switch is not a "portable system" like 3DS. I mean yeah, they're touting the portability of it, but Switch is a home console that can also be made portable. It's not really meant to replace the Gameboy/DS line the way some people think it is. A lot of us are adult gamers and we keep thinking about the Switch as adult gamers; about the convenience of taking it on the commute, or to a party, or while we're traveling. But Nintendo's always done very well with a specific demographic: kids. The Switch is a pretty sleek $300 machine, and that's not really something to give to an 8 year old that she can take with her to a lot of places. A lot of times siblings have their own 3DSes or 2DSes too. Nintendo still has to satisfy that market with a portable-first system that's a bit more rugged and a bit more affordable.

    Am I wrong here? OCR parents, back me up: would you buy your younger kid a Switch and trust them to take it around everywhere with them? My guess is "no," but I don't have kids of my own.

  7. 9 hours ago, AzureZeal said:

    Not a single mention of how Nintendo Network is going to work on the Switch. I really hope they would at least show it in the coming presentations but them not even talking about it on their biggest presentation is just baffling.  

    They can't tell you everything in a single press conference. I think the focus on the hardware and the games was good enough.

  8. I'm looking for some help in populating a Google Calendar with notable video game anniversaries for games that have remixes here on OC ReMix. This calendar is meant to be used in conjunction with zapier (an automation tool) that will help us automatically promote game pages on OCR's Discord server and possibly our social media accounts.

    Right now OCR doesn't track release dates of games in its database, so I can't ask djpretzel for that data. I need folks to help find release date data and create events on the Calendar in a specific format. I'd prefer to use release dates from the country of origin, so Japanese release dates for games from Japan, North American release dates for many western games, etc.

    • To participate, you need a Google account (i.e. gmail address).
    • The event should be created with a start time of 12:00PM on the day of the anniversary. Multiple events on the same day should be spaced by 15 minutes.
    • The title of the event should be Nth Anniversary of Game.
    • The description of the event should be a link to the game's page on OC ReMix.
    • Here's a sample event.

    I think we can focus on 5x Year Anniversaries for now.

    Let me know if you'd like to help out and I'll give you access.

  9. OKAY now that MAGFest and the holidays are over, let's get this thing crackin! Here's who I have signed up already in my spreadsheet. It might be outdated, so if you're NOT participating anymore, please let me know.

    1. Gario
    2. Dewey Newt
    3. Trism
    4. Xenonetix
    5. theshaggyfreak
    6. Xarnax42
    7. Chiwalker
    8. Starphoenix
    9. Kapden
    10. Anorax
    11. ThirdKoopa
    12. Yami
    13. MegaDrive
    14. Ronald Poe
    15. PlanarianHugger
    16. GCJ
    17. JohnStacy
    18. akalink

    Again, we need 18 people to fill out the two teams of 9.

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