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Posts posted by DarkeSword

  1. I never really understood the issue with ads on YouTube videos given that we had Google ads on individual remix pages for years. Advertisements presented in the context of individual remixes is nothing new; I guess it feels different to people now because YouTube is huge and "monetization" is a word people throw around all the time now.

    I'm a little annoyed with Google/YouTube and their mysterious enabling of ads, ESPECIALLY the unskippables. I agree with Dave that it's kind of shocking they don't have logs or an audit trail mechanism for that kind of thing. Kind of concerning, TBH.

    In any case, while I wish we had more time to prepare for it, what's done is done. Now that GMI is officially a 501c3, I hope that folks will be on board and won't raise a fuss. Like I said, this isn't actually anything new. I never had problems with ads on the remix pages, so I don't see why I'll have a problem with ads on my mixes.

  2. If this happens it will absolutely lead to a resurgence of X-Men in all non-comics Marvel media. X-Men is one of Marvel's biggest and most recognizable properties and the ONLY reason it's kept out of shows and video games is because of Ike Perlmutter's anger at not having the movie licenses.

    The minute this happens, we'll see a huge adjustment to the Marvel movie timeline. There are going to be at least half a dozen X-Men related movies announced so fast your head will spin. Look at what happened when Sony and Disney worked the Spider-Man deal out: they immediately introduced him into the MCU with Civil War and Homecoming.

    Same goes for Fantastic Four. Once this deal goes through? Fantastic Four #1 comic will be announced, and they'll get a movie that's integrated into the MCU as soon as possible.

  3. 12 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    A huge factor I neglected to mention in my list is that by having the bar...let's not focus on how low or high it is for brevity's sake...is akin to having a locked door.  Or more specifically, the sign of a gated community that is a bit too top-heavy.  With so many other choices like Materia Collective, Chiptunes = win, remix.kwed and so on... The bar may not be the wisest position to stand on - Heaven forbid that it be OCR's last colloquial position to stand upon.  As a caveat, I don't want to sound like an SJW "safe-spaces" / "inclusiveness Marxist crybaby" - but there is an undeniable issue regarding the whole system with inclusiveness that COULD and maybe should be subject to further analysis.  Hence why I think the bar should be put under the inquisitor's eye and examined at all possible angles; maybe even conduct a vivisection on it, just to ascertain exactly just how it (the bar) ticks and where the cancerous growths of over-subjectivity and bias (both variations of the same meaning) have taken root.  Will I be the one to lead that charge??  We'll see. 

    And now at a poor attempt at humor, DJP might want to consider the direction that his boat is going, as it's veering a little too off course, towards that gigantic glacier that looks like Brandon Straders fat ass (which to my understanding isn't as fat these days, as he's actually lost a lot of weight.  So maybe that's a poor analogy x_X.  Congrats are in order anyhow)

    Seriously though, I and many others (including a former judge) who wish to remain anonymous, strongly feel that OCR is slowly dying and becoming irrelevant.  True or no, I don't know why I feel so invested in keeping OCR alive (maybe my competition that ranges betwixt 500-2400 views ??); but that parasite that lives in my spinal chord just won't shut up and tells me that OCR is still the best venue.  Maybe I should have that gnawing critter surgically removed?  Nevermind - that's something only I can decide lol. 

    Hope that was coherent enough and the jokes didn't make you facepalm too much.  And that I actually stimulated some constructive argument :D

    PS brynolf, your "Shadow of the Beast" remix is still my favorite of 2017 thus far - sorry to use it as a foil in my rants against your knowledge and consent x_X


    OC ReMix is neither dying nor becoming irrelevant. We get plenty of submissions, lots of listeners, and tons of engagement on social media. Also, don't try to back up your point by speaking for other people who "wish to remain anonymous." There's absolutely zero value in saying something like that. Make your own points and back them up.

    We're not going to dump curation. It's just not going to happen. OC ReMix has been very clear about being a curated catalog of arrangements that meet a standard of both artistic interpretation and technical execution. We have never—and I can't believe that this has to be said again—claimed to be the end-all-be-all source of VGM arrangements, and we're not trying to be. We've consistently supported other communities and initiatives like DoD and Materia Collective.

    OC ReMix can afford to be selective; we've built up a catalog of quality arrangements over the course of nearly 18 years by setting some standards and pushing artists to hone their skills. Our philosophy at OCR has always been "share your music, get feedback, and make your music better." You'll be hard-pressed to find any other art community that does that. Getting a track posted to the front-page is a soft goal that fosters that growth. There are obviously instances where an artist will disagree with those standards and make an exit, or honestly just outgrow the process altogether because they've found their artistic voice and don't need to take part in the loop anymore. That's fine. We have no problem with people who decide OCR isn't for them anymore.

    There are plans in place to integrate the workshop deeper into the site's game database so that people can find WIPs and non-posted releases by browsing game pages. But OC ReMix will continue to examine and curate submissions from the community against our established standards because having that goal in place improves artists. We're comfortable with where those standards are and comfortable about the direction the site is taking.

  4. 2 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    I've already laid my concerns, but no one's taking them seriously except you (and possibly Timaeus222???) (staff-wise).  Far as DJP and Darkesword are concerned, I'm that bathroom mold that refuses to go away.  x_x

    You really need to stop making assumptions like this.

  5. My brother picked one up at Target on Friday morning. I was at my dad's house last night and I played a little bit of it.

    I had never played the NES Classic so the interface was new to me. Pretty cool! The controllers feel nice and the emulation doesn't seem to have any issues as far as I could see. We tried out some Contra, and I also played some Super Mario World.

    The CRT filter is pretty nice, though I know I prefer a little bit more phosphor glow in my shaders. The rewind function is REALLY cool, but it's a little cumbersome in that you have to reset back to the home screen to do it, and the only way you can seemingly do that is by actually hitting the reset switch on the unit itself.

    I'm still gonna try to track one down; really wanna try Star Fox 2.

  6. Sonic Mania is honestly the Sonic game I've been waiting for since Sonic & Knuckles. It's pitch-perfect in its physics and aesthetics.

    I picked it up on Switch and am constantly playing it. The music is incredible. I got all the Chaos Emeralds with every character. The only things left I need to do are get all the emblems from the Blue Sphere stages, but I'm probably not going to do that. I've played enough Blue Sphere in my life back when I was a kid. xD

    I hope they make another one.

  7. 3 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    I find it funny how gamers tend to complain that the industry is out of ideas and there is nothing new,

    but trip over themselves to get a relaunch of a nigh 30-year-old console.

    Nothing wrong with nostalgia. Plus it has Star Fox 2.

    Also it's not necessarily the same gamers complaining about originality that are after the revival stuff.

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