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Posts posted by DarkeSword

  1. 12 hours ago, Miyakan said:

    Well you must have liked the Torvus Bog music. Your rendition torvus clockwork was the first remix I listened to that I would be completely fine with if it replaced the original track. Unless you did the track because you didn't like it.

    No I'm a huge fan of Metroid Prime's soundtracks.

  2. 10 hours ago, Nase said:

    someone should make a game around these. this is 'just' snesology now. but you needed the illusion of them ending up in a game to really come that far with your snes expertise. it's cool, innit? extreme mockup. are you gonna stay in the project? feeling frustrated with it or good to write another 20?

    thinking about it, why don't you just rename it part of the snesology thing? i mean it's all a brainfart until the music meets the game and is released, right?

    a wonderful brainfart :)

    Well I mean he wrote them for a game that's being made. He's just not using the SNES versions anymore. Americana Dawn is still under development, and I imagine Sam's going to write new versions for the actual release.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sam Ascher-Weiss said:

    This will have to be discussed with the game director, as of yet I only have permission to release them in this format, as far as an official soundtrack album through bandcamp or something, that is possible, but not yet worked out. 

    I'll definitely be pushing for something of that nature and I will give an update if we're able to move forward with that. 

    Also, thanks a million for the support Shariq, really glad you enjoyed piano+violin versions!

    Of course. I often go back to Civilized Folk when I need something chill to listen to. I shared the album with my Dad years ago when it came out and he also bought it off Bandcamp.

    Have listened to the SNES versions for the past 20 minutes or so. Really loving it.

  4. 18 hours ago, Xenonetix said:

    Yeah, but a selection/pool of exactly 3 sources that you then just assign to each team member, or a pool of about 20 sources, so you actually get some choice in the matter? I feel like if it's the prior, at least one member of the team will just have to 'settle'. All 3 members of the team might really want to be doing sources another team's been given, and hates all 3 of the ones they've been given. I'm just wondering how much variety and choice we really get.

    If people have specific sources foist upon them, I feel like it would be an unfair system, because some teams will end up with a higher level of motivation than others purely because of the sources they've been given.

    There are nine people on each team. Each team will be given about 11-12 sources they can choose from and assign to their nine members.

  5. Incredibly exposed and mechanical. It doesn't sound like any part-writing went into this. Everything sounds like it was on auto-pilot. Like Nuts said, there's no interplay between parts. What's going on in this track? What is even the melody? It's sort of just meandering all over the place.

    Needs to go back to the drawing board. NO

  6. 1 minute ago, Jorito said:

    So ultimately it doesn't really matter on which team you're on, as you get a bunch of sources to choose from in either team, right?

    Anyway, I'm game but I also have a 2 week holiday planned in between, so I'll have to work out with whatever team I end up in how to deal with that.

    Yeah, pretty much. Depending on how you work it out with your team you'll be on the hook for anywhere from 3-5 remixes:

    • 2 squad-vs-squad remixes will be MM vs. SK
    • 1 final one-on-one remix will be MM vs. SK
    • 1 boss battle mix will be your source vs. a Mega Man based boss theme
    • 1 boss battle mix will be your source vs. a Shovel Knight based boss theme

    The blue items are the ones you're definitely responsible for. The purple items will be handled by one person per squad.

  7. We've started posting segments from the podcast on YouTube, specifically guest segments and interviews. You'll see the latest interview every Monday, and we're going to try and post the rest of the interviews from episodes 1-32 every Thursday until we catch up. Any other guest segments that we feel can be broken out of an episode to stand on its own is also a candidate for YouTube.

    Everything is going to be compiled into a playlist.

    We're also exploring the idea of posting extended cuts of interviews on YouTube, as sometimes they're edited down for the podcast.

    This will be a good way for you guys to introduce your friends to the podcast. :)

  8. Weird thing about Metroid: I never considered myself a Metroid fan growing up. I missed Metroid, Metroid II, and Super Metroid as a kid (no Gameboy or SNES). But I eventually got around to checking out Zero Mission, the Metroid Prime series, and Fusion. Really like the series, and I have a bunch of Metroid remixes here on OCR.

    I love the series, but I still don't really consider myself a huge fan of Metroid; not in the same way that I was a fan of Sonic or Mega Man or even Kirby. For me it's always been "oh yeah, I played that game, it was pretty awesome. Samus is cool." But beyond maybe the Prime games, I have very little nostalgic investment in the Metroid series at large.

    I did check out AM2R last night. Pretty solid stuff. :)

  9. Hey guys; posted a callout for help with visual identity and branding for RvK over on my tumblr. Quoting here:



    Hey friends!

    So as many of you know, I run these really big tournament-style remix competitions over at OC ReMix. Last year’s competition was the Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet, which featured music from Mega Man X.

    This year I’m trying out a brand new format that I’ve been developing for the past few months. It’s a Team vs. Team competiton called Robots vs. Knights that will feature music from Mega Man and Shovel Knight. You can view the details of the competition at OCR.

    Here’s the thing. With SFRG, I developed this really nice visual identity that carried across the competitions. I created the banner, album art, user icons, and competitor sigs with a consistent look (colors, typography, etc.). The competition had a really nice professional feel to it as a result.

    I’d like to do this again with Robots vs. Knights, but I’m afraid I might be out of my depth here. I’m looking to give the competition a really strong visual identity, and I need an artist or artists to help me out.

    Let me be upfront about this right now: this is not going to be paid work, as there’s no revenue involved. Anyway, here’s what I’m looking for:

    • 12-bit aesthetic; a pixel-art look with a color palette halfway between 8-bit and 16-bit.
    • A logo that plays on the idea of Robots (technological) vs. Knights (medieval).
    • Head-to-head graphics, i.e. something you’d see in a fighting game with the two characters staring each other down. I would need 18 characters drawn so that I could use them in Photoshop to create the match-up graphics and sigs for the competitors.

    I’m looking to start the competition up in mid-September; I realize that’s very soon, especially for non-paying work. But if anyone has ever been interested in getting involved with OC ReMix as a visual artist, this is a great way to do so. Send me an ask with some samples of your work if you’re interested.



    As many of you know, I have pretty high standards for artwork on my projects (albums and competitions). I'm looking for someone with a very strong sense of good design. This is more than just a "draw some pictures" gig.

  10. Hey everyone, glad to see people are excited about the compo, even if they won't be able to participate. I've updated the first post with more details about the competition. The format remains unchanged, but I've added a FAQ section that details some of the philosophy behind the format and the approach to collaboration this year.

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