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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I like having all-talk on. When team-talk is on, you never get any fun banter going, and it quickly degenerates into one guy (usually a pubbie) whining about how his team sucks and generally being a dickass. Having all-talk on prevents people from taking the game to the point where it ruins the fun for others.
  2. Wow, that's kind a jerky thing to say.
  3. Not necessarily; a 3D Prime remake could interfere with their bottom line, seen as competing with Other: M. Just be careful dude.
  4. Moseph saves a bot thread. Nice work.
  5. Because the screen didn't spin and blur before going into every battle?
  6. Please explain the similarities beyond the superficial "grand march with a triplet feel."
  7. Threads about video games belong in Community. ... :\
  8. Do not make multiple threads for a single WIP. Post any updates you make in one thread.
  9. Why on Earth did you make one thread for two completely unrelated topics? I've split your Uncharted 2 beta stuff into a new thread and renamed this one.
  10. Hey guys, episode 16 is out from TV-Nihon. I'm going to watch right now, but let's see if we can get some folks together tomorrow to watch altogether on a Skype-viewing party, maybe in the afternoon or something. It's a lot of fun when more people are on the chatline.
  11. It was originally released as an episodic game.
  12. Really enjoying After Years when I don't get stuck with a single character in my party. Ceodore rulezzzzz.
  13. You can't possibly be serious. Between this and the Left4Dead2 thread, I think I'm done with gamers. The whole point of Galaxy was not to "bring something refreshing and new." The whole point of Galaxy was to make a fun game. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a sequel to a very fun game, and that's a bad thing? Why does everything have to be BRAND NEW I'VE NEVER PLAYED ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE MY MIND IS BLOWN? What is so bad about more of a good thing?
  14. I really wish people would READ THE HANDS ON IMPRESSIONS that I linked. There's so much new stuff in L4D2. It's not an expansion, it's a sequel. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/06/01/left-4-dead-2-exclusive-rps-preview/
  15. Prior to the institution of the Rule of Two, the Sith went through an era where they modeled themselves as a dark reflection of the Jedi Order. It makes sense that they'd all dress the same; the Jedi were not known for individualistic fashion. If all the Jedi had their hoods up, they'd all look like clones too. There's nothing to really suggest that the Sith are clones. The Clone Army is really a Clone Wars plot point more than anything else, and this game takes place about 3700 years before the movies. Plus this is an MMO where you'll be able to play as a Sith. If they're all clones, well then what's the point of character customization? xD Don't read too much into the design of the dropships.
  16. "Aw man, if I'd have known that Valve was going to release Left4Dead 2 this Fall, I never would have bought Left4Dead and had a load of fun playing a co-op zombie shooter with my friends this past year. I guess all that fun I had was a total waste of my time and money!" How does Left4Dead 2 make Left4Dead obsolete? You can still play it and it still looks great. It's still fun. Just because the sequel comes out, nobody's going to play L4D anymore? People still play TFC. People still play Quake III. People will still play L4D. In droves. I'd also like to point out that while people keep citing TF2 as the free support model Valve should be following, TF2 is probably the ONLY game that Valve gives free updates for. Where is the official free Portal content update? What about Half-Life 2? Episode 1 wasn't much more than extra areas and some new enemies. Same with Episode 2. Why didn't they give that to us for free as a Half-Life 2 expansion pack? Is it just the time? Is it because it's coming out so soon? Aren't these the same people that complain about Valve taking forever to come out with new stuff? So now Valve gets a sequel to a very popular game out in about a year, and people are complaining? Honestly, there's no pleasing people.
  17. Left 4 Dead 2 isn't just a couple of new maps and some new weapons. They did a lot of work on the Director AI, there are four new playable characters, two new special infecteds, a massive amount of new dialogue, new gametype, etc. It's not just something you can tack on for free, or even for pay. It's a full blown sequel with some new mechanics. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/06/01/left-4-dead-2-exclusive-rps-preview/ And let's be serious here: they just put out a free content patch that completed the the first one (Dead Air/Blood Harvest in Versus Mode and the survival mode). That's it. It's a full game now. The problem with Valve is not that they're charging for this stuff; it's that they've somehow managed to spoil PC gamers EVEN MORE by giving them tons of free stuff.
  18. Except that they showed off tech demos of the technology working as they described it. The technology was there, right up on the stage.
  19. Other M will probably reference something in the story.
  20. I'm locking this. Speculation is pointless. All there is is a fake-looking C&D letter and the I-swear-it's-real testimony of project staffers. What a waste of time.
  21. Because it's a different kind of game? It's not like they're releasing FF7 and FF8 (which are both single-player RPGs) back to back. XIII and XIV are a single-player RPG and an online/MMO game; they don't really compete with each other.
  22. It wasn't mentioned as a PS3 exclusive. There was a little wordplay on Tretton's part; he said it would be playable only on the PS3 when it launches in 2010. It'll probably make its way to 360 and PC eventually, but PS3's going to get the initial release. It looks pretty cool; I'm interested in seeing more of it.
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