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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Please don't use chatspeak on the forums.

  2. Yeah I got pretty tired of hearing that one guy giving the same speech about infidels on every single street corner in every city.
  3. Why? Why? Tell 'em that it's human nature. RIP, MJ.
  4. Bump! Apparently for the first time ever, we're going to get a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai crossover, with Decade traveling to the "Shinken" world. Arrowned, can you post the list of Decade episodes that are "required viewing" so that people can get up to speed on it?
  5. No, that's not entirely true. Currently I run an Intel Core Duo 64-bit 3.0GHz processor with 4GB of RAM. However, I used to run a 950MHz AMD K6-2 with 1GB of RAM, which is what I used to make the majority of my posted remixes. If all you're going to do on your laptop is sequence using FLStudio, you should be okay if you're not doing any crazy electronica stuff, but if you're going to start recording, I'd recommend checking out some external soundcard modules or something (I don't really know about that stuff though, so someone else will have to help you with that). Also, please don't make generic thread titles. Thread titles should accurately reflect the topic of discussion.
  6. SNES emulation on PSP is crap.
  7. Most of the complaints about Pyros are the result of sour grapes. I can't think of a single other FPS where being set on fire is so prevalent and pervasive. A flamethrower isn't a gun, and people are not used to that kind of close-quarters, constant-stream-of-damage style of play, so they get pissed when a Pyro manages to get in close or flank and take them out very quickly by bringing the heat. People need to realize that this isn't CS or UT or Quake; this is TF2, and they will burn.
  8. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake
  9. Hey guys, if I happen to catch your spy-ass near our spawn trying to sap our shit and I don't fall for your Dead Ringer tactics and chase you down and burn you to death, that doesn't mean you get to get on the mic and whine about W+M1. Especially you're dead-last in points on the losing team. Be a better spy. Don't get caught.
  10. Great videos. As for the foolishness that was previously in this thread: I've moved it to Abuse. I'd like to ask that whoever started that crap (you know who you are) grow up and stop being such a moron. Also, don't post in this thread anymore.
  11. More ShinkenGold focus this week with Episode 18, that's just been released. Go get it!!!
  12. Not really a big deal that you don't care about the "BIG NAMES" but if you don't care for OCR, why are you here?
  13. Dave locked the other thread, might as well lock this too. OCR manages its own torrents.
  14. Merged to the proper thread. Please have a look around before making threads, and make sure to read stickies.
  15. And that's supposed to mean what? Seriously, please elaborate.
  16. This forum is for requesting video game remixes.
  17. It's not "treading the edge," it's outright admin abuse. "Melee only in the water" isn't a rule, and neither is "no shooting grenades through the hole in Pipeline 2 before round start." The rules for the server are discussed here and made here, in this thread, and we've never considered those issues or discussed making rules about them (and we don't need to). I don't think anyone that doesn't post in this thread to discuss issues should get Admin powers. I don't care if you idle in #ocrtf2, you need to be posting here, on this forum, in this thread. And come on, don't kick people off the server because they're dominating you. That's childish. Admin actions should always be taken for the good of the server (banning griefers, abusive micspammers, etc.), not for personal reasons (getting dominated, not conforming to your made up, undiscussed house rules, etc.).
  18. Just deleted a whole load of pointless posts. Pretty cool songs.
  19. Giving this a bump bump bump! Episode 17 is out and it's the debut of a new ranger! I've already watched it twice tonight! It's that good!!
  20. This may help you find remixes of certain types. It's not definitive, but it's a start. Favorites threads are not allowed. I'm renaming this to a more generic "Acoustic ReMixes" thread.
  21. Yeah I linked that in the TF2 thread a couple of months ago. Freakin' brilliant.
  22. Since your piece isn't an OCReMix and doesn't really have anything to do with OCReMix aside from being part of a contest hosted here, it'd probably be a better idea to change it.
  23. Nobody's going to laugh. We're all going to look at it, sigh disappointedly, and say "told you you guys shouldn't have said anything about it." It's project suicide to talk about a free 3D remake of a 3D game that's being re-released for the Wii in a couple of months. And if Nintendo C&Ds you guys, you can't just work on it in secret and release it afterwards, because they already sent you a C&D and you didn't comply, so they will hit you with legal action. And that will suck for both you guys and for us, because most of us would love to see your project completed. And you know what? It's not nice to tell people to "f off" when you have one post to your name and just joined the forum to defend your project. I wish you guys all the best, but if you're just coming here to not talk about OCR and join our community, then you can quit posting now and go back to your own private forums.
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