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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Arrangement is far to similar, but because of the weak attack on a lot of the brass samples, it lacks the driving momentum of the original. :\ I agree with Andy and Larry that you need to really step up the arrangement on this one; it's too much of an upgrade here. The sliced beats also sound ridiculously out of place, especially when you have no bassline to go along with it. NO
  2. Not bad at all; pretty kick-ass actually. My only complaint is string and brass samples; they sound really weak here. With all the other great sounds around (esp. the vox), you owe it to yourself to beef up the strings and brass a little. NO but it's an easy resub
  3. Well I can't speak for Dave personally, but even with such a potentially small audience, I would still think it'd be an issue. Bandwidth isn't free, and OCR isn't exactly made of money. Even small things like this could potentially be harmful, especially if it catches on. I dunno, maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.
  4. I'm also interested in extra content for remixes. I'd also love to see a separate "Artist's Notes" section where the artist themselves can provide some insight on their piece (we already see this to a certain degree in Dave's writeups, but perhaps artists could provide something more technical that wouldn't necessarily fit into the context of a write-up).
  5. I hope this isn't streaming songs for it's preview mode; bandwidth is expensive enough with downloads alone. We don't need people streaming songs off the servers every time they want to listen to a song on their Google Homepage.
  6. Don't post links to GH. Also, what's the premise of each project? Total soundtrack? Highlights? A more focused theme?
  7. Girls are scared of slimy things like frogs.
  8. I can get on board with this.
  9. What if the Judge's Panel had its own breakfast cereal? What would it be called? How would it taste? Would each Judge have their likeness molded out of whole-grain clusters? What say you, OCR?
  10. So a person should just visit every single remix page just to check if that tab is there?
  11. Dunno if most people here ever visit the WIP forum, but I remixed the Title Theme and Skytown. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12929
  12. Try updating your drivers. http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8185L
  13. Sounds like an issue with your network card and/or drivers. To be sure, does the problem only occur when you're actually RUNNING torrents? What kind of network card are you using? How many torrents are you running at a time? uTorrent, generally speaking, is one of the best BT clients out there in terms of stability, so it's probably not the program itself, but how your computer handles it. I've had similar issues with bt clients before, but in order to help you, I'll need more info.
  14. There's only room for one bhai-sahib on the panel, Mr. Prabhu. ¬_¬
  15. Went over this already, but they don't take your used crap. You buy brand new things for them.
  16. Agreed. Very mechanical. We are not robots! We are men of blood and bone! Seriously you need to give this some serious attention in terms of humanization. Get people to play it if you can. Like Larry said, there's no power there, no grace. It's like a player piano (sitting in a very reverby concert hall, I might add). Needs dynamics and humanization. NO
  17. Ahhh, Bossa Nova. One of my favorite genres. Nobody'd better accuse me of bossabias though. > Love the groove, love the vibes. Percussion is also nailed to the wall. Nice. Would have preferred less snare hit though; rim-shot would have been nicer. Also, not feeling the B3 organ. It's out of place, especially since this already has a piano in it. A minor gripe. YES but not because of bossabias
  18. Don't you just hate when that happens? I often listen to pieces like this and am on the edge of my seat waiting for those sizzling hats and rim-shots to come in and wreak havoc. It never happens and I end up with my butt having fallen asleep. Kudos on doing your stuff by ear, but you gotta take things to the next level with your arrangement. You started off alright, but all that building up never really paid off. There's a lot of atmosphere in this piece, but not much else. I can skip around the piece and not really know whether I'm in the beginning, the middle, or the end. There's not much in the way of variation here. You've got to utilize more ideas and bring more variation to the mix. NO
  19. This feels so cookie-cutter and generic, not to mention empty. There's simply not enough going on to build an interesting texture here. There's a severe lack of harmonic support for more than half the mix. You need to move beyond the generic fills and builds of the mid-90s and sophisticate your arrangement and sound design a little more. This just isn't cutting it. NO
  20. You're allowed to have more than one mix on the panel at a time, so long as you're following the Wait-3-Weeks rule for submissions. In any case, this is a wicked piece of music. I really love the crazy level of energy here. Nice job. I do agree that it's too liberal though, for the reasons that Andy and Larry mentioned, so I'm going to say NO. Don't get discouraged, and you feel like it, please tweak this and resub. It'd be cool to have it on OCR eventually.
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