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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Merged favorite villain thread into this. Normally fave threads aren't allowed, BloodyL. Try not to make any more.
  2. Is there anything better than ball lightning? I mean seriously, I love love love ball lightning.
  3. I have no idea if officially translated comics exist. I wonder if there's a big scanslation community in japan for American comics like there is over here for manga.
  4. Let's go with Black/White 1 music for now. For Smash Bros. I'd really like it if people remixed the music that was original to Smash (like Brawl's Main theme), but stage themes (i.e. songs from other games) are okay too.
  5. I buy a majority of DC's currently published ongoings. I have neither the time, the money, nor the inclination to follow another huge superhero universe. I know that if I start buying Marvel events, I'll buy Marvel ongoings. It's a slippery slope that I'm not interested in going down. The Ultimate line is more manageable in that there are only three ongoing books, and it's all much more cohesive and tightly constructed. That said, $3.99 price-points on 32pg books prevents me from actually buying Ultimate books monthly; I buy the hardcover collections for cheap on Amazon.
  6. Ultimate Captain America takes place in a completely different continuity, FYI. Captain America there is a bit different; harder, kind of a jackass sometimes, but still a good heart. Also I've never actually READ Brubaker's Captain America series, so I'm just recommending what everyone else says is really good. The entirety of my Marvel reading is confined to the Ultimate line, which I enjoy immensely.
  7. Hi guys. So there's this fighting game tournament called Apex that happens every year in New Jersey. It's quite big and is, as I am told, the biggest Super Smash Bros. event in the country, though they have a lot of other games as well. The folks running the event have asked if we could do something for them, so we've decided to put together a small album featuring remixes from the games that will be featured at the tournament. These remixes will be played on the streams and used as the "official" songs for the event. I'll be taking point because the event is happening right in my backyard (i.e. near Rutgers University). The games are: Soul Calibur V Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Mortal Kombat 9 Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros Melee [RadioWar - Break the Targets] Super Smash Bros Brawl Pokemon White/Black 2 So here's what I'd like. I'm going to run this audition style. If you want to claim a track, send me a one minute sketch/WiP of your idea for your remix and I will decide which one I like the best. I want to lock down who's doing everything by July 1st. Stylistically, the songs should be high energy; no sad-piano or introspective-orchestra. Electronic/rock groove-oriented mixes are preferred. Audition tracks should be posted here. You can audition for more than one game, but you can only send one track PER game. Sound good? Apex 2013 is early next year (Jan/Feb) so this is going to be a very quick moving project. If you have any questions about Apex, one of the Apex guys is going to be posting in this thread. Let's hear what you guys have to offer. Thanks.
  8. Ed Brubaker's run on Captain America is considered top-tier, character defining stuff. Here's the omnibus of the first 25 issues in one book.
  9. Loved the arrangement back during WCRG, but other Js are right on production crits. Need to take a hard look at your mixing choices and rebalance and EQ instruments. Really need this arrangement on OCR. Let's get it cleaned up and resubbed. NO, resub
  10. That squawking lead is awful. xD Arrangement is pretty good; great melding of themes all throughout, really creative. Drum sequencing is great, but the rest of the soundscape isn't anything to write home about. Something about your sound choices really kills the energy in this piece for me. The lead is also a weird sound choice and not expressive enough. Sounds like it's going through the motions. Not bad, needs work. NO, resub
  11. Young Justice is also very good and is certainly not just for kids.
  12. Enjoying it so far, but then again I always play ranged classes in games. It's nice being able to throw down Caltrops and fire off Engtangling Shots while Vaulting all over the place. Sometimes you really feel untouchable. Than again, I'm playing on NORMAL and I'm not really too far in the game; I only played a few hours last night and got to level 11. I'm looking forward to getting into the more dangerous stuff where actually staying alive feels like an accomplishment in and of itself. EDIT: oh I also want to echo that it's really nice to be able to respec your talents/skills practically on the fly. Also it feels like the variety of skills has less to do with maxing out damage output and more about tailoring your class to a specific play style that you will enjoy. I still need to unlock a lot of skills but I find myself really enjoying what certain ones have to offer over others, even if they may be weaker.
  13. While I practice Dragon Style in real life, in-game I am playing Demon Hunter.
  14. I got it for free so I don't care that much. It's a good game. Just ran around a bit with some friends from work. GOOD TIMES MAN.
  15. The action choreography in the latest episode was incredibly good. Lin Beifong and Korra teaming up? Holy crap.
  16. Alright so it's may and some of the Second Wave titles are out. I haven't read Dial H for hero but I picked up Earth 2 and World's Finest and I have to say that these are some seriously good books. Earth 2 in particular is absolutely incredible. There's a great twist that sets up the premise of the world and the motivations for many of the characters, and Nicola Scott's art is like just brilliant. World's Finest is a fun set up for a buddy-book, with Huntress's and Powergirl's contrasting personalities. Really excited about this one.
  17. We consider them games. Feel free to submit remixes of music from visual novels (ero or otherwise).
  18. I will admin if you need. I've been wanting to get back into TF2.
  19. Epic Games is having their 20th anniversary this year, and to celebrate, they've released an album of 20 tracks from their games. They are original sound versions, not remixes, but still, pretty cool. Check it out.
  20. I am here. Sorry, I had a long weekend (went down to Atlanta for Larry's wedding). Music will go up TONIGHT.
  21. EQ/compression isn't great but it's nothing worth crying over. Nice performance, and the arrangement sufficiently rocks out. Modulation around 1:40ish is risky, but I think it works. Love the texture change at 2:18; pieces that rock out need sections like this to break things up and keep things fresh. Great performance, nice arrangement. Solid stuff. Let's post it! YES
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